A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1860 Can’t afford it

The rabbit hao zhan of the Northern Song Dynasty is a real treasure.

Lu Fei invited all these things out, and the audience was inexplicably excited.

Long story short, the no-reserve bidding starts right away.

"Twenty million!"

"thirty million!"

"Fifty million."

"I will pay 100 million"

The same situation, the same passion is happening at this moment.

When the bidding started, the big guys in the audience went crazy.

The off-site hotline was also updated frequently, and the price kept rising, exceeding 200 million in less than two minutes.

At this height, the enthusiasm of the big guys has somewhat subdued, but there are still a few big guys competing fiercely.

At this time, a jade-like lotus-root arm slowly lifted up.

"I'll pay five hundred million."


Another price increase of 300 million, and a voice that was more beautiful than a lark, immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Lu Fei smiled slightly at the woman bidding.

"Miss Wei Lingshan, the president of Lingshan Industrial, bids 500 million."

"Thank you Mr. Wei for your love. Is there anything higher than 500 million?"

That's right, the person bidding was none other than Wei Lingshan, the exclusive titleholder of the Jinling Treasure Fighting Conference, Wan Xiaofeng's girlfriend who was passionately in love and was planning to get engaged in the near future.

Lu Fei was extremely happy to have one of his own support him again.

The bosses present were slightly surprised when they heard Wei Lingshan's name.

But what's even more surprising is that no one expected Wei Lingshan to pay a sky-high price of 500 million.

"Mr. Wei offered 500 million."

"Is there anything higher than 500 million?"

"An authentic Northern Song Dynasty rabbit hair lamp, currently priced at 500 million Shenzhou coins."

"Is there any higher one?"

"One five hundred million times."

"Two times five hundred million."

"Five hundred million times, deal done."

"Thank you again, Mr. Wei, for your loving donation. Please go to the backstage to complete the procedures later."

The hammer fell successfully, and there was thunderous applause.


Lingshan stood up and nodded to everyone in return.

The rabbit hair lamp was removed, and the etiquette lady came up holding a rectangular wooden box.

The third to last auction item is a precious rabbit hair lamp, and people are even more looking forward to this second to last treasure.

Lu Fei lifted the red cloth and opened the rosewood box with his own hands.

A close-up of a giant ginseng appeared on the big screen.


Seeing this thing, more than half of the big guys stood up.

No one had ever dreamed that such a treasure would appear in tonight's auction.

No matter how valuable antique antiques are, they are just pretentious decorations at best.

But ginseng is different, this is a rare treasure.

At the critical moment, this thing can kill you!

If people eat whole grains, no one can guarantee that they will not get sick.

At the critical moment, even priceless antiques are useless.

There is nothing like this life-saving treasure of heaven and earth.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you are finally here today."

"You may have heard that besides collecting, my biggest hobby, Lu Fei, is studying medical skills."

"Just because I like it, I carefully collected some rare and rare genius treasures."

"This wild ginseng is one of them."

"Most of the people here don't know how to identify ginseng, but please rest assured that I, Lu Fei, will never deceive you with fakes."

"This wild ginseng comes from Changbai Mountain and is more than 700 years old. It is definitely a natural treasure."

"Please feel free to bid. If it turns out to be a fake, I, Lu Fei, will compensate you a thousand times."


The year of seven hundred years was reported, and the other half of the bosses who were sitting also stood up.

If there is one person present, all of them are bad.


seven hundred years


Isn’t this baby about to become a sperm?

This is too scary.

My God, I have never heard of seven-hundred-year-old wild ginseng before. How much is it worth?

Hey, this is not about money at all, okay?

You can’t even find century-old wild ginseng on the market now.

Time-honored brands such as Tiandu Tongjitang and Huairentang cannot be found.

This cannot be measured in money at all, this is a priceless treasure!

Everyone was talking about it, Lu Fei put down the ginseng and said.

"According to the market value, the value of this ginseng is limited."

"But market value is market value after all, and the fact is that there is a price but no market."

"The people present are all powerful big bosses. Everyone is working hard to make money in order to live a happy and comfortable life with their families."

"But no one can guarantee that there will be no illness or disaster in this life."

"No matter whether you are rich or powerful, at the critical moment, nothing is as important as a life-saving medicine."

"Although my words are a bit unpleasant, they are not rough."

"The purpose of saying this is to let everyone understand that this kind of treasure is rare in a century, and is much rarer than antiques such as inscriptions, calligraphy, calligraphy, calligraphy and antiques."

"I won't say any more nonsense now. Let's start the penultimate round of bidding immediately."

"However, I have to set a low price for this genius earth treasure this time, otherwise it will be disrespectful to this treasure."

"Now I announce that the starting price for wild old ginseng from Changbai Mountain that is more than 700 years old is 10 million."

"Start bidding now."

"thirty million!"

"Fifty million!"

"One hundred million"

The bidding started and the big guys went completely crazy.

"Sister Chen Xiang, why did Lu Fei put such valuable wild ginseng up for auction?"

"Isn't this a waste of money?"

"Please advise Lu Fei not to take pictures."

"This favor, we

The Kong family can’t afford it! Kong Jiaqi said nervously.

"Xiang'er, Jiaqi is right."

"Forget about antique calligraphy and paintings, this is a natural treasure!"

"If you sell this treasure, you will never find it again."

"You'd better advise Xiaofei to withdraw the ginseng!"

"Only when this ginseng plant is placed in his hands can it achieve its greatest value!" Kong Panqing said.

Chen Xiang smiled slightly.

"Aunt Kong, you don't have to worry."

"Lu Fei is not reckless. Since he can take it out, he must have his reasons. You don't need to be nervous."


"Little sister, Xiang'er is right, you don't need to worry."

"Lu Fei is a very thieving kid. Since he can take it out, it means he still has it in his hand."

"And I'm sure there's more than one."

"Remember what Fifth Brother said, this kid will never do anything to suffer a loss." Jia Yuan said.

"Fifth brother!"

"Whether there is one or not, it belongs to Xiao Fei."

"Why do you say such things to Xiao Fei?" Kong Panqing said displeased.

"have to!"

"I said something wrong. Isn't it okay for Fifth Brother to apologize?"

"Don't be angry, Fifth Brother is also afraid that you will blame yourself too much."

"Aunt Kong, Mr. Jia is right, you don't have to be like this."

"Lu Fei does still have him, don't worry!"

Chen Xiang and Jia Yuan tried to persuade her at the same time, and Kong Panqing's mood relaxed.

At this time, the competition in the field has reached fever pitch.

In less than ten minutes, the price of this wild ginseng had exceeded 200 million.

To be honest, the maximum value of this wild ginseng would not exceed 20 million.

But the bosses present are not short of money, and this is a life-saving treasure.

It is both a life-saving elixir and a powerful tool for showing off.

Bosses will not miss such an opportunity.

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