A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1830 Winning the lawsuit

Guan Haishan gave the order, and the bosses of the Provincial Museum took action.

Those who are close are fine, but those who are further away are worried.

"Mr. Guan, I'm too far away from Jincheng. I definitely won't be able to get there before 6:30 pm!"


“It’s enough time to fly here from the island country in four hours.”

"Don't stress to me objective reasons, I just want results."

"If you can't make it before six-thirty, you will retire early tomorrow."

"Mr. Guan, isn't your sister-in-law expecting a child?"

"If we have enough time, there are no ready-made airplanes!"

"Don't complain to me, there will always be a way." .??.

"All I want is results. This is an order."


"Mr. Guan, I am recuperating and I really can't go."

"Can I let the deputy go?"


"But, I'm sick!"

"Mao Yao, if you can talk, it means you are not dead."

"Since you're not dead, get over here."

“Even if you’re in a wheelchair and carrying a stretcher, you have to come here.”


"Stop talking nonsense and act now if you don't want to retire."

The youngest of the bosses with provincial prefixes is in their fifties, and the oldest is over sixty-five years old.

These people often went to graves when they were young and were in a dark and humid working environment every day. Almost everyone was not in good health.

Now Guan Haishan has forcibly gathered them in Jincheng, and everyone is complaining.

"Old Zhang, have you received a call from Mr. Guan?"

"Nonsense, none of them are missing."


"What the hell is going on?"

"Why are you suddenly going to Jincheng to gather!"

"I'm in the northwest, how can I make it in four hours!"

"Lao Li, just be satisfied!"

"I'm in the Northeast, much further away than you are. Who should I go to cry with?"


We are a little better. Lao Zhou almost cried when he called me just now. "

"Today is his sixtieth birthday, and his children have booked a hotel to celebrate his birthday that evening."


"He's pretty well, but Lao Meng has arthritis and won't be able to get off the ground for a week. Doesn't he have to go to Jincheng as well?"

"I don't understand, what happened, why do you want to go to war in such a big way?"

"makes sense."



"Could it be related to Tasha Fei?"


"That makes sense."

"Just watching the live broadcast, Bao Baifei donated some meteorites to the Academy of Sciences. It seems that Mr. Guan and the others were also present."

"Maybe it really has something to do with Baoshaifei."


"Can't be wrong."

"That's why that turtle grandson of Baoshao Fei can torture Mr. Guan like this."

"Whether it is or not, let's leave for Jincheng immediately!"

"Guan Laosan is really anxious this time."

"If you are late, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Complaints are complaints.

In order to avoid early retirement, the big guys can only show their talents and rush to Jincheng.

Those who want to fly take a plane, and those who can’t catch the plane take the high-speed rail.

If that doesn't work, go to a neighboring city to transfer.

At about 6:30 in the evening, everyone finally arrived at the Bashu Museum after a long journey.

At 7 p.m., the national treasure donation ceremony was held as scheduled.

Lu Fei expressed satisfaction with Guan Laosan's appeal and adaptability.

He pretended to be cool in front of the media, and finally donated the three valuable treasures in an upright manner.

Two donation ceremonies in half a day.

The old men of the two institutes and the big bosses of the Shenzhou Archaeological Team were tortured to the point of losing half their lives.

Although Lu Fei lost several treasures, he gained fame and respect in front of the Chinese people and senior officials.

No amount of money can buy these, they are absolutely worth thousands.

Two days later, the commercial dispute case between Tengfei Pharmaceutical and three defaulting agents was heard in Jincheng High Court.

The dispute between Ascendas Pharmaceuticals and these three defaulting agents has lasted for two months.

Due to the reputation and influence of Ascendas Pharmaceuticals, this case has attracted much attention.

The auditorium of the High Court was packed today, with more than 100 reporters alone.

During the trial, the three agents denied everything.

However, Tengfei Pharmaceutical's legal affairs provided direct evidence.

Not only does it prove that the three companies have violated regulations, but there is also evidence that these three companies have completed the contract with Ruixin Group.

In the face of conclusive evidence, the three companies can no longer refute.

In the end, the judge ruled that Tengfei Pharmaceutical won the case.

From now on, Tengfei Pharmaceuticals will end its cooperation with the three agents.

Moreover, the three companies must each compensate Tengfei Pharmaceuticals 30 million Shenzhou dollars in accordance with the contract rules.

After the verdict was announced, Xing Shuya immediately became the focus of reporters.

"Congratulations to Ascendas Pharmaceuticals for winning this lawsuit."

"But we want to know, Tengfei Pharmaceutical was very united before. What caused the three agents to defect?"

Xing Shuya chuckled.

"People's hearts are not as good as snakes swallowing elephants. Since it is betrayal, it must be for profit."

"As for unity?"


"We are businessmen and there is only cooperation between us. The word unity is not suitable here."

"Mr. Xing, the arrival of Ruixin Group in China will have a huge impact on your company."

"I heard that in the past three months, Tengfei Pharmaceutical's performance has declined seriously. Is that true?"

"It is normal for the performance to be unstable, and it is not serious."

"Also, we at Ascendas Pharmaceuticals are not afraid of competition."

"As long as there is healthy competition, we welcome it with both hands."

"Competition can lead to development. This is a wise saying." Xing Shuya said.

"Mr. Xing, will the betrayal of these three agents affect the mood of other agents?"

"If Tengfei Pharmaceutical's performance continues to decline, will agents rush to follow suit and eventually fall apart?" the reporter asked.


"I think you are worrying too much."

"The strength of our Ascendas Pharmaceuticals is obvious to all."

"This little performance fluctuation is nothing to us."

"As for the mood of the agents, I can't speculate."

"But here I can express the company's attitude."

"Tengfei Pharmaceuticals has never been short of partners."

"No matter which agent wants to terminate the contract, we support it."

"However, if someone violates the rules and regulations, our company will definitely pursue it to the end."

"Mr. Xing, I have another question."

"Mr. Xing"

Reporters rushed to ask questions, but Xing Shuya left directly.

In front of reporters, Xing Shuya was as strong as ever.

But the actual situation is not optimistic.

In the past, China's pharmaceutical businessmen sharpened their heads and plunged into the arms of Tengfei Pharmaceutical.

Even if there is no agent vacancy, they are all looking for it.

But this time the three agency positions were vacant, but no businessman took the initiative to seek cooperation.

The direct cause of this situation is the strong rise of Ruixin Company.

In just over two months, Ruixin Company has captured more than 30% of Tengfei Pharmaceutical's market share.

And there are rumors that Ruixin Company is preparing to start a price war with Tengfei Pharmaceutical.

If this news is true, it will be a devastating blow to Ascendas Pharmaceuticals.

So at this time, no smart businessman dares to venture forward and can only wait and see in secret.

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