A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1835 Tiandu City Hall

Lu Fei hosted a family dinner for Yang Haiwen and Wang Xian's family, and they were inexplicably moved.

Coupled with everyone's toasts, the two brothers drank too much after a while.

The two families arranged to live in a courtyard, and helped the two of them back to their room to rest while everyone continued drinking.

The second uncle and uncle pulled Lu Fei to their side and whispered. ??

"Xiao Fei, we have discussed it and plan to return to Jincheng in a few days."

"Why are you in such a hurry?"

"I also plan to take you to have fun in Tiandu City!" Lu Fei said.


"Tingting took us to all the places we should play."

"We have been out for more than three months, and it's time to go back."


"You are thinking about your parking lot!"

"Didn't they arrange for someone to take care of it over there?"


"Your kid got it right."

"We are always worried about outsiders taking care of us."

"Also, I don't have many friends here. It's really boring."

"We really miss home." The second master said.

"That works!"

"You stay here for a few more days, I'll do some errands here, and we'll go back together later."


After dinner, Lu Fei arranged for Li Yunhe's family of three and Xing Shuya to stay at his home in Xianlin Mingyuan.

Chen Xiang and Xing Shuya chatted with Zhang Huan, and Bai Zirui arranged to go to Tiandu Hotel to pick up Lu Fei.

On the way, Lu Fei drove the others to other cars and got into Lao Bai's car alone.

"Brother, tell me how your honeymoon trip has been over the past three months?" Bai Zirui said with a smile.

"Don't talk about me, let me ask you first, how are you and Jiaqi developing?"


"We're still like that!"

"What's that like?"

"Have you confessed your love?"

"A confession is a confession, that's it"

"Just what?"


Jiaqi disagrees? Lu Fei asked.

"I didn't say I disagreed. We get along just fine."

"It's just that I feel like there's something between us."

"Whenever he planned to take a step closer, Jiaqi would deliberately avoid it."

"I think she hasn't completely forgotten you!"


"What does this have to do with me?"


"You kid is poison, and those girls around you are poisoners."

"Some are poisoned deeply, and some are poisoned shallowly."

"But either way, it takes time to fully recover."

"That's how Jiaqi is."

Lu Fei sighed and said.

"Lao Bai, to be honest with you, I really don't have any thoughts about Jiaqi."

"Just because of Mr. Kong's kindness to me, I must take care of her."

"I understand, but Jiaqi may not necessarily think so."

"However, I am confident that sooner or later I will catch her."

"Come on, I'm optimistic about you!"

Tiandu Club can definitely be regarded as the most professional club in China.

This five-story Western-style clubhouse was built in the seventh year of the Republic of China and has a history of nearly a hundred years.

The founder of this club was Sheng Enyi, the son of Sheng Xuanhuai, the most prodigal son of the Republic of China.

The second boss was Marshal Zhang Xueliang.

The third boss was Song Ziwen, the richest man in the Republic of China.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, it was requisitioned by several agencies.

In the 1990s, it was bought by Qi Huaiyong, a wealthy businessman from Hong Kong Island.

However, due to the concern of several famous gunmen in Tiandu, the business was average.

Qi Huaiyong only ran the business for two years before he took action and returned to Hong Kong Island.

After several twists and turns, it was acquired by the Lou family more than ten years ago.

The Lou family spent a huge sum of money on renovations, but unfortunately it was not open for business yet. The old man of the Lou family got into a big disaster and fled China.

Before leaving, the Lou family sold the club to the Meng family, the Liu family and the Bai family for a bargain price.

Currently, the club's largest shareholder is Bai Zirui, the eldest son of the Bai family.

With this history, the quality of this club is extremely high.

There are strict threshold standards for consumption here.

You must be a member to enter the club. The threshold for membership starts at 2 million, and you must have a senior member guarantee to apply.

Ordinary people can't even think of entering with a gold mountain in their hands.

Ordinary members can only spend on floors one to four. If you want to go to the top floor, you must be a supreme black card member.

There are only ninety-five black card holders in the entire China.

Therefore, coming here is a symbol of status and style.

It can also be said to be a temple for celebrities and wealthy businessmen.

The motorcade stopped at the door, and the manager trotted over to open the door.

"Good evening, Mr. Bai."

"Welcome Mr. Lu."

"Hello, Mr. Di, and good evening, Mr. Qian."

When meeting these young men, the manager was more polite than when meeting his own mother, which made Lu Fei feel uncomfortable.

"Hey, you, the manager, are a bit of a bitch, and you've lost fans of your club!"

Bai Zirui chuckled.

"This is for you."

"When someone else comes, he is the uncle."

"This manager's name is Li Xueman. He is very good at handling people and worldly affairs. He is nicknamed Third Master."

"This is the backbone of our club."


"Just to watch people order food?"

"Seeing things through without telling them. A club like this cannot do without people like this."


The brothers all got off the car and walked into the club together.

Just as he entered the door, a flying goddess drove over, and Lu Fei deliberately stopped to watch.

Facing such a luxury car,

This time the manager didn't pay attention at all, and even the doorman didn't go up to open the door.

The driver opened the door, and a middle-aged man and an attractive woman got out.

When the middle-aged man saw Li Xueman, he was just as polite as when Li Xueman saw Lu Fei and others.

"Third Master, good evening."

"Hello, Boss Zou, please come inside!"

Lu Fei nodded and said with a smile.

"It's really interesting!"

Entering the lobby on the first floor, dozens of beauties who were drinking and chatting all stood up.

"Mr. Bai is here."

"Good evening, Mr. Lu."

"Hello, Mr. Di"

Even though it's on the first floor, those who can enter and spend money here are either rich or expensive.

But when these people saw Lu Fei and others, they were extremely flattering.

This is the embodiment of style and level.

This kind of situation is not just in Tiancheng, it can be seen everywhere in life and work.

this is the truth.

Bai Zirui waved his hand and motioned for everyone to sit down.

"Good evening, everybody."

"Everyone has fun, let's go up first!"

Entering the elevator, Bai Zirui was about to press the button for the fifth floor, but Lu Fei pressed the button for the fourth floor first.

"What are you doing?" Bai Zirui asked.

"I've been to the fifth floor a few times. It's not crowded but not very lively."

"Go take a look at the fourth floor today."

"It's up to you to pick up the wind for you."

Lu Fei, Bai Zirui, Little Dog and others came to Tiandu City many times, but they always went straight to the top floor.

Coming to the fourth floor today is indeed refreshing.

The spacious space and uniform antique decoration make people feel as if they have traveled back to the Republic of China.

On the dance floor, more than a dozen couples of men and women danced to soft music.

The men's suits and dresses and the women's cheongsams have a unique charm.

As Lu Fei walked and admired it, two acquaintances came over.

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