A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1816 Heroine

Lu Fei agreed, and Caroline was grateful and hugged him again.

This behavior that the foreigner took for granted made Lu Fei's face turn red.

"Mr. Lu, this is my personal phone number."

"If there is any news, please inform me as soon as possible."

"But can you please not give my number to anyone else?"

"no problem!"

"thank you."

"And my gift, please accept it."


"Then I would rather obey your orders than be respectful."

It was almost twelve o'clock when things were done.

Lu Fei personally sent the two ladies downstairs.

Normally at this time, except for the brothers on duty, everyone else would have already fallen asleep.

But today was an exception. Not only were the two eldest young men and Zhang Jianguo here, but the brothers who had rested before also got up.

Everyone stared eagerly at the second floor. As for why, it was Sima Zhao's heart.

The three of them went downstairs, and the two young men hurriedly greeted them.

"Miss Caroline, we are having a barbecue, why don't we sit down and have a drink together?" the little naughty dog ​​asked coquettishly.

"Thank you Mr. Di. It's very late. Let's go back first."


Saying goodbye, the little puppy took the initiative to open his arms.

But Caroline didn't show any respect and just nodded slightly.

This hurt the little puppy's self-esteem a lot.

Even though she ignored the puppy, Caroline took the initiative to hug Lu Fei.

"Thank you again, respected Mr. Lu Fei."

"I won't disturb your rest. Goodbye."

"Be careful on the road, bye!"

Watching Caroline get into the car and leave, the little puppy's expression turned uglier than after eating bitter melon.

Lu Fei picked up a chicken wing from the oven and turned into the living room, and the two young men quickly chased after him.

"Brother, what did you do with Caroline just now?"



"The way my goddess looks at you is wrong."

"There must be something wrong with you two."

"Get out!"

"Brother, don't threaten me. I'm not afraid this time."

"If you don't tell me clearly, I will tell my sister-in-law tomorrow."


"Hey, you're good to go!"

"Don't laugh, I'm serious this time."

"Even if you hit me, I will still say it."


"I'll tell you."

"They come to me just to ask for my help."

"Please help me?"

"What help?"

"Ask Mr. Yue to make a piece of jewelry."

"that's it?"

"Believe it or not, get out!"

Lu Fei went upstairs, and the little puppy was still thinking about Lu Fei's words.

After thinking about it, the little puppy slapped his forehead hard and squatted down regretfully.

"Brother Long, what's wrong with you?"

"It's ruined, it's ruined!"

"If I had known she was looking for Mr. Yue to do something, I could have helped her solve it!"

"If my wife says anything, Mr. Yue will definitely give her face."

"My brother has gone too far. Such a good opportunity to get along with the goddess was wasted."

"I am so angry"

Back in the study, Lu Fei opened the painting tube.

Inside is a paper scroll.

Seeing that the decoration was mostly from the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, Lu Fei was somewhat disappointed.

But when he unfolded the scroll and saw the picture, Lu Fei's eyes emitted two rays of light.

This painting is about one and a half feet square, and is made with colors on paper.

The picture shows a female general in a silver helmet, riding on a maroon war horse.

The female general is wearing a red hero's hat, holding the reins in her left hand, and holding a silver spear in her right hand.

The gun tassels were flying, and the gun seedlings pointed toward the southeast with cold light.

Looking further at her face, the female general’s sword-shaped eyebrows were raised, her almond-shaped eyes were wide-open.

Angry and majestic, showing the majesty of a woman.

The maroon horse was sweating profusely under its crotch, but its eyes were filled with murderous intent.

The four hooves kicked off the dust and flew into the air, with the potential to soar into the clouds and ride in the mist.

The composition of the whole picture is perfect, and the painting work is impeccable.

It vividly embodies the majesty of the general, the murderous spirit of the weapons and the spirit of the war horses.

On the right side of the screen are four large vertical characters in running script: Heroine.

The Chinese civilization has been passed down for five thousand years and there are countless female generals.

However, heroes such as Hua Mulan and Mu Guiying are just fictional characters, and there is no clear record in the historical annals.

According to historical records, there is only one female general who has been passed down through the ages and is worthy of the four words heroine.

That is the ever-victorious female general in the late Ming Dynasty, the loyal lord Qin Liangyu.

Qin Liangyu, whose courtesy name is Zhensu, is a fellow villager with Lu Fei, and his ancestral home is Bashu.

Qin Liangyu was courageous and intelligent, good at riding and shooting, and good at writing articles. His posture was quiet and elegant.

He marched and managed the troops and gave strict orders. The troops he led were known as "white pole soldiers" and were famous far and wide.

In the twenty-seventh year of Wanli, Yang Yinglong made trouble in Bozhou.

Qin Liangyu's husband, Shi Zhu, the Xuanfu envoy, Ma Qiancheng, led 3,000 people to accompany Li Hualong on the expedition. Qin Liangyu led 500 elite troops to escort the grain and grass, and guarded Dunkan with his deputy Zhou Guozhu.

In the twenty-eighth year of Wanli, Yang Yinglong's army took advantage of Li Hualong's army to hold a banquet in the camp and launched an attack.

Qin Liangyu and her husband defeated him first, and then pursued the victory and successively attacked seven camps including Jin Zhuguan.

Later, he assisted various officers and soldiers in Youyang to capture Sangmuguan and defeated Yang Yinglong's army. Qin Liangyu was the first in military merit on the Nanchuan Road. However, after Yang Yinglong was defeated and died, Qin Liangyu did not report his military merit.

In the forty-first year of Wanli, Ma Qiancheng was falsely accused by eunuch Qiu Chengyun and died of illness in Yunyang prison. Qin Liangyu took Ma Qiancheng's position on his behalf.

In the first year of Taichang, Hou Jin invaded Liaodong, and the imperial court ordered Qin Liangyu to send troops to assist.

Qin Liangyu sent his elder brother Qin Bangping and younger brother Qin Minping to lead thousands of people to go first.

The imperial court gave Qin Liangyu the attire of a third-rank official and appointed Qin Bangping as the capital official.

Qian Shu, Qin Minping was on guard.

In the seventh year of Chongzhen, Zhang Xianzhong captured Kuizhou, an important town in eastern Sichuan. Qin Liangyu arrived with his army, but Zhang Xianzhong was so frightened that he left without fighting.

In the thirteenth year of Chongzhen, Zhang Xianzhong and Luo Rucai rebelled again, and Luo Rucai led his troops to attack Kuizhou.

Qin Liangyu led his army there, but Luo Rucai left without fighting. Qin Liangyu pursued him to Majiazhai, defeated Luo Rucai, and beheaded six hundred people.

Qin Liangyu led his army to pursue again, and defeated the enemy troops successively at Liumaya, Tanjiaping Beishan, and Xiansiling. He killed their leader Dongshan Hu and captured the deputy Taotian alive. Prime Minister Hui Deng and Wang Guangen surrendered and captured Luo Rucai's flag. Luo Rucai The army gradually declined.

In the same year, Yang Sichang invited himself as the supervisor to go to Sichuan to suppress the bandits.

Yang Sichang advocated the strategy of driving the thieves into Sichuan and mobilized the elites of Bashu to join Chu.

Shao Jiechun, the governor of Bashu, led 20,000 old and weak soldiers to guard Chongqing. The only generals he relied on were Zhang Ling and Qin Liangyu.

However, Shao Jiechun did not fight for the mountains and dangers, and defended passively. He asked Qin Liangyu to set up defenses thirty or forty miles near Chongqing, and sent Zhang Ling to guard Huangniwa.

Qin Liangyu lamented to Lu Xuzhi, the magistrate of Mianzhou who had resigned, and pointed out the shortcomings of this kind of defense, and felt ashamed to die in battle with Shao Jiechun.

Soon, Shao Jiechun moved his camp to Dachang, and the supervisor Wan Yuanji also stationed troops in Wushan, echoing Qin Liangyu.

In October, Zhang Xianzhong defeated the official army at Guanyinyan and Sanhuangling, and then crossed the Yangtze River from Shangma to march. Qin Liangyu and Zhang Lingji led their troops to block the attack at Zhuruiping, defeating the vanguard of the rebel army.

However, Zhang Ling died in battle soon. Qin Liangyu went to rescue him but failed, and the battle failed again. Almost all 30,000 of his men died in the battle.

Qin Liangyu then asked to see Shao Jiechun alone and suggested that he use his 20,000 Xidong soldiers to defeat the rebel army. He was willing to pay half of the food and salary, and the other half needed government support.

However, Shao Jiechun and Yang Sichang did not get along, and there was no ready food in the warehouse, so he refused.

At that time, thirteen clans of thieves, including Shake Tiandong and Huanglong, were rampant in Bashu.

There was a man named Qin Zuanxun, a member of Qin Liangyu's clan, who acted as an spy for the bandits. After being captured, he killed the jailer and escaped.

Liangyu captured him and handed him over to the government, and none of his men escaped.

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