A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1843 Old Fox

After breaking up with Nina, Lu Fei returned home and went straight into the study.

I smoked a cigarette and looked at the time. It was almost twelve o'clock.

He took out his phone and hesitated for a while, then sent Wang Xinyi a WeChat message.

[Have you slept? 】

【without! 】

After confirming that Wang Xinyi was not asleep, Lu Fei sent a video request.

In the video, Wang Xinyi is wearing a white silk pajamas, which is incredibly beautiful.

"Do you miss me?" Lu Fei asked.

"Lu Fei, is Xiang'er by your side?"

"No!" .??.??

"Then let me ask you something. I heard that you have been very close to Nina from Ruixin Group in the past two days."

"You are in Tiandu, can you pay attention to the impact?"

"If Xiang'er knew about it, she would be sad." Wang Xinyi said.


"Why do I feel such a strong smell of vinegar?"

"It's not you who is sad, right?" Lu Fei said with a smile.

"Lu Fei, can you be more serious?"

"I'm serious."

"You should believe me, I'm not that kind of person."

"If nothing else, let me send you some photos."

Lu Fei said, sending a few photos to Wang Xinyi's other phone.

Wang Xinyi opened it and took a look, her face suddenly became ugly.

"Isn't this Nina?"

"Lu Fei, what do you mean?"

"Don't be angry yet."

"Look carefully at these photos."

"Ignore all the faces and expressions, just look at Nina's eyes."

"Look carefully and tell me what it feels like?" Lu Fei said.


"What do you mean?"

"You read it first and then talk."

Wang Xinyi sat up and looked carefully at Nina's eyes in the photo as Lu Fei said.

Looking at it, I couldn't help but frown.

"Fei, why do I feel like I've seen these eyes before?

? "Wang Xinyi said.

Lu Fei was overjoyed.

"If you look carefully, can you remember where you have seen these eyes?"

Wang Xinyi looked at it for a few more minutes, and suddenly her eyes lit up.

"Fei, I remembered."

"These eyes are very similar to that person."

"Who is that person you are talking about?"


Lu Fei was extremely excited when he heard Wang Xinyi say that person's name.

"now it's right."

"I think exactly the same as you."

"Xinyi, I love you to death." Lu Fei said excitedly.

"Wait a moment!"

"But, this face is not hers at all!"

"Are we too sensitive?" Wang Xinyi asked.


"In the past two days of contact, I have already seen that she has had plastic surgery."

"I now suspect that Nina is her under this face."

Wang Xinyi was shocked when she heard this, but after thinking about it, she still had some doubts.

"But, she obviously"

"Nothing is impossible, everything is possible."

"That bastard Deng Shaohui committed such a big thing, isn't it still nothing?"

"Xinyi, you came from a special place. There must be friends you can trust there."

"Can you find a way to investigate?"

"This answer is very important to us." Lu Fei said.

"Fei, you can ask Boss Dong!"


"There is also Zhao Yuanchao above Dong Jianye. They must not let them know about this."

"If you have a way, you can investigate secretly."

"If not, don't alert the enemy."


"I'll give it a try and I'll let you know the results right away."

"Fei, someone is targeting you now."

"You must be more careful in your words and deeds. Don't let anyone catch you!" Wang Xinyi asked worriedly.

"You don't have to worry about me."

"On the contrary, you must pay attention to safety."

"If you have anything to discuss with your second brother, what happened last time must not happen again."

"I see."

"Good night!" .??.??

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei was so excited that he couldn't sleep.

A man came to the restaurant, took out the leftovers and drank by himself.

The next day, the incident of Ruixin Company smuggling illegal drugs continued to escalate.

The health department issued an announcement.

Before the incident is investigated clearly, all hospitals in China have stopped using Ruixin's drugs.

As a result, Tengfei Pharmaceutical's drugs are once again in short supply.

Just one day to regain market share.

And it has reached cooperation intentions with two major hospitals in Shanghai.

On the other side, the office building of Ascendas Pharmaceuticals is bustling with people.

After the Ruixin incident, the Chinese pharmaceutical businessman finally recognized the reality.

Although foreign monks can also chant sutras, the most reliable ones are local monks.

All in all, Big Boss Lu Feilu is the most awesome.

Realizing this, pharmaceutical businessmen immediately gathered in Jincheng, vying to cooperate with Tengfei Pharmaceutical.

Unfortunately, the chairman and president are not at home, and no one in the company can make the decision.

But these businessmen are undeterred.

It doesn't matter if you are not at home, we will make an appointment in advance.

When Mr. Xing comes back, it is also a huge advantage to be first in line to interview Mr. Xing.

The scheming merchants tried their best to find out Xing Shuya's whereabouts.

He even tried to bribe the company's top employees, but he didn't expect that even Xing Shuya's secretary didn't know the whereabouts of the president.


Before dinner, Lu Fei dialed Dong Jianye's phone number.

"Boss Dong, have those grandsons given their account?" Lu Fei asked.

"Boss Lu, this is not something you should be asking about!"

"You are suspected of breaking the rules!"


"Don't blame me, I'm not interested in talking nonsense to you."

"I just want to know who is the person on the platform behind Ruixin." Lu Fei said.

"Boss Lu, why are you so concerned about this issue?"


"In two months, Ruixin developed into this."

"I didn't even take down all the dozens of big hospitals in Tiandu, the magical city, but they did it."

"Why should they?"

"There's no way they could have done it without anyone behind them."

"Ruixin is my biggest competitor, and the person behind them is also my enemy."

"Isn't it too much for me to know who my enemy is?" Lu Fei asked.


"I know how you feel, my boss Lu."

"However, the rules are the rules, so I have no comment."

"I'm very busy here, hang up now!"

After hanging up the phone, Lu Fei was about to curse when the WeChat notification sounded.

The person who sent the WeChat message was none other than Dong Jianye.

Lao Dong only posted an anime expression of a puppy with its mouth taped shut.

Although it was just an expression, it was enough to answer Lu Fei's question.

Lu Fei cursed the old fox and laughed.

At nine o'clock in the morning, London time, the stock market opened, and Ruixin's stock price continued to plummet.

Just one hour after the market opened, Ruixin's market value shrank by another percentage point.

Although it is only one percentage point, the base number is really too large.

The losses caused must be calculated in units of hundreds of millions!

Seeing no improvement, Chairman John was furious.

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