A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1853 Hostile Takeover

After the crisis was lifted, and coupled with Lu Fei's influence, Ruixin's stock began to rise sharply.

This favorable situation makes Ruixin's shareholders breathe a sigh of relief.


"We came alive."

"It's really great."

"Lu Fei's ability is really terrifying. If we had known this, we should have cooperated with him earlier!"

"Chairman, the situation is great now. I think we should have a drink to celebrate."

The shareholders were elated, but John was silent.

"Mr. John, what's wrong with you?"

"Did something happen?"

John nodded and said.

"There are indeed some situations."

"According to the investigation of the marketing department, retail investors were buying our stocks crazily in the secondary market two days ago."

"As of the suspension of trading two days ago, the number of purchases exceeded 30% of the company's shares."

"I'm worried that someone did it on purpose."

"If these stocks are concentrated, then this person will be the largest shareholder of Ruixin!"


Hearing what John said, all the shareholders took a breath of air.

"Mr. John, are you too allergic?"

"A few days ago, our stock almost hit the bottom, and it is reasonable for investors to rush to buy at the bottom."

"Besides, those are retail investors, so there won't be much of a problem."

John shook his head and said.

"I've considered your idea, but things don't seem that simple."

"Two days ago, the Chinese police had not given us any clarification."

"At that point, our stock almost collapsed and there was no sign of a rebound."

"Facing the edge of bankruptcy, if it were you, would you dare to buy our stocks?"

"In case of bankruptcy, all you get is a piece of waste paper."

"Even if there is a lunatic who dares to do this, it's just a few people. How could countless people come out and buy more than 30% of the stock in one day?"

"This is definitely not normal."


Everyone was dumbfounded by John's analysis.

John is right, how could anyone dare to buy the bottom of a company that has no appearance and is on the verge of bankruptcy?

Even if there are such idiots, there can't be that many of them!

Therefore, there can only be one explanation for this situation, and that is that someone is maliciously acquiring Ruixin's shares.

Moreover, this person must know the inside story and know that Ruixin will not go bankrupt and will bottom out in a short period of time.

Shareholders shuddered at the thought.

"Mr. John, how about we join forces to buy back the stocks from these retail investors?" said a shareholder.

John shook his head.


"Now that our stocks are starting to rebound, not even a fool would sell."

"Now we can only pray that this is not a hostile takeover by an individual, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous."

"Mr. John, we can't sit still and wait for death!"

"At the very least, we need to investigate clearly who bought these stocks."

"If it was really someone's fault, we'd better find a way to deal with it so as not to be caught off guard!" Paul said.

"I've asked someone to investigate."

"I estimate that ocean trade and land flight are the most likely."

"No one in the world understands the situation better than these two families."

"Moreover, they all have such capital and ability."

"If it was really what they did, it would be too dangerous."

Hearing John's analysis, everyone's spines went cold and goosebumps broke out all over their bodies.

However, the situation has happened, and they can only pray silently.

At noon the next day, Yang Haiwen and Wang Xian hosted a banquet for Lu Fei at Tianxiangju.

During the dinner, the two brothers were extremely excited.

They originally planned to say goodbye after dinner and go back to explore the market, but soon they both became drunk.

Returning home can only be postponed.

Everyone had free time in the afternoon. In the evening, Lu Fei came to Guan Haishan's home alone.

When they arrived at Guan's house, Guan Haishan hadn't come back yet, so Guan's sister-in-law Zhao Yumei warmly received her.

"Xiao Fei, you are a rare guest, come in quickly."

"Hello, sister-in-law!"

"This is a snack from Daoxiang Village. I hope my sister-in-law will accept my thoughts."


"Come just come and bring something with you, Xiaofei, you are too unscrupulous."

"Sister-in-law accepts it this time, but there won't be a next time!"

"As long as sister-in-law likes it."

Ask Lu Fei to sit down, Zhao Yumei said while making tea.

"Xiao Fei, what happened at my master's house made you feel wronged."

"Sister-in-law, I'm sorry for you, but it's hard for me to refute my master."

"Anyway, thank you, sister-in-law."

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Sister-in-law, please don't be polite to me."

"It's not a trivial matter, but if you have anything to do in the future, just call me directly."

"I'm annoyed by your old man and don't want to talk to him."

Zhao Yumei's stomach hurt when she heard this.

"You're right, Lao Guan is just pretentious, and I annoy him."


"Sister-in-law will call you directly from now on."

"When you come to Tiandu, you should also come to my house often, and my sister-in-law will prepare delicious food for you."

"Thank you, sister-in-law."

While they were talking, Guan Haishan, Gong Xiuliang and Fatty Wang Zhang Yanhe came back.

Seeing Lu Fei, Guan Haishan smiled all over his face, but in exchange he got a pair of big white eyes from Lu Fei.

"Depend on!"

"Where did I recruit you?" Guan Haishan said aggrievedly.

"You didn't recruit me."

"However, there is a kind of person who makes me upset when I think about it and makes me sick when I see him."

"That's the kind of person you are."


"You're bothering me and you're still here?"

"I came to see my sister-in-law,

none of your business? "



"Okay, stop joking."

"The food and wine are ready. You can chat while you drink."

While talking, Kong Panqing also arrived.

Zhao Yumei invited everyone to the restaurant and sat down, Guan Haishan poured the wine himself.

"Bao Bao Fei, I don't have as perverted and good wine as you here."

"I bought this Wuliangye while biting my back teeth."

"You just have to drink it!"

“It’s not about the wine, it’s about who you drink it with.”

"Drink with friends, even if it is a blended powder, it is still jade liquid and fine wine."

"It looks awkward, and drinking jade liquor is tasteless." Lu Fei said.


"Are you done yet?"

"Why don't you catch the toad and pee it out?"

"I know I'm wrong, what else do you want?"

Lu Fei snorted coldly.

"Is it okay to just admit that you were wrong?"

"If that's the case, what's the point of having laws?"


"How do you think you can get there?"

"I'm so angry every day. I really can't stand it anymore. It's even worse than killing me," Guan Haishan said.

"It's easy for me to go there."

"As long as you drink three glasses of wine in a row, the past will be forgotten."

"You dare?"

Guan Haishan gritted his teeth and said.


"I was sorry for you before."

"As long as you feel comfortable with it, it's no problem for me to drink three bottles."

Guan Haishan said, picking up the wine bottle and blowing on it.

Zhang Yanhe, the others, and Zhao Yumei were shocked, and they couldn't persuade them, so they could only look at Lu Fei at the same time.

"Okay, after finishing this bottle, there will be a memorial service for you tomorrow."

"Stop showing off."


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