A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1823 Can’t do anything

At noon, Lu Fei called Lao Xia and his wife and the Ge brothers over.

Six large tables were set up in the courtyard to entertain everyone.

The reason is that I was unable to reunite with everyone during the Chinese New Year, so I will make up for it today.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Lu Fei did not disclose the relationship between the brother and sister in public with Jin'er's consent.

Although Lu Fei didn't say it, everyone knew it, and that was enough.

After inviting Chen Yunfei, Wang Zhenbang, Old Man Zhang, and Old Madam Ma to the seats of honor, Lu Fei was about to start the banquet.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and the old men from the two courtyards, Guan Haishan and others rushed in menacingly.

The old men found Lu Fei in the crowd and were about to get angry, but next to Lu Fei they found Chen Yunfei, a super boss they couldn't afford to offend, and they immediately calmed down.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Wang, are you here too?" Li Yuanchao asked with a smile.

"Xiao Li?"

"Little money?"

"Why are you here?"

"have you eaten?"

"Hurry up and sit down and eat together!" Chen Yunfei said.

"Ah, thank you, Mr. Chen, we have eaten."

"Use it slowly, we have a little business with Lu Fei."

"Lu Fei, could you please come out with us?" Mr. Qian said with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Qian, we are getting ready to eat!"

"Is there anything we can discuss later?" Lu Fei said.

Qian Guomin gritted his teeth secretly and took a deep breath.

"You come out first, we just have a few words, we won't waste much time on you."


Chen Yunfei shouted with a glare.

"But what the hell!"

"Xiao Qian, they must have something important to do with you."

"Business is important. Eat after you finish talking."

"have to!"

"Then you drink slowly. I'll go out and talk to them for a few words and I'll be back soon."

Lu Fei stood up, and the old men in the two courtyards nodded respectfully to Chen Yunfei to say goodbye.

After exiting Lu's house, Qian Guomin hugged Lu Fei's arm tightly, and other old men crowded around him.

Surround Lu Fei in the middle.

"Hey, Mr. Qian, what are you doing?"

"Can you tell me what you have to say and don't do anything about it?"

"You bastard!"

"You kid is really nothing."

"I have worked hard for you and haven't had a good rest for more than ten days."

"I didn't expect that your kid turned out to be a white-eyed wolf, trying to trick us on purpose."

"You are so brave." Qian Guomin said.

Lu Fei asked with a straight face.

"Old man, where do you start with these words?"

"I have always respected you, how could I possibly play tricks on you?"

"Is there any misunderstanding here?"

"I misunderstood you, uncle!"

"Stop talking nonsense."

"Hurry up and hand over the meteorite. From now on, we will owe each other nothing."


"Baolan Fei, as well as our three national treasures, hand them over immediately." Guan Haishan shouted.

"Wait a moment!"

"Can you tell me one by one?"

"Mr. Qian, please tell me first, what kind of meteorite is it?"


"Son of a bitch, do you want to default on your debt?"

"Believe it or not, I will fight you to the death?"

"Mr. Qian, please don't get excited. I, Lu Fei, never owe money."

"Please tell me clearly, what is going on?" Lu Fei asked.

The noses of the old men in both courtyards were almost crooked with anger, and they all gritted their teeth and stared angrily.

Qian Guoqi's face turned pale, he took a few breaths to calm down his anger and said.

"Boy, don't pretend to be confused with us."

"You personally promised us that we would donate the meteorite when we get you out."

"You dare not admit it?"


Admit it! "

"This is indeed what I promised you. When did I say I don't admit it?"


"Just admit it."

"Then let me ask you, what did you run after you came out?"

"As you said, I have been locked up for three months and I have too many things to do."

"I'm in a hurry to do something, how can I just run away?"

"If I run away, can I let you know my whereabouts?"

"Really." Lu Fei rolled his eyes and said.


"You bastard, you still have some sense!"


"Let's not mention your running away for now. Let me ask you, when will the meteorite be donated?" Qian Guomin yelled.


"why are you laughing?"

"Old man, you can't ask me this, I have to ask you?" Lu Fei said.


These confused the old men.

"What do you mean?"

"How fresh!"

"I've agreed to donate, but what about the donation ceremony?"

“Without a ceremony, what’s a donation?”

"I've prepared the meteorites, and I'm just waiting for you to prepare for the ceremony!"

"You won't tell me that you're not ready yet!"


"Do you want a donation ceremony?"


"How fresh are these words!"

"My meteorite is worth tens of millions and is of great significance. Isn't it worth holding a donation ceremony?"

"Besides, what we agreed on is a donation. If there is no ceremony, can it be called a donation?"

"We know I donated it to you, but what would people outside who don't know the situation think?"

"What if someone says that my meteorite has an erroneous origin and you forcefully confiscate it, am I wronged?"

"You are all respectable big shots, don't you even understand this bit of human nature?

? "

When Lu Fei said this, more than a dozen old men looked at each other and were speechless.

"No, old man, what are your expressions?"

"You're not really unprepared, are you?"

"Hey, you are all the pillars of the country, big shots who have seen the big world!"

"Is it appropriate for you to do things like this?"

"You are obviously looking down on me, Lu Fei!"

"With this attitude, can we still cooperate in the future?"

Lu Fei's words made the old men blush with shame.

When I came here, I thought of countless ways to deal with Lu Fei, but now I only felt ashamed.

Li Yuanchao was quite smart and cleared his throat.


"What are you laughing at?"

"Lu Fei!"

"You're just so suspicious, how could we do things like that?"

"To tell you the truth, we are ready for the donation ceremony."

"We have invited more than 300 news media across the country to prepare a grand donation ceremony for you."

"The preliminary planning has been made. It was originally planned to be held at your museum at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

"When we come here today, the first thing is to make sure you're back."

"The second is to formally notify you and see if there is any conflict between the time we set and your schedule."

After Li Yuanchao finished speaking, Qian Guomin also nodded quickly.

"Yes, Lao Li is right."

"The donation ceremony has been arranged. I'm just waiting for your kid's nod."


"of course it's true."

"What are our identities? Can we deceive a child from you?"

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"That's okay."

"After dinner, I'll check the itinerary."

"If there is nothing particularly important, it will be scheduled at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

"For details, please listen to my phone call!"

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