A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1836 Impure Purpose

As soon as Lu Fei got out of the elevator, two acquaintances walked towards him.

It is Deng Shaohui and Jiang Mingzhe.

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Bai, good evening everyone!"

"Master Deng, I didn't expect you to be here too!"

"Shaohui just came back today."

"When I learned that Mr. Lu was coming to Tiandu, I planned to pick him up tomorrow."

"Since we met here by chance, Shaohui borrowed flowers and presented Buddhas to welcome Mr. Lu here."

Bai Zirui chuckled.

"Master Deng, I am here to support my brother today. Isn't it appropriate for you to borrow flowers and offer them to Buddha?"

"Mr. Bai, don't get me wrong. We are all friends, and it doesn't matter whoever supports Mr. Lu."

"In this way, Mr. Bai will support Mr. Lu tonight, and I, Deng Shaohui, will foot the bill."

"Is it okay for Mr. Bai to give me some face?"

"I'll treat you all to a drink at the Tiandu Hotel at noon tomorrow," Deng Shaohui said.


"Isn't it appropriate to ask Mr. Deng to spend money?"

"Nothing inappropriate."

"I had some misunderstandings with Mr. Lu and everyone before. Thank you Mr. Lu for forgiving me regardless of the past grudges."

"Now Mr. Lu and I are not only friends, but also partners. Shaohui should express his gratitude."

Deng Shaohui waved his hands as he spoke, and the music on the dance floor suddenly stopped, and everyone looked over.

"Everyone, listen, in order to welcome Mr. Lu, all the money spent on drinks tonight will be mine."



"Thank you Mr. Lu, thank you Mr. Deng"

The whole audience cheered, and Bai Zirui laughed.

"In that case, I will prepare lunch tomorrow. Master Deng, please don't spend any more money!"

"No problem, then Shaohui is welcome."

"Everyone please come in!"

Lu Fei and others went over, and the waiter quickly cleared away the tables in the middle of the front row.

No matter who was sitting there, they had no objection.

Lu Fei and his group, plus Deng Shaohui and Jiang Mingzhe, no one in the entire club dared to challenge them, so of course they had no objections.

dried fruit, fruit bowl, top

The red wine was put on the table and everyone sat around.

Deng Shaohui asked after taking a sip of wine.

"Mr. Lu, do you have any special plans this year?" Deng Shaohui asked.


"Master Deng knows about my situation. I just came back and my eyes were dark, and I haven't made any plans yet."

"If Mr. Deng has a good project, I would be willing to participate in it."

"That's easy to say."

"If Shaohui has a good project, he will definitely call Mr. Lu."

"By the way, my uncle called me a while ago."

"He asked me to tell Mr. Lu that if you have time, Mr. Lu is welcome to visit his home." Deng Shaohui said.

"Thank you, Mr. Lan, for your kindness. I will definitely bother you when I have time."

“But this time the schedule is very full, I’m afraid I’ll just have another chance.”

"I hope Mr. Deng and Mr. Lan can explain this."

"no problem!"

"My uncle said that their door will always be open to you."

"Come on, drink!"

A few people were drinking and chatting. Suddenly, everyone around them stood up.

Everyone looked at the elevator entrance at the same time. The men's eyes were full of lewdness, but the women's eyes were full of jealousy.

Lu Fei and the others subconsciously followed everyone's gazes, and the eyes of the two young men suddenly became digital.

At the elevator entrance, a stunning beauty was walking towards her.

He is about 1.7 meters tall, with shoulder-length hair, fair skin, and impeccable facial features.

The pure white tight-fitting cheongsam embroidered with peonies outlines her exquisite figure to almost perfection.

Too much is too fat, too little is too thin, graceful and graceful, sexy and charming.

With the face of an angel and the figure of a devil, no wonder everyone can't control their eyes.

Especially the two eldest young men were drooling. Looking at the expressions of the beauties, they looked as lewd as they could be.

However, there is an example

Besides, that person is of course Lu Fei.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the beauty ignored the others and went straight to the exception.

She bowed slightly, slightly opened her red lips, and her two shallow dimples melted the little puppy's heart.

"Mr. Lu, good evening."

"Nice to see you here."

Lu Fei smiled slightly in return.

"Hello, Ms. Nina."


Lu Fei called out his name, and everyone in the little milk dog reacted.

Take a closer look, isn’t it?

Isn't this girl currently competing with Tengfei Pharmaceuticals, the president of the Asian region of the British Ruixin Group, and the Chinese-American Eiffel Nina?

After being recognized by Lu Fei, Nina's smile was as bright as flowers and her eyes were as charming as silk.

"I didn't expect Mr. Lu to call me by my name. Nina is honored."

"Excuse me, Mr. Lu, can I sit down?"


Lu Fei waved his hand, and Nina sat across from Lu Fei generously.

The little puppy was right next to Nina. He seized the opportunity and quietly moved closer to the beauty with movements visible to the naked eye.

Suddenly feeling the coldness in Lu Fei's eyes, the little puppy regretfully gave up!

Nina sat down and looked around, saying hello to everyone.

"This must be Mr. Bai, right?"

"I'm Bai Zirui, hello, beauty."

"Hello, Mr. Bai."

"This should be Mr. Di."


"This is Mr. Wang"

"After coming to China, I have been looking for opportunities to visit everyone."

"I didn't expect that when I came to the club for the first time today, I would meet some true gods."

"It seems we are really destined!"

"Since we meet by chance, can I buy you a drink?" Nina asked.

"Of course we won't refuse the beauty's invitation."

"Miss Nina, whatever you want to drink, I will get it for you personally." said the little milk dog.

"Thank you, Mr. Di. I

It will be all right. "

"Happy, if that's the case, then"



"Brother, you, you say."

Lu Fei said after glaring at the little milk dog.

"Ms. Nina is the president of Ruixin Group Asia, and ordinary red wine is not suitable at all."

"I know the homemade beer in this club is good, would you like to try it?"


After Lu Fei finished speaking, Bai Zirui and others took a breath of air.

The club does have homemade beer, which is made with real ingredients and is quite powerful.

As for Bai Zirui's drinking capacity, three liters at most is almost the limit.

So generally few people order beer.

Now Lu Fei offers to drink beer. This does not seem to be a very pure starting point!

Nina smiled charmingly.

"Since Mr. Lu likes her, Nina is willing to accompany her."


"Waiter, bring me ten liters of beer."

Ten liters of beer were delivered, but Lu Fei only wanted two beer glasses.

The boys around him understood instantly and left immediately, leaving the table to Lu Fei and the others.

"Hey, something's wrong with this situation!"

"What on earth does your brother want to do?" Bai Zirui asked.

The little milk dog rolled his eyes and said.

"What else can you do?"

"He must have evil intentions because of his beauty."

"No, Brother Fei is not that kind of person."

"You know nothing!"

"This girl is my brother's rival."

"It's because of this girl that Tengfei Pharmaceutical's performance has declined sharply."

"My brother wants this girl to drink beer. He obviously wants to get her drunk and conquer this bitch in another way."

"Old Bai, you should go up there and clean up a suite for my brother. My brother will be very grateful later."


"go to hell!"

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