A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1827 Big Scene

Lu Fei had no cash, so Qu Yang had to help him raise money.

With an order, the policeman on duty took out all the cash.

The total amount was less than 20,000 yuan, so Qu Yang asked his men to take his two bank cards to the cash machine to get enough.

Lu Fei took 50,000 yuan in cash to apologize to Li Su'e in person, and finally got her forgiveness.

With the signing of the letter of understanding, the matter can be considered satisfactorily resolved.

"Hey, don't forget about donating cars to us!" Qu Yang said.

"Do not worry!"

"Have someone bring the car over tomorrow."

"With your words, I feel relieved."

"By the way, don't forget the 50,000 in cash I advanced to you."


"The cash you advanced for me?"

"Depend on!"

"Don't you want to default on the debt?" Qu Yang asked nervously.

"I, Lu Fei, have nothing but money."

"Do I need you to pay me in advance?"

"What's more, it's only 50,000 yuan?"

"So what, do you have an IOU?"


"Lu Fei, you, you are shameless."


"Beat sex!"

"I'm kidding you, why are you so scared?"

"Give me your card number and I'll transfer the money to you right away."

Qu Yang watched Lu Fei complete the transfer and felt relieved when he saw the text message prompt.

Qu Yang was really scared just now.

Fifty thousand yuan was not even a drop in the bucket to Lu Fei, but to him, it was a year's salary!

If Lu Fei acted rogue, he would have to commit suicide in depression.

Fortunately, there was no danger.

"Thank you for tonight's events, brothers."

"Tell everyone, don't go out and talk nonsense."

"If word gets out, I'll blame it all on you."

"Don't worry, our people are absolutely reliable."

"Okay, call me a car to take me home."

"You don't need us to send you away. Your people have already been waiting for you."

It's time. " Qu Yang said.


"Didn't I tell you not to tell anyone?"

"Who's out there?"

"Your president, Xing Shuya."

"Did you ask her to come?"

"Don't get me wrong."

"We must understand the situation of the person you injured when you went to find Xing Shuya, right?"

"So, Xing Shuya must ask questions."

"Just stop inking. I've been waiting for you for more than an hour."

"By the way, on behalf of the brothers in the Interpol Team, I would like to thank you for your donation."

"I'll buy you a drink later."

After leaving Qu Yang and going outside, they saw Xing Shuya's tall figure from a distance.

"Mr. Xing, thank you for your hard work!"

"Call me Shuya."


"All right!"

"Get in the car!"

Xing Shuya turned around and left the police force. On the way, the two did not take the initiative to strike up a conversation, but Xing Shuya's face was always filled with a smile.

After walking two kilometers, Lu Fei couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Hey, why are you laughing?"

"Are you happy to see me suffer here?" Lu Fei asked.


"I understand everything clearly. You fought with others because of me, and beat them so badly."

"This is the second time you have fought for me, thank you Lu Fei."

"You still say?"

"I told you a long time ago that this community has a mixed bag of people and poor security, but you didn't listen."

"If you weren't so willful, how could what happened tonight happen?" Lu Fei said.


"You don't have to yell at me, I know you still care about me."


"My Mr. Xing, please don't misunderstand me."

"You are my member

Workers are also my friends. "

"I am responsible for your safety."

"By the way, where do you live now?"

"The Garden of the Other Side."

"It should have been lived there a long time ago."

"You came to see me tonight for something?" Xing Shuya asked.

"There is indeed something going on."

"That's just right."

"My mother hasn't come back yet. I am alone at home. Let's go to my house to chat."

"forget it!"

"It's too late today. I'll go to the company to find you tomorrow."


"Are you afraid that I will eat you?" Xing Shuya said with a smile.

"Shu Ya, Chen Xiang and I have received the certificate."


The tires screeched and the car came to a sudden stop on the side of the road.

Xing Shuya was stunned for a while and said calmly.



"What do you want from me? Tell me now!"

After lowering the window, Lu Fei lit a cigarette and said.

"How is the company's performance this month?"

"It's down nine percent."

"A few agents have already started to get upset."

"If this continues, something will happen sooner or later."


"I see."

"Please arrange the company's affairs in the next two days."

"Follow me to Tiandu City next week," Lu Fei said.

"Do you have any idea?"


"Okay, I'll wait for your call."

"I'll take you home now."


After sending Lu Fei home, Xing Shuya turned around and left.

When the car came to the highway, Xing Shuya parked the car on the side of the road, lay on the steering wheel and cried loudly.

The next morning, Lu Fei took Jin'er, Chen Xiang, Yao Meier and Xia Kai to Beimang Mountain to visit Lao Lu's grave.

Tributes were placed, tribute incense was lit, and Jin'er respectfully placed flowers beside the tombstone.

"Jin'er, kowtow to daddy!"


Jin'er had no impression of Lao Lu, but after all, it was his biological father who was buried deep in the ground, so Jin'er couldn't help but burst into tears.

Lu Fei knelt beside Jin'er and said to the tombstone.


"Take a look at the Spirit of Heaven!"

"The daughter you miss most is back to see you."

"My mother came to see you before, and now my little sister is back too."

"Both Yaomei'er and Xia Kai are fine. Also, Xiang'er and I have received our certificates."

"Our family is finally reunited."

"Your soul in heaven can rest in peace."

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Fei brought the two young men and Feng Zhe Hailong, who had just recovered, to the museum.

Balloons hung high in the museum courtyard and colorful ribbons were flying.

The parking lot was crowded with luxury cars, including more than a dozen OB trucks from Bashu TV Station and China TV Station.

The red carpet starts from the parking lot and extends to the entrance of the museum.

A temporary stage of about 80 square meters was set up at the door, with a line of large characters written on the banner.

Mr. Lu Fei and the donation ceremony of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

There were more than 300 seats in the audience, and all the most authoritative news media online platforms were present.

A drum and bugle corps was also organized behind the press box, surrounded by bigwigs and celebrities from all walks of life, creating a lively scene.

"I'll go, this scene is okay!" the little milk dog sighed.


"These old men have spent a lot of money on the meteorite."

"No, I should say that I gave Brother Fei enough face."


"How much money can these scenes cost? Isn't it true that the wool comes from the sheep?"

"Don't think they are so kind. One by one, they are all old foxes." Lu Fei said.

Lu Fei and others got out of the car, the master of ceremonies waved, and the drum and bugle corps immediately started playing.

Academy of Sciences President Li Yuanchao and Vice President Qian Guomin took the lead in applauding and walked towards Lu Fei.

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