A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1854 Charity Auction

Coming to Guan Haishan's house tonight is not just for dinner, everyone has serious business to discuss.

Five days later it will be the first anniversary of Kong Fanlong, and everyone is discussing how to handle it.

According to Kong Panqing's intention, all should be kept simple, and his family would just go to pay homage.

However, this issue was unanimously opposed by everyone.

"Little sister, this is definitely not possible."

"When Master was alive, he was very popular. Even if we didn't do anything, people would spontaneously go to worship him."

"If we are not fully prepared, we will make people laugh." Gong Xiuliang said.

Guan Haishan nodded and said.

"The fourth brother is right, the fifth brother and the second brother also mean the same thing."

"They are on a business trip, let us decide, and they will come back as soon as possible without any delay."

"In my opinion, this is simple."

"The main question is where to hold the banquet and whether to post it to everyone."

Although the question may seem simple, there are many details.

Everyone was talking to each other, but we couldn't come up with a definite plan for a while.

Guan Haishan asked after looking at Lu Fei who remained silent.

"Hey, stop pretending to be boring."

"I called you here to discuss something. What kind of business is it for you to just pick up food?"

Lu Fei put down his chopsticks and wiped his mouth.

"The old man is right, the old man's memorial day must be held."

“And do it in a big way.”

"The old man has worked hard for decades. He deserves such courtesy."

"Posts must be posted, otherwise we can't count the number of people."

"As for the place to hold the banquet, I have already thought about it. It is in the old house."

"Invite the chef from the big restaurant to cook at home and hold a banquet in the courtyard."

“The venue there is big enough, and it’s not a problem to have more than 100 tables.”

"Xiao Fei, you can't do this."

"The old house is yours now, how can I have a banquet at your house?"

"This is inappropriate." Kong Panqing said.

"Nothing inappropriate."

"Although the old house belongs to me, it is also the old man's home."

"Don't treat me like an outsider, this matter is settled."

"I'll take care of all the cooking and ordering of the dishes, and you'll be responsible for counting the people."

"You must give me the detailed number of people one day in advance so that I can prepare others." Lu Fei said.

"Xiao Fei, this"

"Stop talking. If you say anything else, you will treat me as an outsider."

Guan Haishan looked at Kong Panqing and said.

"Little sister, just let the junk fly!"

"This guy values ​​love and justice. If you don't obey him, he will feel uncomfortable."

"The matter of hosting the banquet has been settled."

"Leave the post to me."

"Within two days, I will give you the specific number of people."

Lu Fei is doing the work, everyone can rest assured.

Since he has taken care of everything, there is no need to study the details.

The problems that had caused so many people so much trouble were solved so easily.

Kong Panqing was grateful. As Kong Fanlong's daughter, she personally toasted Lu Fei, and Lu Fei did not refuse.

This is etiquette.

Of course, Lu Fei would not be polite to Guan Haishan and Gong Xiuliang's toasts.

The matter was settled and everyone continued to eat and drink.

"There is one more thing I want to inform everyone." Lu Fei said.

"what's up?"

"The night before the old man's memorial day, I am going to hold a charity auction in the old man's name."

"All the proceeds will go into the foundation."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, everyone agreed.

"That's a good idea."

"How big do you plan to do it?" Guan Haishan asked.

"Of course the bigger the better."

"I'm going to put thirty items up for auction that night."

"I personally donate ten pieces, and the remaining twenty pieces are reserved for social donation."

"Anyone can donate, and we will select 20 on a merit-based basis."

"For the remaining items, we will hold them once a month from now on."

“It’s not done until all the items are sold.”

"If you don't have any objections, I will prepare a detailed plan later and announce it on the foundation's official website tomorrow," Lu Fei said.

Everyone thought about it and had no objection at all.

This matter can be considered settled.

In the afternoon of the next day, the official website of Kong Fanlong Archaeological Foundation released the news.

In order to commemorate the first anniversary of the death of Mr. Kong Fanlong, the general consultant of China’s historical and archeology, the Kong Fanlong Archaeological Foundation will hold a charity auction at 6pm three days later at the China Grand Theater.

The auction is open nationwide and supports off-site telephone bidding.

Thirty items will be auctioned that night, and ten treasures will be donated by the famous collector Mr. Lu Fei.

And everyone is welcome to actively donate. The remaining twenty items on the auction will be selected from the items donated by everyone.

The items that were not put on display that night will be put on display at the monthly charity auction in the future.

Until the shoot is finished.

On the night of the auction, Mr. Lu Fei personally hosted the auction.

The entire event will be broadcast live by the Great Wall Live Broadcast Platform and Bashu TV Station Shenzhou TV Station.

Any company or individual that successfully bids will be permanently displayed on the foundation's wall of honor.

All proceeds from the auction that night were donated to the account of the Kong Fanlong Archaeological Foundation, and fairness was supervised on-site by the Dongcheng District Notary Office.

Everyone is welcome to actively participate and thank you.

When this announcement was issued, the whole country was in an uproar.

The venue is the China Grand Theater, and the bidding is open to the whole world. Lu Fei personally hosts it. This level of competition is really high.


There are also ten treasures donated by Lu Fei, which are even more coveted.

This is the best opportunity to show off and get some treasures at the same time!

Upon seeing the announcement, the powerful bosses and collectors were so excited that they immediately bought tickets and set off to Tiandu.

In just a few hours, the hotels near the China Grand Theater were fully booked.

Hotels a little further away immediately raised their prices when they smelled the fishy smell, but that still didn't stop the bosses from showing off their enthusiasm.

Starting from the second day, the foundation became lively.

People came to donate treasures in an endless stream, and there were even more items delivered anonymously.

In just half a day, the foundation received more than two hundred donations.

Although everyone was enthusiastic, some problems still arose.

The quality of these donations varies, and there are even many fakes.

In order to be responsible for the donors, Kong Panqing asked Guan Haishan to immediately transfer Gong Xiuliang, Zhang Yanhe and Wang Fatty.

The three people were busy making appraisals, and there was a live broadcast on the Great Wall Live Broadcasting Platform next to them.

All items identified as authentic by these three people will be issued with an invoice and the rest will be returned on the spot.

In this way, the donation site becomes a treasure appraisal conference.

The three old guys were so busy that they didn't even have time to pee.

I couldn't bear it anymore and immediately asked Guan Haishan for help.

Guan Haishan temporarily transferred two masters to help, and called Lu Fei on the other side, but Lu Fei's phone was turned off directly.

Listening to the voice prompt of turning off the phone, Guan Haishan suddenly had a terrible idea.

Did the rag-tag Fei dogfight figure out that it would be like this? How many of you deliberately tormented me?

If not, why would you shut down your phone?

If it was really intentional, that bastard would be too much of a grandson.

Damn it!

I can't find a bargain for you.

If we find out that you did it on purpose, I will fight you tooth and nail.

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