At five o'clock in the afternoon, people who had obtained admission began to enter the venue one after another.

Half an hour later, Studio No. 1 was already packed.

At 5:45, the live broadcast signal came out.

The scene we see every year at the Spring Festival Gala is a charity auction today.

Such changes make people feel refreshed and a little more excited.

The business tycoons and big names in the collecting industry who were seated exchanged greetings and passed business cards, and the studio was noisy.

Suddenly, the display wall behind the stage lit up.

In the middle of the big screen is a huge portrait of Mr. Kong Fanlong.

Surrounding this portrait are dozens of documentary photos of Mr. Kong at work in different years.

On both sides of the monitor, there is a thin gold elegiac couplet with black characters on a white background.

The first couplet is: half a lifetime of hard work, great achievements and fame all over the world.

The second line is: Famous for generations to come, offering sacrifices to China with passion.

Seeing this scene, there was a sudden silence in the studio, and everyone was in awe.

Guan Haishan, Kong Panqing, Bai Zirui and others in the front row stood up for a moment of silence. Immediately afterwards, the entire audience stood up and paid their highest respect to the old man.

At six o'clock, all the stage lights were turned on, and Lu Fei, who was wearing a suit, strode to the center of the stage amidst the applause of the audience.

"Seniors, colleagues."

"Ladies and gentlemen, good evening."

“Everyone is welcome to attend the charity auction of the Kong Fanlong Archaeological Foundation.”

Lu Fei bowed and the audience stood up and applauded.

"Xiao Yao!"

"My brother is so handsome tonight."

"Have an inside and a face, stay calm on the spot, strategize, and win a thousand miles away."

"My brother knows his temperament very well. This is the highest level of pretentiousness!"

"Hey, I'm talking to you, you should give me a reaction!"

The little naughty dog ​​chattered for a long time, but Wang Xinlei didn't even look at him.

Suddenly, the little puppy felt two murderous auras coming from his side.


Turning around and looking over, goosebumps spread all over my body.

"Sister-in-law, Sister Jiaqi, I, I was joking."

Chen Xiang's face darkened and she whispered something nonsense, which made the little puppy break into a cold sweat.

Kong Jiaqi glared fiercely.

"Little loach, is this a joke?"

"If you talk nonsense again, I will tear your stinky mouth apart."


"I was wrong, I won't dare to do it again."

Seeing the deflated little puppy, the boys around him almost laughed out loud with their facial features distorted.

On the stage, Lu Fei continued.

"Tomorrow is the first anniversary of Kong Lao's death."

"He started working at the age of twenty-six and has been in charge of China's archaeological undertakings for sixty-one years."

"You may not know that his condition was already very serious a month before his death."

"I teamed up with Chinese medicine doctor Xue Taihe for treatment, and the old man's condition recovered slightly."

"If he recovers peacefully, he can live for at least five years."

"But the old man was worried. He was still presiding over the meeting until ten minutes before his death."

"He worked hard and died for the cause of archeology in China. He deserves respect from all of us."

"Everyone, please look at this elegiac couplet on the big screen."

"I wrote this in my own hand to his old man."

"After half a lifetime of hard work, he has made great achievements and is famous all over the world.

His reputation will last forever, and he will sacrifice his blood to China. "

"He deserves this elegiac couplet."

"Because this is the portrait of his old man's life."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, the audience burst into thunderous applause again.

The big bosses of the archaeological team in the front row, as well as Kong Panqing and Kong Jiaqi, were already in tears.

"Kong Lao's life-long goal is to lead China's archaeological cause to glory."

"In order to fulfill his old man's wish faster, I established the Kong Fanlong Archaeological Foundation."

"Since the establishment of the foundation, it has received donations of 1.23 billion from all walks of life."

“I would like to thank these donors for their generosity and generosity.”

"But, this is not enough."

"Our archaeological team is huge, and we need more reserve talent."

"Now, I make it official."

"The foundation's special donations to the archaeological community and the School of Archeology will be doubled from next year."


After Lu Fei finished speaking, everyone stood up and applauded.

Lu Fei bowed and continued.

"Don't look at the fact that our foundation has hundreds of billions in reserve funds."

"However, there is still a long way to go to fulfill Mr. Kong's last wish."

"This not only requires the support of our country and the operation of our foundation, but also requires high attention from all walks of life and everyone's love."

"So, on this special day, our foundation is hosting this charity auction."

"Before the auction started, we received a total of 1,306 treasures donated from all walks of life."

"Going forward, the foundation will hold an online charity auction every month."

"Thirty items will be auctioned each time until all these donations are sold out."

"The proceeds will be jointly supervised by the notary office, the news media and the owner, and will be used openly and transparently for the construction of China's archaeological undertakings."

"There are also thirty items on the auction block tonight."

"There are ten treasures donated by me personally."

“The other twenty items on offer, from

Selected from the treasures donated by everyone. "

"It is particularly important to mention that all donated treasures have been rigorously appraised by top experts."

“No matter how much it’s worth, make sure it’s authentic.”

"If a fake is found, I will personally pay ten times the compensation."


"I won't say any more unnecessary nonsense."

"Next, the auction will officially begin."

"I hope all the owners will spare no expense to bid enthusiastically and contribute their love to the archaeological cause."


Lu Fei's speech brought the atmosphere to a climax, and everyone's hearts surged with excitement.

The hostess brought the first item up for auction, and a close-up shot immediately appeared on the big screen.

“Colleagues in the collection industry all know that there were countless imitations of high-quality porcelain from the previous dynasties during the Kangxi and Qianlong dynasties.”

"Their collection value is no less than the genuine products from the official kilns of the previous dynasties."

"What everyone sees now is a large blue and white fish plate from Qianlong imitating Xuande."

"This fish plate is complete in shape and evenly sliced. It is a rare and good item."

"This is a masterpiece that Mr. Fu Yuliang, the curator of Zhongzhou Museum, found in Liulichang twenty-five years ago. Mr. Fu has always regarded it as a treasure."

"But in order to support tonight's charity auction, Mr. Fu resolutely donated this treasure."

"Our first auction item tonight is this fish plate."

"The starting price is 500,000 yuan, and each increase in price shall not be less than 50,000 yuan."

"The bidding begins now."

As soon as Lu Fei finished speaking, everyone in the audience raised their number plates.

"one million!"

"three million!"

"I'll pay four million!"

"I'll pay six million!"

"I'll pay eight million."

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