A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1844 Recommendation

Seeing that the stock price continued to fall, but various departments of the company could not come up with effective ways to curb it, Chairman John was furious.

John was about to call a meeting when the secretary came in to report.


"Mr. Li Zhengrong, general manager of China Ocean Trading, wants to see you."

Hearing the words "Ocean Trading", John was furious and his eyes almost popped out.

"What is he here for?"

"No, let him get lost."

"Tell him that if he wants to claim compensation, he should take legal channels, and we will accompany him to the end."

"Chairman, Mr. Li is not asking you for compensation."

"He said he could help you alleviate the crisis at hand." ??


John was stunned for a moment, then shook his head hard.


"He was the one who reported us. How could he help us?"

"In Chinese terms, this is the fake mercy of a cat crying like a mouse. He must be here to see my joke."

"Get him out!" John shouted.

The secretary took a step forward and whispered.

"Chairman, the current situation of our company is in danger. In my opinion, it is better to listen to what Mr. Li has to say."

"A dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor!"

"Even if what he said is useless, we have nothing to lose by meeting him!"


John thought for a while and felt it made sense, gritted his teeth and said.

"Then let him in."

"I'd like to hear what he has to say."


After a while, Li Zhengrong walked in with a smile on his face.

"Hello, dear Mr. John, I am Li Zhengrong, general manager of China Ocean Trading Company."

John said while suppressing his anger.

"Mr. Li, do you have anything to do with me?"

Li Zhengrong chuckled.

"Mr. John, there is a saying in China that all visitors are guests."

"I've traveled thousands of miles to see you, and you just let me stand and talk?"\u003c


John nodded.

"Please sit down!"

"Secretary, make a cup of coffee for Mr. Li."

"Thank you, I'm not thirsty."

"After the matter is said and done, I will turn around and leave."

"Okay, what Mr. Li wants to say, you can start." John said.

Li Zhengrong sat down and said calmly.

"Mr. John, I like to go straight to the point."

"If my words make you feel uncomfortable, please forgive me."

"Mr. Li, please speak."

"Mr. John, it has been thirty-six hours since your company smuggled illegal drugs."

"In these thirty hours, your company's market value has evaporated by tens of billions of pounds. This loss is not small!"

"I heard that you suspect that someone is deliberately framing you."

"But neither the Chinese police nor Interpol have found any clues to solve the case."

"Mr. Li, didn't you report this?" John asked.

"Yes, it was indeed me who reported it."

"But I only stand from the standpoint of our company and do it as a last resort."

"Our two companies are working together."

"If we didn't report and were taken advantage of by outsiders, our losses now should not be as much as your Ruixin's."

"So, we can only take the initiative to report and expose, but this is definitely not the result we want." Li Zhengrong said.

"Mr. Li, what do you mean by this?"

"Isn't it your company that framed us?" John asked.


"Mr. John, you think too highly of us."

"After your containers leave the port from the UK, they are always supervised by your people."

"How could we have a chance to frame you?"

"What's more, we have a cooperative relationship."

"And there is no grudge between our two families, so why would we do that?"

"What benefit does framing you have to our company?" Li Zhengrong said.

"Then why did you report us?"

"To tell you the truth, we have also received threats from anonymous reporting calls."

"Someone notified us in advance that your containers were contaminated."

"If we didn't report it, he would report it himself."

"That way we would be quite passive."

"Perhaps you don't believe me when I say this. Just so I brought the recording of the phone call."

"Listen, maybe you can hear clues in his voice."

Li Zhengrong played the phone recording, and John stood up and listened carefully.

The content of the phone call was almost consistent with what Li Zhengrong said.

A middle-aged man who spoke with an authentic London accent reported to Li Zhengrong and threatened him.

But after listening for a long time, John didn't recognize who the voice belonged to.

"Mr. John, if you still don't believe it, you can ask someone to use technological means to verify the authenticity of this recording."

"I promise, everything I say is true."

"The reason why this person reported it to me was obviously to kill someone with a borrowed knife."

"Besides, he only left me ten minutes."

"If I don't report it, our family will die together."

"From my standpoint, I can only do this, right?" Li Zhengrong said.

John listened to the recording three times, but still sat down doubtfully.

"Mr. Li, you said you have a way to help us solve our current troubles. Please give us some guidance."

Li Zhengrong nodded and said.

"Ruixin is facing an unprecedented crisis."

"The only way to resolve this matter from the root is to find out the truth and clear your company's name."

"However, this process can be long or short."

"Maybe it will be found out tomorrow, or it may be a week, or even a month or a year."

"But your company can't wait that long."

"According to the development of the situation and the trend of the stock market, your century-old foundation will be destroyed in five days at most. Am I right?"

Hearing Li Zhengrong's analysis, John broke out in a cold sweat.

"Yes, so I'm eager to hear Mr. Li's opinion."


"That's what I want to say next."

"The case happened in China."

"We must first solve it completely, and we must start from China's side."

"To put it bluntly, Interpol is simply unreliable."

"Only when the Chinese authorities provide you with clarification can the problem be completely solved."

John's eyes lit up when he heard it.

"So, Mr. Li can solve China's troubles?"


"You think too highly of me. I'm just a wage earner. I don't have that much ability."

"Then what you said is"

"Mr. John, don't worry, just listen to what I have to say."

"I really don't have this ability, but I can introduce someone to you."

"As long as this person agrees to help you, your company's dilemma will be solved immediately."


"Who is this person you are talking about?"

Li Zhengrong smiled and said.

"You must have heard about this person."

"His name is Lu Fei."

"Lu Fei?"

Hearing Lu Fei's name, John stood up directly.

This name was too familiar to him.

The most fundamental reason why Ruixin Company wants to enter the Chinese market is to see the achievements of Fei'er Pharmaceutical, which is represented by Lu Fei, in China.

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