A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1822 My brother is so awesome

They stayed at the gate of Phoenix Villa all night, but it turned out that Lu Feiren was in Jincheng, and the old men were furious.

Qian Guomin pointed at Zhang Jianguo and shouted.

"You bastard, why didn't you tell me earlier that Lu Fei wasn't here?"


Zhang Jianguo was so worried that he almost cried. However, he could not afford to offend Qian Guomin, so he had to apologize repeatedly.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Qian, it's my fault."

"Calm down, the weather in Hong Kong is hot and it's easy to get angry!" ??

"Also, since you know where our boss is, I advise you to find him quickly."

"Our boss's whereabouts are unpredictable. If he arrived late, he may have moved again."


"That makes sense!"

"I won't argue with you today. Next time, I will slap you with my big mouth."

"Lao Li, let's go to Jincheng."

Seeing the elderly Rangers turn around and leave, Zhang Jianguo breathed a sigh of relief and immediately reported to Lu Fei.

In the courtyard of Jincheng Food Factory, Lu Fei and Chen Xiang take Jin'er to pursue their childhood memories.

"Jin'er, do you still remember whose house this is?"

"Can not remember."

"Before this, it was Uncle Sun's house."

"Their youngest son Huzi has been bullied by you since he was a child!"

"At that time, you asked me to teach you how to use a slingshot. Old Lu just replaced the glass in Huzi's house no less than ten times."

"Brother, did I do all this?"

"Nine times it was you."

"What about another time?"

"Of course it's your brother and me!"



"You two brothers are so naughty." Chen Xiang said with a smile.

"Jin'er, this is Lao Xia's house."

"His son Xia Kai is my brother's best friend."

"After you left, dad adopted another girl named Lu Ying. We all called her Yaomeier."

"Now Xia Kai is Yao Meier's husband and your brother-in-law."

"I'll take you to see them later."


"Remember you three

When he was 3 years old, Lao Xia caught six ducklings. "

"Lao Xia and the others go to work during the day, and you go in and treat the duck."

"As a result, all six ducks were killed."

"I knew then that you were not material for studying medicine."



"Brother, was I really that naughty when I was little?"


"I'm just talking about the tip of the iceberg."

"I drilled into drainage ditches, deflated other people's bicycles, caught frogs to scare my mother, and once got into the pit of Grandma Zhang's house to catch cats."

"As a result, you got stuck in the stove and couldn't get out."

"If Grandma Zhang hadn't been clever, I would have burned you to death."

"By the way, you're still peeing on the bed at the age of four!"

"I still keep the quilt you peed on, and I'll show it to you later!"


"Brother, please stop talking, it's embarrassing!"



"Oh my God!"

"Brother, you, look at that tree."

"There seems to be a panda on the tree!"

"Am I dazzled?" Jin'er screamed.

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"You're not dazzled, that's the panda adopted by your sister-in-law, named Qiuqiu, and it's bad!"


"Sister-in-law, can you let it come down and take a picture with me?"

"There's no problem taking pictures, but we have to wait until noon."

"It's spoiled by me and won't come down until it's played enough."

"Oh fine!"

After walking around the family courtyard, Lu Fei went to see Chen Yunfei, and Chen Xiang took Jin'er to the beauty factory.

Seeing Wang Xinyi in the research room, the three of them came to the office to drink tea.


Xinyi, this is Lu Fei's biological sister who has been separated for seventeen years, Xiao Jin'er. "

Wang Xinyi smiled and stretched out her hand.

"Hello, sister Jin'er."



"Sister, you are so beautiful, your skin is so good!" .??.??


"Jin'er, her name is Wang Xinyi."

"She is also your sister-in-law."


When Chen Xiang introduced her like this, Wang Xinyi's face flushed with shame, while Jin'er was stunned.

"Sister-in-law, you said she is"

"Yes, she is also your brother's woman."


"Jin'er, don't listen to your sister-in-law's nonsense. It's nothing."

"Just call me sister." Wang Xinyi said nervously.


Jin'er was completely confused by her sister-in-law and her suspected sister-in-law.

Chen Xiang took Jin'er to sit down and explained the subtle relationship between the three of them.

Wang Xinyi's face was as red as a burning cloud, and Jin'er finally understood.


"My brother is so awesome."

"Besides sister-in-law Xinyi, is there anyone else?"


Lu Fei came to Mr. Chen's room, where the two young men were drinking tea and chatting with Chen Yunfei and Wang Zhenbang.

After sending the two young men out, Chen Yunfei's face suddenly darkened.

"Boy, when did you learn to play power?" Chen Yunfei asked.

"Old man, what do you mean?"


"Don't pretend to be confused with me."

"I know everything about you."

"Now that you're out, just be a down-to-earth person for me."

"Change your bad temper and don't get into trouble again."

"Don't worry, old man, I know what to do."

"You know what a hammer you are. You say this every time, but you never remember it."

"Lu Fei, after this incident, you have to recognize the situation clearly."

"Before I take my last breath, someone is openly attacking you."

"If I'm not here anymore, you will be in quite a lot of trouble."

"So, you'd better not make too many enemies."

"You have to be steady and steady when doing things, and remember not to be too showy."

"The first thing you want to do is hit the target. If you don't have the ability to dodge bullets, you can only get shot. Do you understand?" Chen Yunfei said.

Lu Fei nodded seriously.

"Grandpa, I've written it all down."

"Also, I heard that you've been torturing the people in both courtyards these past few days. Are you planning to become a monster again?"


"Grandpa, you have misunderstood."

"I didn't intend to hide from them, they just drank too much."


"Do you think I'm a fool?"

"You must do what you promise others. A true man will not stand up if he has no faith."

“Never lose credibility.”

"Don't worry, I will definitely do what I promised."

"It's just that these old men are really bad at doing things."

"Such an important treasure can't be handed over quietly like this, right?"

Wang Zhenbang smiled and said.

"Mr. Chen, I support Lu Fei this time."

"This guy is right. It is indeed Mr. Qian and the others who are not doing their job well."

"Xiao Fei has just been reinstated as an official. This opportunity cannot be missed."

"Old man, you are absolutely right."

"I'm not dealing with the situation or the person."


"As long as you have a plan."

"But you must be careful and don't go too far and cause unnecessary misunderstandings." Chen Yunfei said.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I know what to do."

"You two will chat first. I will cook for you at noon today and come over to treat you when dinner is served."

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