A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1817 Don’t slap me in the face

In the 16th year of Chongzhen, Zhang Xianzhong captured Wuchang, executed Chu King Zhu Huakui, and led his troops to invade Bashu again.

Qin Liangyu presented the situation of the whole Bashu to Governor Chen Shiqi and suggested sending troops to guard thirteen passes, but Chen Shiqi did not use them. Qin Liangyu asked Liu Zhibo, the patrol commander, who agreed with Qin Liangyu's plan, but had no troops to send.

In the seventeenth year of Chongzhen's reign, Zhang Xianzhong led his army to march straight in and invaded Kuizhou again. Qin Liangyu led his army to rescue, but was outnumbered and defeated.

After Zhang Xianzhong captured Jincheng, Qin Liangyu said to his subordinates: "Both of my brothers died in battle, and I am a woman who has been favored by the country for twenty years. At this point, I still dare to be at odds with the thieves!"

Therefore, Qin Liangyu divided his troops to guard the Shidi territory. Zhang Xianzhong went everywhere to recruit the Bashu chieftains to surrender, but he did not dare to come to Shidi.

In the third year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Longwu Zhu Yujian, who was far away in Fujian, sent an envoy to Shizhu to confer the title of Taibao of Qin Liangyu and the Taibao of the Crown Prince, and the title of Marquis of Zhongzhen.

At the same time, Emperor Yongli Zhu Youlang, who was in the southwest, conferred the title of Taifu on Prince Qin Liangyu, and appointed him as the envoy of Bashu. He also used General Zhendong to supervise the troops and pacify the thieves in Sichuan.

In the second year of Yongli's reign, Zhu Rongfan of the Ming Dynasty claimed to be the supervisor of the country in Zhongzhou and sent envoys to collect grain from Qin Liangyu. Qin Liangyu did not respond, so Zhu Rongfan sent troops to attack. Qin Liangyu asked Li Zhanchun for help, and Zhu Rongfan retreated.

Qin Liangyu died on May 20th at the age of seventy-five.

This is the legendary life of this famous female war goddess through the ages.

A female streamer guarded Bashu for decades with her fierce loyalty and weapons.

Even Zhang Xianzhong, the king of the Great West, was frightened by the news. Such a female hero is rare throughout the ages and will surely be famous for generations to come.

In the 18th year of Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty, Zhuang Tinglong published "History of the Ming Dynasty", triggering the largest literary prison in the Qing Dynasty.

This three-year catastrophe resulted in countless casualties, and no history or objects related to the Ming Dynasty were spared.

But the only exception is Qin Liangyu's ancestral portraits and statues.

Emperor Shunzhi and Emperor Kangxi respected Qin Liangyu's loyalty, bravery and prowess in battle, and granted him amnesty and protection.

Not only that, Emperor Kangxi also collected a wooden sculpture of Qin Liangyu.

This is not a precedent for respecting the generals of the previous dynasty.

But such respect for the female generals of the previous dynasty is enough to be recorded in history.

There is a blank space at the bottom of the screen to inscribe four poems.

The first song: Learn the Eight Formations of Xichuan, holding military talismans in Yuanyang's sleeves.

The reason is that if a woman is willing to accept it, why should the general be her husband?

The second song: The Shu brocade robe is made by itself, and the peach blossoms are about to grow their tassels.

There are so many amazing men in the world, but who is willing to travel thousands of miles on the battlefield?

The third song: Sleeping in the open air and eating in the wind, vowing not to say goodbye, drinking blood instead of rouge.

The song of Kaige is about to be replaced by Qingpingqu, not when Zhaojun comes out of the fortress.

The last song is: Sweep the Huns with a broom, and the whole group cheers.

Take a look at his Nian Lin Pavilion. Dan Qing first paints pictures of beauties.

On the left side of the four poems is a bell seal "Chongzhen Tianbao."

With this square seal, this is awesome.

Chongzhen Tianbao is the seal of Zhu Youjian, the last emperor of the Ming Dynasty, Chongzhen Emperor.

The four poems were all composed by Emperor Chongzhen and had their own inscriptions.

This is the only authentic work of Emperor Chongzhen so far.

On the left side of the screen, there is a crane-shaped sign composed of the numbers "March 19".

Seeing the crane-shaped signature, the author of this painting is ready to be revealed.

This is the authentic work of Zhu Da, a famous painter from the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, Bada Shanren.

In addition to Zhu Da's signature, there are also seven bell seals, all from the sealing madman Qianlong.

Put it all together and the painting is amazing.

For hundreds of years, there have been many ancestral halls with statues of Qin Liangyu.

But only two portraits have been handed down.

The first picture is the authentic work of Zhu Da in front of Lu Fei.

The other is an oil painting of Qin Liangyu painted by Lang Shining, a court painter of the Qing Dynasty.

It's a pity that Yuanmingyuan Hao

During the catastrophe, both paintings disappeared and their whereabouts are still unknown.

Lu Fei was lucky to see one of them today.

Moreover, this painting has special meaning to Lu Fei.

Lu Fei is from Bashu, and Qin Liangyu is a heroine from Bashu. Invisibly, his weight in Lu Fei's heart has increased a bit.

To be honest, Lu Fei's mood when he saw this painting was no less than when he saw "The Friendship of the Eight Worshipers".

Equally excited.

After looking at it for a while, he found that the frame was damaged in two places. Lu Fei took out his tools and repaired it immediately.

After working on it until two o'clock in the morning, it was finally done.

Putting the painting away carefully, Lu Fei sighed in his heart, it seems that Caroline's family is not simple!

I will go to England in a while and find an opportunity to have more contact with this girl.

If there is a chance to get more good things, it will be a worthwhile trip.

After everything was packed up, it was already half past two in the morning, but Lu Fei was not sleepy at all.

The day was wonderful enough.

Meeting Jin'er brother and sister and getting a famous painting were enough to make Lu Fei sleepless with excitement.

Since he couldn't sleep anyway, Lu Fei simply put on his coat and came to the courtyard.

Lu Fei smiled when he got outside.

Being so excited, the two eldest young men did not rest.

The two brothers were guarding the oven, drinking and cursing themselves.

Empty wine bottles were scattered on the ground next to him, and Wang Xinlei couldn't hold his tongue straight.

"Long, Brother Long, you are absolutely right."

"As a brother, I admire Brother Fei."

"But sometimes, he does go a little too far."

"At the very least, I won't be angry if he fails my sister."

"If I couldn't beat him, I would have to kill him."


"Your sister and my brother don't know whether they are clear or not. Even they themselves don't understand, so don't worry about it."\u003c


"However, what he did tonight was indeed a bit excessive."

"He has a sister-in-law, and he's even hooking up with Caroline."

"Xiao Yao, you don't know that Caroline is as simple as a blank piece of paper and has no defense against others."

"My dear brother flirts with her with flirtatious glances, and that girl is absolutely uncontrollable."


"Whoever, whoever f**king hits me, stand still."


"Brother, are you still awake?"

"Are you still thinking about my goddess Caroline?"


"I was wrong, dear brother, don't hit me, don't slap me in the face."

At six o'clock in the morning, a loud wake-up call sounded in the villa.

Jin'er opened her eyes drowsily, shook her head and said to herself.

"Strange, what is this sound?"


"This is the wake-up call for the Chinese Army."

"Some time ago, your brother and I lived in the military zone for three months. I was used to getting up when I heard the morning number."

"Your brother was worried that I wouldn't adapt, so he also installed this program in the villa." Chen Xiang said with a smile.


"Sister-in-law, you are so happy!"

"I didn't expect my brother to be so caring!"


"Jin'er, what's wrong with you?"

"Sister-in-law, tell me, I wasn't dreaming last night, right?"

"of course not?"

"So, Lu Fei is my biological brother?"


"Sister-in-law, please take your time to get dressed, I'm going out first!"

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

"I have to go out and take a look. I'm worried that my brother has run away again!"


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