A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1826 Too kind

Qu Yang's gossip made Lu Fei roll his eyes.

"We are in a superior-subordinate relationship, so don't make random suspicions."

"As long as one of my people is bullied, no matter who it is, I will not sit idly by."

"Stop talking nonsense and tell me how to solve my problem." Lu Fei said.

"How else can we solve it?"

"Your situation is nothing more than two outcomes."

"It's just a waste of money if you keep it private."

"Give them satisfactory compensation, and everything will be fine as soon as they drop the lawsuit."

"On the other hand, you will be in trouble."

"For minor injuries, you will definitely go to jail." Qu Yang said.

"Compensation is no problem."

"I have expressed my intention to keep it private before, but the eldest sister did not agree."

"Lao Qu, you have to help me handle this matter."

"Never let outsiders know."


"I am a law enforcer, and it is my principle to enforce the law impartially."

"How do you want me to help you?" Qu Yang said.

"I don't ask for anything else. You find a way to communicate with the injured person's family and keep it private."

"Lao Qu, the police cars in your yard are so rubbish."

"You, a great leader, can only drive a Passat, but below you can still beat a Jetta."

"Such a preparation is completely inconsistent with your leadership, Qu Da."

"You help me take care of this, and I'll change the car for you in the yard."

"How about one Audi and ten Passats?" Lu Fei said.


Qu Yang took a breath of air when he heard this.

"Hey, you're not fooling me, are you?"

"Depend on!"

"Am I that concerned?"

"As long as you help me reach a settlement with the family, I will send someone to deliver the new car tomorrow."

"Just think of it as me making a small contribution to the police force in my hometown."

"A gentleman's word?"

"I promise!"

"It's done!"

"Well, make some tea for Mr. Lu, the best one."

"Xiao Liu, ask Mr. Lu if he is hungry, and arrange a supper right away!"

Lu Fei

Hehe said with a smile.

"Don't mess with these useless things and get things done quickly."

"If this news about me gets out, I will never be done with you."

"Don't worry, the quality of my brothers is no problem, and there will definitely be no rumors."

"I'll do it right now, you wait for my good news."

"Wait a moment."

"Is there anything else?" Qu Yang asked.

Lu Fei looked outside and shouted.

"Liu Zhongcheng, come in."

"Mr. Lu, are you looking for me?"

"Lao Qu, this brother is a policeman from the Xicheng District Police Station."

"Not only is he smart, but he is also extremely efficient."

"Give me some face and give me a promotion?"

Lu Fei said good things to him in person, and Liu Zhongcheng was extremely excited.

Qu Yang nodded and said.

"no problem."

"Xiao Liu!"

"When you get back, hand over the work in hand."

"I will issue a transfer order next Monday and transfer you to the criminal police team. Are you willing?"

"Yes, yes."

"Thank you Qu Ju, thank you Mr. Lu."

"I promise I won't let you down."

Sometimes after half a lifetime of hard work, nothing is as good as a word from a noble person.

Liu Zhongcheng has been working as a child police officer for eight years. He thought he would only be able to deal with the aunts and uncles in the community every day. Unexpectedly, Lu Fei transferred him to the criminal police team with just one sentence.

Liu Zhongcheng burst into tears of gratitude.

After his matter was resolved, Qu Yang immediately went to the next room to meet the family members of the injured.

That is the middle-aged woman holding a kitchen knife.

After entering, Qu Yang read the woman's transcript first.

"Your name is Li Su'e?"

The woman nodded.

"Hello, Ms. Li Su'e."

"I am the leader of Jincheng Police Force, my name is Qu Yang."

"After investigation, what happened tonight has been cleared up.

. "

"The person who attacked your husband Chen Erhu is not a habitual criminal."

"His friend lived there before, and he went to visit his friend, thinking that Chen Erhu was harassing his friend."

"Although it was a misunderstanding, it is true that I injured your husband."

"I need to ask for your opinion on how to deal with the murderer now."

"The injury examination report from the hospital has come out. Your husband Chen Erhu's injury has constituted a minor injury."

"If you hold the other party criminally responsible, we can immediately file a case and that person will be severely punished by law."

"Leader, I want to sue him."

"He injured my husband and I have to sue him."

"I want him to go to jail." Li Su'e said excitedly.

"Ms. Li, please don't get excited. Just listen to what I have to say."

"We understand that you two are from the countryside."

"My usual source of income is growing vegetables, and then your husband goes out to work as a plumber."

"You come to the city to rent a house to accompany your son who is preparing for the college entrance examination this year, right?" Qu Yang asked.


"Don't mind if I speak a bit directly!"

"With your couple's financial income, the pressure of renting a house in the city to accompany you to school is really too great."

"To be honest with you, the man who injured your husband is a small business owner and has a good financial foundation."

"You are indeed happy to sue him and go to jail, but you won't get much compensation except for medical expenses."

"The other party just recognized the wrong person and has no grudge against you and your wife."

"If you are willing to go private, you should ask for as much compensation as possible."

"Getting a large amount of money will not only help you improve your life, but also cover the expenses for your son's future college entrance examination."

"Isn't this better?"

"Think about it."

Qu Yang explained this, and Li Su'e was tempted.

"Boss, how much can he spend with us?"

"That's up to you."

"I've given you the details. Ask for as much as you can, and we can help you negotiate with him."


How much do you think is appropriate? "

After Qu Yang finished speaking, Li Su'e grabbed the corner of her clothes and had a strong ideological struggle in her mind.

After thinking for two minutes, he gritted his teeth and glared, stretching out two thick fingers.


Qu Yangxin said, this girl is not a fuel-efficient lamp.

Look at this situation, I want to blackmail Lu Fei for two million!

So cruel!

"Sister, how much do you have?"

"Two, twenty thousand yuan."


"How many?"


"If 20,000 yuan is too much, then 10,000 yuan will do."



This girl is so kind.

"Boss, at least he has to give us 10,000 yuan."

"And I want cash."

Qu Yang stood up after hearing this and said with a serious face.

"Sister, you are so kind."

"However, ten thousand yuan is too cheap for him."

"In this case, I will make the decision for you and ask him for 50,000 yuan."

"Just wait, I'll go ask you for money right now."


Li Su'e felt bad when she heard the figure of fifty thousand yuan.

"Leader, fifty thousand yuan is too much!"

"No more, no more."

"This matter is not only a matter of compensation, but also a warning to the murderer."

"Just wait, I'll go ask you for money."

When he returned to the office and saw Lu Fei, Qu Yang kept rolling his eyes.

"What's the meaning?"


"I'm taking advantage of you, kid. They only charge 50,000 yuan."

"However, they want cash, so get the money quickly!"

Lu Fei was also stunned when he heard this number.

"Okay, I have no objection."

"But I don't have that much cash. You can help me get the money together first, and we can figure it out together later."


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