After finishing talking to the old men in both hospitals, Lu Fei shook hands with Mr. Qian and was about to go back for dinner, but was stopped by Guan Haishan again.

"Hey, my business isn't over yet."

"Well, our donation ceremony has also been arranged."

"We will do it simultaneously with Mr. Qian and the others at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

"Two consecutive donations will ensure that your face will be exposed to the sky."


"At this juncture, who of us doesn't know who the other is?"

"Isn't it fun to pretend to be cool with me?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

"Hey, what you said is boring. I mean it sincerely!"

"Not only more than 300 reporters, but also the director of the museum with the prefix "Province" are all present. They will definitely give you face."

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"It's okay. You are somewhat sincere."

"But it's not okay to go with Mr. Qian and the others."

"what is it now?"

"Be prepared to listen to my announcement!"

"When will that take place?"

"It depends on my mood."


"Stop pretending, kid?"

"Do you want?"

"If you want something, just follow my arrangements. If you don't want it, just pretend I didn't say anything."

"have to!"

"You are awesome, why don't I listen to you?"

"Okay, I've said all that I need to say. I'm so hungry, my heart is so hungry, let's go in and have a drink!" Guan Haishan said.

"Drink the hell out of me!"

"Mr. Chen asked you just now, didn't you say you had eaten?"


"What are you?"

"This is the price of pretending."

"Fat man, have you eaten too?" Lu Fei asked.

Fatty Wang's eight-and-a-half-pound big head shook like a rattle.

"No, I didn't eat."

"I've been very hungry for a long time."

"Then what are you waiting for? Come in with me and have a drink."


Lu Fei called Fatty Wang into the hospital, and Zhang Yanhe followed him shamelessly.

Guan Haishan was so angry that he was so popular, so after thinking about it, he still lowered his face and chased after him.

After lunch, Yao Meier and Xia Kai called Lu Fei to their room.

"Lu Fei, Jin'er is the Lu Yao who got lost back then?" Yao Meier asked.


"Brother Fei, is she really a little girl?" Xia Kai asked excitedly.


"I have been searching for seventeen years and finally found her."

"My little sister has lived a good life these years, much better than me."

"Bring her back this time to see Lao Lu."

"Great, great."

"It was just like that when the little girl was lost. I didn't expect that she has become a big girl now."

"Brother Fei, congratulations."


"Our family is finally reunited."

"I'll tell you a secret, but don't tell it outside!"

"What secret?"

"My mother has also been found. We met in Tiandu City years ago."

"Second uncle and sister-in-law have also met. My little sister has been living with my mother these years." Lu Fei said.


"That's great."

Xia Kai is Lu Feifa's youngest and brother.

He knew everything about the Lu family.

Xia Kai was sincerely happy at the thought of Lu Fei's family being reunited, but Yao Meier lowered her head and said nothing.


"What's wrong with you?" Lu Fei asked.

"Lu Fei, please give me a few days. We will find a house and move out immediately." Yao Meier said.

"What do you mean?"

"Your family is reunited, and it's time for me, an outsider, to leave."

"I would like to thank your family for their support over the years, and I will definitely do so"


Before Yao Meier could finish speaking, she slapped Lu Fei hard in the mouth.

"Brother Fei, why did you hit her?" Xia Kai shouted.

"Get out of here."

Lu Fei pinched Yao Meier's chin, raised her head and shouted sharply.

"Lu Ying, this is the first time I hit you."

"Listen to me, you are my Lu Fei's sister, my biological sister."

"Your surname will always be Lu."

"If you dare to say such nonsense again, I will beat you."

"Lu Fei"

"Call me brother!"


"Call me brother!"

"elder brother!"

Yao Meier called out brother twice with tears streaming down her face. Lu Fei's eyes were wet and he held Yao Meier tightly in his arms.

"Silly girl, don't say such things again in the future."

"What you said is just like stabbing my brother in the heart!"

"You are my sister, and you will always be my sister, Lu Fei."

"This is your home."

"promise me."

"Brother, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

"I'll never say it again, I'll never say it again."

Yao Meier, who had always been strong, threw herself into Lu Fei's arms and burst into tears.

At this time, Chen Xiang, Wang Xinyi and Jin'er walked in.

Lu Fei pulled Jin'er and said.

"Jin'er, let me introduce you formally."

"This is your eldest sister Lu Ying."

"Kiss me, eldest sister."

"Lu Ying, this is your sister Xiao Jin'er, also named Lu Yao."

"From now on, we are all a family."

"No one can separate us."

Jin'er nodded and took the initiative to hug Yao Meier, and the estrangement in Yao Meier's heart completely disappeared.

After dinner, Jin'er and Chen Xiang, Wang Xinyi and Yaomeier got tired of being together.

Lu Fei called Qian Guomin and told the old man that he would reject all arrangements and attend the donation ceremony they prepared on time at two o'clock tomorrow afternoon.

After hanging up the phone, the old men from the two hospitals showed their talents.

Immediately contact various reporters and arrange manpower to arrange the venue to prepare for Lu Fei's donation.

Guan Haishan was very depressed as he had not been able to wait for Lu Fei's notification.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei left the family home on foot alone.

I hailed a taxi on the highway and came to Changhe Yuaner Community.

Find Building 3 and take the elevator to the 11th floor.

The elevator door opened and a drunk man was knocking on Xing Shuya's door.

"Open the door!"

"Open the door!"

"We have something to discuss, so don't let me in!"

"Open the door!"

"Who, who the hell kicked me?"

Before he could react, Lu Fei followed up with his second kick and kicked the drunkard right on the chin.

The drunkard screamed and several teeth flew out.


"Who are you!"

"Ouch, stop hitting, stop hitting!"

Lu Fei was about to take action when the door opened and a fat middle-aged woman rushed out carrying a kitchen knife.

"You, who are you?"

"Why did you hit my man?"

"If you try again, I will fight you."


Seeing this scene, Lu Fei was stunned.

After looking at the house number and confirming that it was 1105, Lu Fei asked tentatively.

"Sister, this"

The middle-aged woman was so excited that she interrupted Lu Fei with a kitchen knife.

"Who is your eldest sister?"

"who are you?"

"Why do you hit my man?"

"Sister, isn't this Xing Shuya's house?"

"That bullshit Xing Shuya, I don't know you."

"I've called the police. The police will be here right away."

"If you dare to hit my man again, I will fight you."

Depend on!

It seems there is a misunderstanding.

Lu Fei was also dumbfounded now.

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