A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1848 Calculating family wealth

At eight o'clock in the morning, Paul and Nina came to Xianlin Mingyuan to visit, and Feng Zhe was responsible for the reception.

"Ms. Nina, are you looking for our boss?" Feng Zhe asked.


"Excuse me, is Mr. Lu at home?"

"It's unlucky that you're here. Our boss is out on business and has just left."

"When will he come back? I have important matters to discuss with him," Nina said.

"I don't know about that. If anything happens, please call him!"

"Okay, thank you!"

Back in the car, Nina dialed Lu Fei's number.

"Mr. Lu, would you like to meet me?"

"I have something to discuss with you," Nina said.

"I'm really sorry. I told you at the Wonton House that this is your only chance."

"There's no point talking about it now."

"Mr. Lu, you misunderstood."

"That's not what I'm talking about."

"President Li Zhengrong visited our head office before, and he asked us to come to you."

"Now, Mr. Paul, the shareholder of our company, and I are at your doorstep." Nina said.


"I remembered that Mr. Li did communicate with me."

"However, I am doing errands outside and can't go back for the time being."

"How about this!"

"I'll call you at noon and let's chat while eating." Lu Fei said.

"Mr. Lu, our matters are urgent, do you think?"

"I'm sorry, my things are more important."

"How about you find someone else?"


"Okay, let's meet and talk at noon."

Nina told Paul what Lu Fei said, and the latter became furious.

"He did it on purpose."

"He must have done it on purpose."


"I said before, Lu Fei is not a good man or woman."

"If you cooperate with him, you have to be prepared to have your flesh cut off." Nina said with a smile.


"Calm down, dear Mr. Paul."

"There is a saying in China that people have to bow their heads under the eaves."

"You have no choice."

Lu Fei is really not at home.

At this moment, Lu Fei and Chen Xiang were accompanying Li Yunhe and his family to visit the military food processing factory.

The sight of military guards, military vehicle transportation, clean factories, and advanced equipment made Li Yunhe's mouth water.

"Lu Fei, you bastard!"

"No wonder you didn't let me come over to see it before. It turns out you have built such a big military industry enterprise!"

"You're such a useless kid," Li Yunhe complained.

The little milk dog chuckled.

"Brother Li, you made a mistake."


"What do you mean?"

"This factory was given to my sister-in-law by my brother."

"And it's not just this one."

"There are five more besides this one, and this is the smallest one."


"Six in total?"


"Lu Fei, I want to buy a share." Li Yunhe said.

"You're in trouble."

"This is a gift from me to my wife, no one is allowed to interfere with it."

Zhang Huan became very jealous when he heard this.

"Li Yunhe, look at how much Lu Fei loves Xiang'er, but what did you do to me?"

"Not to mention six factories, I still drive that shabby BMW!"

"When I get back, I want you to look good."

"Oh my god!"

Li Yunhe suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"Sister-in-law, this is just one of them."

"I also gave Xiang'er two planes and our villa."

"By the way, the Bentley in the garage is also a global limited edition."


"Li Yunhe, did you hear?

have? "

"Look at Lu Fei, and then look at you, I'm blushing for you."

"When you get back, I'll make you kneel down and make turkey noodles."


"Sister-in-law, don't take these substances so seriously."

“There are thousands of rooms in a vast building, but only three feet are needed to sleep at night.”

"We have a lot of wealth, but we can only eat three meals a day."

"My brother Li's kindness to you does not necessarily have to be reflected in material things, right?"

Hearing what Lu Fei said, Li Yunhe dared to burst into tears.

Lu Fei continued.

"However, it is indeed a bit excessive to ask you to drive that broken 750."

"By the way, you don't know how much assets my brother Li has now, right?"

"I just have time today, let me do the math for you."

"The annual rent on Lingbao Street is at least 200 million."

"The general agent in North China has an income of more than 200 million a year."

"There are also factories we are cooperating with this time, development projects in Hangzhou and Dongdaihe, and two Doubao handicap dividends."

"A rough calculation shows that my brother Li made a net profit of at least 10 billion last year."

"It's really unreasonable to make so much money and let you drive that shabby car."

"I suggest you go back and check his account. Is there someone out there?"

"Lu Fei, please shut up!" Li Yunhe shouted.


"I am so angry that I am right. Could it be that I was right?"

"Li Yunhe!"

"go to hell!"


After visiting the factory, Li Yunhe, Wang Hailong and the two young men accompanied Chen Xiang and Zhang Huan to go shopping in Sanlitun.

Lu Fei returned to the courtyard to pick up Xing Shuya.

"Where are we going?" Xing Shuya asked.

"Go to Fengze Garden to meet our competitor, Miss Nina."

"Why go to see her?"

"A while ago, you were a little embarrassed by her, let me give you a

A chance for revenge. "

"For a while, you can show off your superiority in front of her to your heart's content." Lu Fei said.

"Can you say something serious?"

"Where are you going?" Xing Shuya asked.

"I really want to meet Nina and the shareholders of Ruixin Group."

"I want to win over their Ruixin general agent in China so that they have no chance to compete with you."

"However, your work may be even busier in the future."

"Represent their products?"

"Isn't Ruixin about to go bankrupt?" Xing Shuya asked.


"A century-old pharmaceutical tycoon is not that easy to fall."

"I don't want them to go bankrupt either."

"But, will they cooperate with us?" Xing Shuya asked.

"Don't worry, not only will they do it, but they will also beg us to cooperate with them."

"When negotiating, you must remember one purpose, and that is to be ruthless."

"We must help our company strive for the greatest benefits."

Arriving at Fengze Garden, Nina and Nina were already waiting.

"Sorry to keep you waiting, Ms. Nina."

"It doesn't matter, we just arrived."

"Mr. Lu, let me introduce to you. This is Mr. Paul, the second largest shareholder of our company."

"Hello Mr. Paul."

"Hello, Mr. Lu, please sit down."

"Mr. Lu, Mr. Li came to the headquarters before and said that your company plans to represent our company's products, right?" Nina asked.

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"Mr. Li did mention this to me."

"To be precise, Yuanyang Trading plans to cooperate with our company."

"However, these are just intentions and have not been studied in depth."

"What, your company really plans to cooperate with us?"

Lu Fei's words were ambiguous.

This made Paul, who was about to gain a sense of presence, suddenly confused.

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