A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1829 Process it quickly

After the donation ceremony ended, Li Yuanchao and Qian Guomin quickly sent someone to transfer the meteorite to the Jincheng Military Region.

He was escorted by the army to Tiandu City.

Don't think Lu Fei doesn't take these meteorites seriously.

But in the eyes of scientific research experts, this is a truly priceless treasure.

If they were snatched away, the two old deans would have to commit suicide. .??.

After exchanging pleasantries with acquaintances, Lu Fei was about to leave when Guan Haishan stopped him.

"Wait a moment!"

"Is something wrong?"

"Hey, Mr. Qian is done here, when will we start over there?"

"in a hurry?"

"How fresh!"

"For those three treasures, we haven't had a good rest for more than ten days."

"Brother, I'm getting old and can't afford to worry about it anymore. Just treat me as if you feel sorry for me and get it done quickly, okay?" Guan Haishan said earnestly.


"Since Mr. Guan has spoken, let's handle it as soon as possible."


"You tell me the time, brother, I will arrange it right away."

Lu Fei nodded, thought for a while and said.

"It's better to choose a different day than to hit it. Let's do it at seven o'clock tonight!"


"What did you say?"

Hearing this time, Guan Haishan, Zhang Yanhe and others immediately became furious.

"Didn't I make it clear?"

"Tonight at seven o'clock, a donation ceremony for three national treasures will be held."

"The scene cannot be smaller than here, and the entire event must be broadcast live."

"The location is at the Bashu Museum!"

"By the way, according to what you said, all museum bosses with the prefix "Province" must be present."

"Not even one less person."


"Baoshaifei, are you going to die?"

"It's already half past two in the afternoon. How can we make it in such a short time?"

"You kid, please stop joking, okay?" Guan Haishan said depressedly.


"Didn't you say you were ready before?"

"Since we are ready, why can't we do it?"

"Could it be that you, Mr. Guan, deceived me?

Not prepared at all? " Lu Fei said.

"Damn it!"

"That's right!"

"We are indeed prepared."

"But how can those museum directors with the prefix "Elite" gather together in such a short period of time?"

"Aren't you guys trying to be difficult on others?"


"Am I being difficult on purpose?"

"If you think so, that's right."

"Basha Fei, what do you want from me?"

"Don't you want to donate?" Guan Haishan shouted angrily.

"Guan Laosan, why are you making such a fuss?"

"You're right, I just deliberately made things difficult for you."

"Because you deserve it." Lu Fei said.


"Don't be dissatisfied!"

"We are all thousand-year-old foxes, no one should be fooling around."

"You know me, Lu Fei, and I, Lu Fei, also know you."

“It’s all bullshit to keep saying you’re prepared.”

"Before yesterday, you never thought of holding a donation ceremony for me."

"You look down on me, Lu Fei, and you want me to respect you."

"Why do you?"


"Don't explain, you can't fool me."

"Yes, we are friends."

"But friends help each other, not trample each other."

"I, Lu Fei, am extremely kind and righteous to you, but you don't take me seriously."

"Today I will replace your master and teach you how to behave."

"Let me ask you, do you want the three national treasures?" Lu Fei asked.


"Have fun, do you want it or not?"

"Yes, of course!"

"If you want it, then do as I say."

"Do it

Yes, I will forgive you this time, and we will still be friends from now on. "

"If you can't do it, you will never see those three national treasures in this life."

"From now on, I will take my Yangguan Road, and you will cross your single-plank bridge."

"We will never interact with each other until death."


"Is it so serious?" Guan Haishan asked nervously.

"Of course."

"In recent times, you, Mr. Guan, have become inflated."

"No matter what happens, I only care about your happiness and never consider my feelings."

"For Mr. Kong's sake, I have been forbearing, but there is a limit to patience."

"If you can't do it today, then we will pretend that we don't know anyone from now on."

"Call me when you're ready."

"One minute late, and I won't even wait for you."

"Xiaolong, let's go."

As Lu Fei's car left the museum compound, Guan Haishan rolled his eyes and said to himself.

"Beat sex!"

"I'm so anxious again, what the hell?"

"As for no?"

Fatty Wang curled his lips and said.

"Mr. Guan, let me be fair."

"The things we have done in recent times have indeed been unreasonable."

"Why is it not authentic?"

"How did I feel sorry for him?"

"This guy just has a bad temper because he has too much money, and he deliberately pretends to be a big-tailed wolf." Guan Haishan said.

"Mr. Guan, you can't say that."

"Think about it. At the Jinling Treasure Fighting Conference, you overtly and covertly forced Lu Fei to donate."

"When the Tattered Fly Museum opened, you asked for this or that in front of so many people."

"Something happened to Bao Bao Fei this time. When we arrived at the base, you didn't say a word of concern. When we met, Bao Bao Fei treated us."

"This is the worst part."

"Basha Fei has just been liberated and needs a chance to regain his strength."

"But we forgot about the donation ceremony, and we feel sorry for him." Fatty Wang said.


Guan Haishan shook his head and said.

"This is no big deal."

"What I did was not treating him as an outsider."

"If it were someone else, I wouldn't be happy if they wanted me to do this."

"There must be other reasons why this guy is angry."


"You said it wrong again."

"We are indeed friends with Baoshaofei."

"But have you ever thought about it, Baoshaifei has always been the one helping us, and what have we done for him?"

"The four animal heads are worth tens of thousands, so Tao Fei donated them as soon as he asked."

"We can borrow the objects in his museum at will. How bold is this?"

"But on the other hand, apart from taking advantage of him, we have not done anything to help him."

"Friends are mutual."

"We keep asking for things and make mistakes frequently. No one can stand it!"

"The fat man is right!"

"These few times, I have noticed that there is something wrong with Baolan Fei's attitude. We must have gone too far."

"We must be considerate when dealing with him in the future."

"If he has any difficulties, we must help him."

"Otherwise, if the light doesn't come out, this kid will fall out sooner or later." Zhang Yanhe said.

After hearing what the two said, Guan Haishan also understood.

"You're right, we didn't think carefully enough."

"In this case, Lao Zhang, stop those reporters immediately and gather at the Bashu Museum at 6:30 in the evening."

"And among the guests present today, no one can be missing."

"In addition, inform the Bashu Museum and Jincheng Museum to arrange their venues immediately."

"My only requirement is that the scene must be grand."

"Okay, leave it to me."

"Fat man, please contact the guys at the Provincial Museum immediately."

"I don't care what method they use."

"Airplane, earth escape, somersault cloud, anything can be done. We must arrive at Jincheng before six-thirty."

"Whoever is fucking late will submit a resignation report to me tomorrow."

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