A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1849 Domineering Female CEO

After listening to Lu Fei's ambiguous words, Paul felt from the bottom of his heart that this guy was really difficult to deal with.

Nina's mentality was obviously much better than Paul's, and she smiled slightly.

"Mr. Lu, in order to save everyone's time, I will tell you directly."

"Mr. Li told our chairman before that you have a way to help us get through this crisis, right?"

"Miss Nina, you can't be so absolute."

"Your situation is quite difficult. I just know a lot of people and can entrust my friends to find out the results as soon as possible."

"As for whether I can help you survive the crisis, I can't guarantee that." Lu Fei said.

"Mr. Lu, you are too polite."

"Since you said this, you will definitely be able to do it."

"We can hand over the power of general agent in China to you."

"I hope you can help in any way you can," Paul said.


"Why do you feel so reluctant after hearing what Mr. Paul said?"

"Mr. Paul, you don't have to do this."

"Actually, me being an agent for your company's products will bring you no harm at all."

"What do you mean by Mr. Lu?" Paul asked.

"The origin of your crisis comes from China."

"I can guarantee that even if your crisis is resolved, you will still lose your reputation."

"In the future, your market in China will definitely be difficult."

"But if you give me the power of attorney, the situation will be different."

"I, Lu Fei, am not arrogant. With my credibility and reputation, as long as I join, I can restore your lost credibility to the greatest extent."

"This is something you absolutely cannot do in a short period of time."

"Come to think of it, this is a win-win deal. You won't suffer, right?" Lu Fei said.

Nina nodded and said.

"Mr. Lu is absolutely right, so we are willing to cooperate with you."

"To show our sincerity, we brought the contract over today."

\u003e "You see, if there are no objections, we can sign the contract now."

Nina pushed the contract to Lu Fei, and Lu Fei handed it directly to Xing Shuya.

Xing Shuya looked at it carefully and shook her head slightly.

"Miss Nina, I don't see any sincerity in your contract?"

"Mr. Xing, what do you say?" Nina asked.

"You give us the goods according to the export price, and then give us a 30% rebate. Is this sincerity?"

"Miss Nina, we are agents ourselves, and we know the rules very well."

"With the export price plus tariffs and transportation, the 30% rebate is almost useless."

"Under this contract, our company is not profitable at all."

"In this case, why should we take the risk to represent your products?" Xing Shuya said.

Nina chuckled.

"Mr. Xing, you can investigate. This is the condition we give to agents in any region."

"The export price is given to you, but you can have a 20% right to increase the price."

"The premium is 20%, that's a considerable sum!"

"Ms. Nina, although we at Tengfei Pharmaceuticals are engaged in business, our original intention is to benefit the people of China."

"There will never be any price increase on our medicines."

"This is the principle of our company."

"Also, the price of cooperation with the Shenzhou Corporation that you ran before was the export price."

"With this pricing, even if we want to increase the price, it is impossible."

"So, our company cannot accept this contract." Xing Shuya said.

Nina looked at Lu Fei meaningfully, who shrugged and said.

"You don't have to look at me."

"I don't know how to run a company.

Mr. Xing has the final say on matters. "

"If she wants to say no, then it's definitely not possible."


"I didn't realize that Mr. Lu is still a hands-off shopkeeper!"

"I can't help it. I have too many companies under my name, and I have to do everything myself. I don't have the energy."

"Besides, I'm not that material either."

"It's okay if I want to look at an object, but when it comes to management, you still need professionals."

"Well, just communicate with Mr. Xing and pretend that I don't exist." Lu Fei said.

Nina sighed.

"All right!"

"In this case, please tell Mr. Xing what conditions you are prepared to ask for?"

When it comes to business, Xing Shuya has the right temperament of a domineering female CEO.

Be polite and talkative.

"Since it is a cooperation, we must make a profit."

"We cannot accept the export price. We want your internal ex-factory price and give us a 50% rebate."


After hearing Xing Shuya's condition, Paul finally couldn't sit still.

"Dear Madam President, your request is too much!"

"According to your request, we will share more than 60% or even 70% of the profits!"

"Isn't this robbery?"

"Mr. Paul, our conditions may be a bit harsh for you."

"But don't forget the influence of our Tengfei Pharmaceuticals and our President Lu."

"After the cooperation, our company and Mr. Lu have restored the reputation for you, which cannot be replaced by money."

"Taking all of this into account, you are making a lot of money, aren't you?" Xing Shuya said.

Paul waved his hand and said.

"That's not what I said."

"Our cooperation is written in black and white in the contract."

“As for redeeming your reputation,

That's on paper. "

"None of us can guarantee whether it can achieve the desired results."

“It’s really ridiculous to be a bargaining chip for something that is so illusory that you can’t see or touch it.”

"Sorry, we can't accept that."

Xing Shuya smiled at Lu Fei and said.

"Mr. Lu, since there is no intention to cooperate, I think there is no need for us to waste time here."

"What do you think?"

Lu Fei nodded.

"It's all up to you."

"By the way, a friend came from far away, and we invited him to this meal."

"Mr. Xing, go and settle the bill, Mr. Paul. We'll see you later."

The two of them stood up as they spoke, but Paul was a little flustered.

The current situation of Ruixin can be said to be precarious. If the trouble is not resolved, it may go bankrupt at any time.

John gave him a death order and must ask Lu Fei for help.

Now that the cooperation talks have collapsed and Lu Fei is leaving, Paul is really anxious.

"Mr. Lu, please wait a moment."

"Do you have anything else to do, dear Mr. Paul?"

"Mr. Lu, we are discussing cooperation with you with 10,000 sincerity."

"But the conditions you just proposed are too harsh."

"In this case, let's each give in and sit down and talk again, okay?"

Lu Fei pointed at Xing Shuya and said.

"It's useless for you to tell me, I don't know how to run a business."

"If you have anything to do, tell Mr. Xing."

"Mr. Xing, what do you think?"

"Mr. Paul, we at Tengfei Pharmaceuticals look forward to cooperating with you, Ruixin."

"However, the conditions I just mentioned are the bottom line of our company."

"In this case, you can go back and think about it carefully. We have to meet an important client. Please excuse me."

"You guys have agreed to call me anytime."


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