A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1815 Beauty asks for help

Lu Fei made tea, and Evelin introduced Caroline to Lu Fei.

"Mr. Lu Fei, this is my best friend, Caroline."

"Last time, your company's first auction, the final jade jewelry, was the one that Caroline asked me to take."

"Also, Caroline is a big fan of yours!"

Caroline stood up, reached out her hand and said with a smile.

"Hello Mr. Lu."

"I follow your news regularly in the UK."

"Especially the two treasure fighting conferences left a deep impression on me."

"Last time I had something to do and I couldn't make it to Hong Kong Island to meet you. Today I finally met you. Caroline is very honored."

"Hello, Ms. Caroline, I have long admired you."

"Tea please!"

The three of them sat down and Lu Fei said.

"You two came to me late at night, and it must have been more than just drinking tea and chatting."

"If you have anything, please tell me."

Caroline nodded and said.

"Mr. Lu, I do have something to see you for."

"It would be presumptuous of me to bother you when we meet for the first time."

Caroline gave her a look, and Evelin nodded and left the study.

After a while, he handed a painting tube to Caroline.

"I brought you a small gift this time. I hope Mr. Lu likes it."

Lu Fei didn't answer and said with a smile.

"Ms. Caroline, you are too kind."

"There is a saying in China that no reward will be received without merit."

"Please tell me if you have anything to say, and I will try my best to help if I can."


"Then I'll tell you straight."

Caroline took out a drawing from her bag and handed it to Lu Fei.

"Mr. Lu, take a look at this first."

Lu Fei opened the drawing, which showed the designs of two pieces of jewelry.

On top is a necklace.

Thin chain, ring shape, pendant in the shape of an eight-pointed star,

The design is quite beautiful.

Below is a brooch.

This brooch is not small in size, eighteen centimeters in length.

The pattern is a half-open lily with a butterfly.

After reading it, Lu Fei put down the drawing and asked.

"Ms. Caroline, what do you mean by asking me to see this?"

"Mr. Lu, to be honest, one of my elders' birthday is approaching."

"The necklace and brooch on the drawing are gifts I plan to give to my elders."

"After Evelin brought the jade jewelry back, my elders became obsessed with this emerald green gemstone."

"So, I plan to use jade as the main material for the two pieces of jewelry in the drawing."

Lu Fei frowned upon hearing this.

"The design on the drawings is very cumbersome."

“Some of the parts are quite detailed.”

"It's too difficult to make it with jade."

"I'm afraid it would be difficult for an average master to do it."

"I suggest you that it's best to make it out of metal."

Caroline nodded and said.

"Mr. Lu, you hit the nail on the head. This is what I want to ask you for."

"Originally, I planned to make this set of jewelry with metal and diamonds, and my elder was very satisfied with the design after seeing it."

"But when she saw my jade necklace, she changed her mind and asked me to make these two pieces of jewelry with jade."

"This elder is very important to me and I don't want to let her down."

"In the past month, I have found many jade carving masters."

"But when these masters saw the design drawings, they said they were powerless."

"Those masters said that the only one in China who can make this set of jewelry is Master Yue Qifeng."

"However, when we found Master Yue's information with full sincerity,

At that time, the old man refused. "

"I know that Mr. Lu has a close relationship with Mr. Yue. I would like to ask Mr. Lu for help and ask Mr. Yue to help me make these two pieces of jewelry."

"As for the processing fee, I will never treat him badly." Caroline said.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"Ms. Caroline, to be honest, judging from the design drawings, this set of jewelry is too difficult to process."

"Even if we can do it, we can't guarantee that there won't be mistakes in the production process." .??.

"Good jade material is valuable. If you make a mistake, it will not only affect the reputation of the master, but also the loss of material will be quite costly."

"It's understandable that Mr. Yue disagrees."

Caroline stood up, bowed to Lu Fei and said seriously.

"Mr. Lu, I know it's difficult to make."

"But I really don't want to disappoint my elders."

"Can you please discuss this with Mr. Yue?"

"I'm not afraid of making mistakes. Any lost materials are all mine."

"As long as he can complete it within fifty days, I will be very grateful."


"Ms. Caroline, you don't have to be so polite. Please sit down."

"To be honest, I do have a good relationship with Mr. Yue."

"I also understand Mr. Yue better."

"He disagreed, not only because of the cumbersome process, but more importantly because of his reputation as an old man."

"In case of failure, Master Yue's reputation will be greatly reduced."

"Reputation cannot be measured by money for masters of their level."

"Also, Yue is old and it will be difficult for him to complete it within fifty days. I guess he doesn't want to take risks!" Lu Fei said.

"Mr. Lu, I can assure you."

"Whether it's successful or not, I have absolutely no complaints."

"Moreover, I will never go outside to talk nonsense, let alone affect the

The reputation of Mr. Yue. "

"I also promise that even if it cannot be completed or fails, I will pay the remuneration as agreed and I will never go back on my word."

"Mr. Lu, this elder of mine is really important to me."

"Can you please help me?"

"If you don't even help me, there is really no hope."


"Mr. Lu, please!"

"Please help me discuss it with Mr. Yue. Even if he doesn't agree in the end, Caroline will be extremely grateful to you."

"If you visit London one day, Caroline will treat you warmly and never break your promise."


Speaking of this, Caroline's sapphire eyes filled with tears.

His face was pious and pitiful.

If a little puppy saw this scene, he would be heartbroken to death.

Lu Fei thought for a while and finally nodded.

"All right!"

"For the sake of your filial piety, I can help you discuss this with Mr. Yue."

"But I can't guarantee whether he is willing to take this job."

Caroline was pleasantly surprised.

"Mr. Lu, are you telling the truth?"

"Don't worry, I, Lu Fei, will definitely do what I promised."

Caroline was so excited that she gave Lu Fei a big hug.

When he let go, he kissed Lu Fei on the face, which made Lu Fei nervous for a while.

"Thank you Mr. Lu, thank you very much."

"This is my gift to you, please accept it."

"Okay, then I'm welcome."

"At this time, Mr. Yue has already rested."

"I'll look for him again tomorrow morning."

"Whether Mr. Yue agrees, I will definitely give you a reply before noon."

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