A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1837 The visitor is evil

Home-brewed beer was poured, and Nina picked up the glass with a smile on her face.

"This is the first time I have a drink with Mr. Lu, so Nina will do it first as a courtesy."


The second glass was filled and Nina picked it up again.

"Tengfei Company is the big brother in the industry. It was my mistake that Nina did not visit Mr. Lu in time."

"I'll toast you with another drink."


"Two treasure fights, Nina was lucky enough to watch the live broadcast." .??.

"Nina has great respect for your courage and personality."

"With this third cup, Nina wishes Mr. Lu a happy life and a successful career."



Lu Fei and Lu Fei drank three glasses of wine in a row, Nina's face remained unchanged, and everyone who was peeping in secret was completely shocked.

"A good drinker, this girl is not simple!"

"Old Bai, I take back what I just said."

"The situation has changed. Now it seems that this bitch is planning to get my brother drunk and conquer him in other ways!"

"Can your kid not have such a dirty mind?"

"What is dirty?"

"I am telling the truth."

"Based on my experience, this bitch is obviously coming with bad intentions!"

"No matter who wants to conquer whom, something is going to happen tonight."

"Hurry up and arrange a room!"


After finishing three glasses of wine, Nina stood up and filled Lu Fei's glass.

Suddenly her foot stumbled, and Nina screamed in surprise and threw herself at Lu Fei.

Lu Fei reached out to catch Nina, who sat directly on Lu Fei's lap.

He hooked Lu Fei's neck with his hands, his eyes were as charming as silk and his breath was like orchid.

"Thank you, Mr. Lu."

"If it weren't for you, I would be miserable."

"You're welcome. It would be a waste of money if you hurt a beautiful woman."

Lu Fei said without letting go, and he searched up and down Nina's body unceremoniously.

This charming scene immediately stunned the younger brothers.

"Old Bai, aren't you a bit stubborn?"

"What do you say now?"



"What's happening here?"

"Lu Fei won't be drugged by that bitch, right?"

"Depend on!"

"You don't have to worry about whether the medicine is given or not. Just hurry up and prepare the room!"

"What, is this necessary?"

"Nonsense, if we don't prepare, we will broadcast it live."

Just when Bai Zirui was hesitating, Lu Fei finally let go of Nina, who snuggled up next to Lu Fei generously.

"Mr. Lu, let me toast you again."

Lu Fei lit a cigarette and smiled.

"Beauty, you came here specifically to see me, aren't you just here to have a drink with me?"


"As expected of Mr. Lu, you can tell at a glance that I am here specifically to see you."

"Actually, I'm looking for you"

"Don't tell me yet, let me guess."

"I guess you are here to demonstrate with me?" Lu Fei asked.


"Mr. Lu, how good are you?"

"With your strength, how dare I protest against you?"

“Isn’t it unwise to shake an earthworm from a tree and strike an egg from a rock?”

"The opposite is true."

"I'm here to beg you," Nina said.


"how do I say this?"

"Mr. Lu, although I am the president of Ruixin Company's Asia region, I am still a wage earner after all."

"Ruixin's decision to settle in China is the decision of the board of directors, and I can only implement it unconditionally."

"I beg Mr. Lu, please don't target me deliberately?"

"If you make things difficult for me, I really won't survive." Nina hugged Lu Fei's arm and said coquettishly.


"Why don't I understand what you are saying?"

"Since your company settled in China, it seems that you have deliberately targeted us, Tengfei Pharmaceutical, right?"

"You're not like the legend, but you still behave well after getting an advantage, right?"

"Mr. Lu, of course that's not what I meant."

"Competition between companies is normal."

"I'm worried that Mr. Lu will be angry with me and deliberately target me personally!"

"As far as I know, the people Mr. Lu wants to target usually die miserably. I don't want to be cannon fodder!"


"Don't worry about this, I always treat things differently."

"You're right, competition between companies is a good thing."

"I also welcome competition."

"After all, only with competition can there be development."

"However, I cannot accept malicious competition."

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, we understand the rules." Nina said.

"Do you understand the rules?"


"After you entered the Chinese market, you secretly contacted our company's agents and promised them benefits."

"And we also signed private contracts with three agents."

"Is this just following the rules?"


"You don't need to explain."

"I, Lu Fei, am not able to survive until today because of luck."

"You don't have to deny it. You came here today just to see my joke."

"However, you may be disappointed."

"Tengfei Pharmaceutical is my face, and I will never allow anyone to slap me in the face."

"Your company will see my counterattack, and it will depend on whether you can handle it."

"However, I really hope you can catch it, otherwise there will be no fun."

When Lu Fei said this, Nina's expression changed slightly.

"I hate it!"

"How could anyone protest with you?"


"Whether it is, you know it in your heart."

"A friendly reminder, you can find a way out now."

"So as not to waste your precious time."

Nina poured a glass of wine for Lu Fei and said charmingly.

"Mr. Lu, you've scared people."\u003c


"No, I never joke."

"I mean every word I say."

"I do not believe!"

"Ruixin Group has a century-old history."

"They have a rigorous scientific research team, the best promotion team, and strong financial support."

"You have also seen the momentum of our development in China."

"I don't believe you can do anything on your own."

"Since you are so confident, do you dare to make a bet with me?" Lu Fei asked.

"What bet?"

"Within a week, I want your China offices and branches to close down."

When Nina heard this, a hint of disdain flashed through her charming eyes.


"Your joke is not funny at all!"

"I'm not kidding you."

"If I can't do it, Ascendas Pharmaceuticals will declare bankruptcy."

"Really?" Nina asked in surprise.

"You can ask, I, Lu Fei, never lie."

"What if you did it?"

"If I do it, you come over and work for me."

"And you have to sign a contract with me for two years. The specific work will be arranged by me."

Nina was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing.

"Mr. Lu, what do you plan to do for me?"

"You don't want me to warm your bed, do you?"

"In that case, there is no need for us to bet, Nina can rely on you now."


"You have no chance to warm the bed, but I will definitely give you a surprise."

"How about it?"

"Do you dare to take a gamble with me?"

"No gambling!"

"Are you scared?"

"It's not that I'm afraid."

"I'm just a part-timer at best, so there's no point in betting with you."

"Since Mr. Lu doesn't need Nina to warm your bed, I will leave first after finishing this drink."

"But, I'm really sad!"

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