A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1828 I can handle it

The two deans surrounded Lu Fei and came to the stage amidst the sound of drums.

The president of the Academy of Sciences delivered a speech in person.

"Ladies and gentlemen, fellow journalists, good afternoon."

"We have been invited here today to witness the meteorite donation ceremony."

"Mr. Lu Fei, a well-known philanthropist and collector, purchased several meteorites at exorbitant prices abroad."

"Knowing that meteorites will be of great help to the research of our Academy of Sciences, Mr. Lu decided to donate them unconditionally."

"Mr. Lu's righteous and awe-inspiring spirit deserves respect and learning from all of us."

"Let us give warm applause and invite Mr. Lu Fei to speak!"

After the thunderous applause subsided, Lu Fei said with a smile.

"What Dean Li said is too serious."

"I, Lu Fei, am not that great."

"These meteorites are collections in my hands."

"But in the Academy of Sciences, it has great research significance."

"It is my duty, Lu Fei, to contribute to China's scientific research."

"thank you all."


"Mr. Lu said it very well."

Lu Fei brought the atmosphere to a climax with a few simple words.

At the end of the speech, as both parties were preparing to make donations, a reporter in the front row stood up.

"Mr. Lu, wait a minute, can you answer my question?"

"Excuse me."

"Your museum previously set up a meteorite section."

"Because of this stunt, it has attracted great attention from tourists."

"There are even many people who come from all over the country to Jincheng just to witness the aurora meteorite."

“And I also learned that the museum can reserve tickets for a week.”

“And the tickets for the week after that were all sold out.”

"Now that you have donated the meteorite, how will you explain it to the tourists who bought the tickets?"

When this question was raised, other reporters nodded frequently.

Lu Fei smiled and said.

“Journalists and all tourists please rest assured.”

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