A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1858 Can’t bear to look back

Tonight's auction is a surprise to those who have been dealing with cultural relics and antiques all their lives.

In the first twenty rounds, no single item was worth more than two million.

However, the transaction price starts at tens of millions.

The tallest one, a Ming Dynasty celadon Guanyin, even sold for a sky-high price of 70 million.

Such achievements have given everyone a new definition of celebrity effect.

After twenty rounds, take a short break of fifteen minutes.

Fifteen minutes later comes the highlight, the ten treasures donated by Lu Fei.

Both the archaeological and collecting circles know that Lu Fei has nothing wrong with him.

Either it is priceless, or it is of extraordinary significance.

This time Lu Fei took out ten treasures at once, and the capable collector was extremely excited.

When the break came, the hostess came to the auction stage holding a tray.

The ten treasures from now on are all Lu Fei's personal collection, and they are definitely Zhenzhen'er's big treasures.

The exciting moment finally arrived, and the audience at the scene and in front of the TV held their breath nervously.

Lu Fei lifted the red cloth with his own hands, and a close-up of a tile-like cyan object appeared on the big screen.

Seeing this thing, Guan Haishan and Jia Yuan frowned and stood up suddenly, locking the big screen without blinking.

Lu Fei held the microphone in his left hand and stretched out his right hand to gently rub the object.

After just rubbing each other quietly for half a minute, Lu Fei finally spoke.

"I believe many friends at the scene don't know what this object is."

"Some people think it's a tile, but it's not."

"There are words on it, but the handwriting is not very clear. Next, I will read it to you."

"What is written here is: Your Majesty will be forgiven for nine deaths, your descendants will die three times, or you will be punished with regular punishment, and no one will be punished."

"Qing" means minister. The explanation of this sentence is that no matter what mistakes I make, as long as I don't commit rebellion and rebel, I will spare your life nine times.

If the descendants of your beloved commit a crime, they will not die if you forgive them three times.

There is another sentence behind it.

The Jin Dynasty has been passed down for thousands of generations, and this coupon has been issued by the imperial edict.

The meaning of this sentence is that as long as the Jin Dynasty exists for one day, this iron coupon will be effective for one day, and it will never be invalidated if it is passed down from generation to generation. "

Hearing Lu Fei read out the handwriting above, the veterans in the front row, Wang Zhenbang, the Feng family, and the experts in the collecting industry all stood up.

Although other people don't know how to do it, judging from the expressions of these big guys, they know that this is a great treasure.

"Everyone who has watched "Water Margin" knows that the reason why Xiaoxuanfeng Chai Jinchai, the official of Chai Jinchai, spared his wealth and took in the traffickers was because he had the confidence."

“Where does the confidence come from?”

"That's because the Chai family has an iron coupon of an elixir, which is a gold medal to avoid death."

"Since the establishment of iron coupons by Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, it has been recorded in documents over the past thousand years that the total number of iron coupons given by emperors to ministers did not exceed fifteen yuan."

"Currently, only the National Museum of China in the world has a gold book and iron certificate awarded to Qian Liu by Emperor Zhaozong of the Tang Dynasty."

"That piece of gold book and iron coupon weighs one hundred and thirty-two taels, and the whole book contains three hundred and thirty-three words. It is a national treasure of China and will never leave the country."

"And this thing you see is the second piece discovered in the world."

"An iron certificate awarded by Sima Yao, Emperor Xiaowu of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, to General Zhu Xu."


When the four words "Alchemy Book and Iron Coupon" were spoken, the whole place was in an uproar.

Most of the people present were rich and wealthy bosses, and they knew nothing about porcelain, bronze or the like.

But one by one, they all have heard of the reputation of the Iron Book of Alchemy.

I had only heard about it before, but now I have seen it with my own eyes, and it is the only second one in the world. How can the bosses not be excited?

Fatty Wang pulled Guan Haishan and said.

"Mr. Guan, what are you going to do?"

"Isn't he going to auction this piece of iron elixir book?"

"This is a national treasure!"

"You must not let him do this!"

Guan Haishan stared at the iron certificate of the alchemy book, with tears in his eyes, completely pretending that the fat man did not exist.

Zhang Yanhe took over the words and said.


"I've brought them all up, they must be auctioned!" ??

"Mr. Guan, the fat man is right, this is a national treasure, we can't let him abuse it like this!"

"Hey, Mr. Guan, can you say something?"

"Jia Laowu, stop pretending to be a grandson."

"Aren't you the leader of cultural protection?"

"Stop him quickly!"

"It will be too late."

Zhang Yanhe kept pulling and pulling, but Jia Yuan also had no reaction.

This made the fat people around me very worried.

At this time, Lu Fei on the stage spoke.

"Although this is the second known piece of iron elixir book, it is incomplete."

"However, we can also tell who the owner is from the remaining fonts."

"So the overall collection value won't have a big impact."

"Speaking of this piece of iron elixir book, it's really fate."

"Last autumn in late autumn, we had dinner at a resort in Bianliang."

"My friend accidentally discovered that there were writings on the stove door, and it was because of this that this valuable treasure fell into my hands."

"Seniors and colleagues who know me well know that I never sell items."

"It's even more impossible for a rare and valuable treasure like this."

"I invited it here today for two main purposes."

"First, tonight's auction is of great significance."

"Another reason is because

This piece of iron elixir book witnessed a misunderstanding between me and Mr. Kong. "

"Forget the past."

"The former young master Lu Fei was arrogant and arrogant. Because of a little grievance, he broke up with the old man."

"What's even more embarrassing is that it was Mr. Kong who took the initiative to apologize to me and resolve the conflict."

"After that, I wanted to formally apologize to him many times, but I never got the right opportunity."

"Now that I think about it, it's not that I don't have a chance. It's because I, Lu Fei, can't resist this shameless face."

"Now that I have matured, I have opened my eyes to many things."

"But unfortunately, he is no longer here."

"So, I owe him an apology."

"Today we take out this unparalleled treasure. The first thing we need to do is to get over that unbearable memory."

"In addition, I also want to say sorry to Mr. Kong's soul in heaven in front of everyone."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, the big screen immediately switched to the portrait of Kong Fanlong.

Lu Fei held the iron certificate of the alchemy book in both hands, bowed respectfully to the portrait, and raised his head again, with tears streaming down his face.

"Old man, I apologize to you."

"It was because the juniors were ignorant before, I'm sorry."

"Your soul in heaven, please forgive me!"

At this point, the whole audience was moved.

The old guys in the archaeological field had wet eyes, and women like Kong Panqing and Chen Xiang burst into tears.

"Old man, although this thing is a rare and valuable treasure, in my heart, it is just that shadow."

"So, I'm going to take action today, and I hope you won't be angry."

Turning around, Lu Fei smiled slightly at the audience.

"I apologize to everyone for wasting your valuable time because of my personal matters."

"Now, let's bid for this Alchemy Iron Coupon with no reserve price."

"Start bidding now."

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