A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1818 Got caught again

Jin'er rushed downstairs wearing pajamas and disheveled hair.

Seeing Lu Fei, he threw himself into his arms.

He pinched his nose, pinched his cheeks, and twisted his arms for a long time, which made Lu Fei dumbfounded.

"Jin'er, what are you doing?"

"Brother, do you feel pain?" ??



"My good sister, please be gentle, your brother and I are also made of flesh and blood!"

"It hurts."

"Brother, are you in pain?"

"How fresh!"

"If you pinch me so hard, will it not hurt?"

"So, I'm not dreaming."

"Are you really my biological brother?"

"Of course!"



"I'm not dreaming, I really have a brother!"


"You're such a big girl, don't be so naughty."

"Hurry up and change your clothes and wash up."

"Oh, I'll go right away."

"You are not allowed to run?"

"No, I'll let your sister-in-law take you around the villa later."


Jin'er jumped upstairs to wash up, and Lu Fei returned to the room and dialed Yue Qifeng's phone.

"Boy, why are you looking for me so early?"

"Good thing!"


"You didn't come to see me during the New Year, how can you do anything good?" Yue Qifeng said.


"I really want to see you, I have to go too!"

"Nothing else, I really have something to do with you."

"Let me ask you, did two foreign girls come to you some time ago and ask you to make jade accessories like a necklace and a brooch?" Lu Fei asked.

"That's right!"

"How do you know this?"

"You're not going to have an spy around me, are you?"


"You're worrying too much, I don't have that much time."

"I ask you, foreign girl is looking for you, why do you

Didn't agree? Lu Fei asked.

"I have been practicing swordsmanship for many years. If you, Huang Shiren, hadn't forced me to come out, I would have given up my career long ago."

"I am now focused on my little grandson."

"As long as you don't come to me, I won't take on anyone else's work."

"No time." Yue Qifeng said.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"I think it's not that you don't answer, but you don't dare to answer, right?"


"There is no job in the world that I dare not take. I just don't want to serve it."

"Pull him down!"

"I have seen the drawings. The designs of the two pieces of jewelry are complicated and the craftsmanship requirements are quite difficult."

"The most terrible thing is that there is only a fifty-day construction period. You can't do it at all, so you don't dare to agree, right?"

"What you say works well in front of others, but it doesn't make sense here."


"The design of those two pieces of jewelry is indeed complicated, but completing it within fifty days is not a problem at all."

"I just don't want to do it."


"Wait a moment!"

"What did you say?"

"Have you seen the drawings?"

"So, those two foreign girls found you?" Yue Qifeng asked.


"Don't talk about this yet."

"You just admitted that you can do it and you can complete it within the specified time."

"Then this task will be left to you."

"I will send someone to deliver the materials to you today, and the drawings will be sent to you immediately."

"Just deliver the goods within forty-five days. I'll ask the foreign girl to come over to you to sign the contract tomorrow."


When Yue Qifeng heard this, he almost vomited blood.

After all, he was still surrounded by the damn rags.

"Lu Fei, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"When did I agree?"

"I won't do it."

"Old man, can you calm down a little bit?"

"You must accept this order. Don't forget that you promised me fifteen works in Yangcheng. Now there are only nine works left."

"This set of jewelry counts as one piece. You must return this favor."


"Lu Fei, you, you are shameless."

"I have done so much for you before, so I have already paid back the favor, okay?"

"Old man, can you please be reasonable?"

"Before, we were all cooperating, and there was no talk of returning favors."

"I remember it clearly for you. If you don't believe me, can I help you sort it out?"

"You, your uncle's!"

"Hey, old man, you have always been a highly respected and educated person in my eyes. Why do you even say dirty words to me?"

"I'm really disappointed with you!" Lu Fei said.

"You, hum!"

"Lu Fei, let me ask you, what is your relationship with those two foreign girls?"


"to be honest!"

"All right!"

"I have nothing to do with them."

"But it will probably help me in the future."

"Can you do me a favor?" Lu Fei said.


"However, this set of jewelry counts as two pieces."

"It's done, I still owe you seven more."

"If you don't agree, I won't do it."


"Two is two."

"Tomorrow I will ask them to sign a contract with you, and you can negotiate the processing fee yourself!"


"Just ask someone to send me the materials and pass me the drawings."

"I don't want any processing fees."

"In case you don't admit it in the future." Yue Qifeng said.

"Old man, am I so despicable in your eyes?"


"You kid think better than me

And despicable. "

"That's it, I don't want to talk to you."

"Hey, hello"


"This stubborn old man is quite interesting!"

After ending the call, Lu Fei immediately dialed Caroline's number.

The phone rang several times before the girl's lazy voice came from inside.

Needless to say, this girl isn’t even out of bed yet!


"Who are you?"

"Ms. Caroline, I am Lu Fei."


"Mr. Lu Fei, hello, hello."

"Sorry, I didn't see it was your number!"

"I'm so sorry." Caroline said nervously.

"Ms. Caroline, did my phone call disturb your rest?"

"No no?"

"Is there any news from Master Yue?"

"What did his old man say?"

"Congratulations, Ms. Caroline, Master Yue Qifeng has agreed."


"Great, thank you so much, Mr. Lu Fei." Caroline said excitedly.

"Don't be too quick to thank me, there are some things I want to explain to you."

"Lao Yue suggested that the main material of the brooch be glass Zhengyang Manlu."

"Use platinum for the edges."

"The accessories are made of royal purple jade, emerald, ruby, yellow diamond, etc."

"This kind of matching can more perfectly show the nobility of the brooch."

"I just don't know. Do you have these materials?" Lu Fei asked.


"I can buy yellow diamonds and rubies, but I don't have emeralds!"

"What should I do?" Caroline said regretfully.

"It doesn't matter. You're lucky."

"I just have all the materials I need."

"If you agree, let's meet and discuss the price."

"I'm OK!"

"Thank you so much."

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