According to the current market price, the mackerel plate donated by Fu Yuliang should be around 600,000.

Lu Fei set the starting price at 500,000 yuan, and each bid could not be less than 50,000 yuan.

But the bidding started, and the bidding units on site started at one million.

With Lu Fei's reputation and Kong Lao's reasons, it is reasonable to pay a high price.

But such a crazy asking price still surprised veterans in the archaeological community.

After several hands of fighting, the price of this fish plate has reached 6 million.

At this price point, most of them have stopped, but there are still a few bosses competing fiercely.

"Six and a half million."

"Seven million!"

"I'll pay eight million."

"Mr. No. 1199 bids eight million. Is there anything higher than eight million?"

"I want to reiterate it here."

"Any boss who successfully bids will have his name forever on the foundation's wall of honor."

After Lu Fei said this, several more familiar bosses raised their number plates.

"Eight and a half million."

"Nine million!"

"I'll give you ten million."


Hearing this price, Fu Yuliang's heart skipped a beat and he was about to cry out.

"Lao Fu, why is your face so pale?"

"Do you regret it?" Zhang Yanhe asked softly.

"Fuck your mother!"

"Since I donated it, I will never regret it."

"Hey, don't be so harsh, okay?"

"Now it's 10 million!"

"Ten million, my brother, you will never make so much money in eight lifetimes!"

"I don't believe you, old guy, don't regret it?" Zhang Yanhe said with a playful smile.


"Mr. Kong has been as kind as a mountain to me. I won't regret it even if it's 100 million, let alone 10 million."

"I only spent 600 yuan when I bought this plate. It's not a loss for me."

"The current price is such a high price, it's because of Bao Bao Fei and Kong Lao's face."

"Without them, it would be impossible to offer a high price. I am very reasonable."

"have to!"

"As long as you think openly, I'm worried that you won't think so and your hair will turn upside down!"

"Get out!"


"Boss No. 1221 bids 10 million."

"Is there anything higher than ten million?"

"any left?"

"The first time in ten million."

"Ten million times a second time."

"By the way, there is one more thing I want to tell everyone."

"This is the first item to go up for auction tonight, which is of great significance."

"When this fish plate was photographed, it also came with an identification certificate produced by our five experts."

"In addition, I, Lu Fei, will sign a guarantee for this first item to be auctioned."

"If there is a quality problem, I will personally compensate you a hundred times."

“This commitment is only for the first lot, thank you all.”

After Lu Fei said this, the people below became active again.

Good guy!

The appraisal certificates from five experts and Lu Fei's personal promise are much more valuable than the object itself!

Apart from anything else, with Lu Fei's current reputation, even his autograph is worth a lot of money, not to mention the guarantee letter.

With these gimmicks, the significance of this fish plate is extraordinary.

If you take this treasure and display it in the office to show off, it will definitely give you face.

"I'll pay eleven million."

"I'll pay 13 million."

"I'll pay fifteen million."


Shouting fifteen million made Zhang Yanhe and others vomit blood.

"What the hell!"

"Has your grandson, Bao Bao Fei, ever opened his mouth?"

"As soon as he deceives someone like this,

After being fooled, were those people's heads shattered? "

"What a damn evil spirit!"

"You know nothing!"

"The people present are all business elites, and they are all smarter than monkeys."

"What people like is Baolan Fei's fame and gimmick."

"Spending more than 10 million to show off your face and act cool is absolutely worth it!"

"Fifteen million times."

"Is there any higher?"

"Twice fifteen million."

"Is there anything higher than fifteen million?"

"Fifteen million times."

"make a deal!"

"Thank you to Boss No. 343 for donating your first love to tonight's charity auction."

"Please go to the backend to go through the formalities and fill in the detailed information."

"Before noon tomorrow, your and your company's information must appear on the wall of honor of our foundation."

"Thanks again."

Lu Fei bowed and thanked him, and the audience applauded warmly. Boss No. 343 stood up and returned the favor, his expression even more festive than if he had made 200 million.

"Thank you again to Boss No. 343 for taking the brunt of the effort and giving us a good start for tonight's auction."

"The auction of the second treasure will begin immediately. Miss etiquette, please bring the treasure up."

"Everyone, please close your eyes."

"This is the work of the famous purple sand master Shao Jingnan during the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty."

"A purple clay teapot from Eighteen Arhats."

"Master Shao Jingnan has many handed down works, but every one of them is a masterpiece."

"The donor of this eighteen Arhat purple clay teapot is Mr. Zhang Yue, a collector from Fuzhou."

"It's an honor to invite Mr. Zhang to the auction tonight."

"Let us welcome Mr. Zhang with a round of applause and say hello to everyone."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, there was thunderous applause, and an old man over sixty years old stood up in the front row.

The etiquette lady handed over the microphone, but the old man refused.

Zhang Lao

He just waved to everyone and sat down again.

The old man was so low-key and won applause from the whole house.

"Lao Fu, Baoshao Fei didn't introduce you like this just now!"

"Aren't you jealous?" Zhang Yanhe said with a smile.

"I'm jealous of Hammer."

"Zhang Yanhe, did you fucking disgust me on purpose today?"

"If you continue to argue blindly, I will fall out with you."

"Hey, you're still staring!"

"You're not really angry, are you?"

"As for no?"

"Get out!"


The veterans were joking, and Lu Fei on the stage continued.

"The purple clay teapot donated by Mr. Zhang is well preserved and the carving is exquisite."

"The market for purple sand is currently tight, and this collection is really valuable."

"On behalf of the foundation, I would like to thank the elderly again for their generosity."

"Next, we will auction this masterpiece from Master Shao Jingnan, the Eighteen Arhats Purple Clay Pot."

"The starting price is 800,000 Shenzhou coins."

"Each bid shall not be less than one hundred thousand."

"Start bidding now!"

As soon as Lu Fei finished speaking, things started boiling down below again.

"one million!"

"three million!"

"I'll pay five million!"

"I'll give you 10 million!"

"I will pay 15 million"

Shao Jingnan's works are indeed very collectible, but the highest value is between 1.5 million and 1.8 million.

But after more than a dozen bids, it has exceeded the 20 million mark.

Such a crazy scene almost ruined the outlook of the old guys in the archaeological field.

"Twenty-three million times."

"Twenty-three million times."

"Twenty-three million times."

"make a deal!"

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