A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1861 My Nonci

The appearance of Tiancai Dibao 700-year-old wild ginseng brought the atmosphere of the auction to a climax.

The auction begins and people compete like crazy.

After more than ten minutes of fighting, Mr. Fang Shinan won the final price of 280 million.

The old man's generosity also won applause from the whole house.

The time has come to 9:30 in the evening, but everyone is not tired at all, but is extremely excited.

Because tonight’s final piece is about to make its debut.

Please come out with the treasure. Lu Fei opened the red cloth and found a solid wood painting tube underneath.

Opening the painting tube with his own hands, Lu Fei took out a Huang Lingzi parcel.

Then he opened the package, revealing an antique scroll.

Lu Fei took the scroll to the table next to him and unfolded it slowly bit by bit.

A close-up shot appeared on the big screen, and the veterans suddenly became nervous.


"Hi silk!"

"Look at the colors, at least you can see them clearly."

"Good stuff, definitely good stuff."

The scrolls continued to come, and everyone could see clearly that this was a work of running script.

After seeing the writing clearly, Guan Haishan Wang Zhenbang and other masters stood up directly.

The scroll was fully unfolded, Lu Fei picked up the microphone and said.

"This is the last item to be auctioned tonight. It is an authentic calligraphy work from the Yuan Dynasty."

Calligraphy of the Yuan Dynasty.

After hearing these four words, all the colleagues in the collecting industry in the audience became uneasy.

Calligraphy from the Yuan Dynasty is rare in the world.

As long as the author has some reputation, the price is astronomical.

But Lu Fei wouldn't even bother to collect ordinary items because of his talent.

On the other hand, those who can enter Lu Fei's Dharma Eyes are definitely not ordinary people.

"This calligraphy is extraordinary. It is an authentic handwriting by Duan Sheng, the wife of Zhao Mengfu, a famous calligrapher and painter of the Yuan Dynasty."

"And it has Zhao Mengfu's inscription and seal."

“When it comes to pipeline promotion, our peers are well-known, but the bosses present must be a little unfamiliar with it.

born. "

"But if you read this calligraphy written by me, Duan Sheng, I believe everyone must have heard it."

"You and I are so affectionate; so much affection is as hot as fire."

"Take a piece of clay, twist it to shape you and me, break both of us into pieces, and mix it with water."

"Twist another you, and mold another me."

"I have you in the mud, and you have me in the mud; you and I were born in the same quilt, and we died in the same coffin."

Lu Fei read out this poem, and everyone in the audience stood up.

This poem is really famous.

As long as you graduate from junior high school, I believe everyone has heard of it.

This is the famous "Wo Nong Ci".

The audience at the scene and in front of the TV were extremely excited when they heard this poem.

Colleagues in the collecting world and veterans in the archaeological world were stunned and dumbfounded.

"Wo Nong Ci" on silk.

Authentic handwriting of Zhao Mengfu's wife Duan Sheng.

If these two sentences are superimposed together, a knowledgeable person will never be able to calm down.

This poem has a long history in civilized China.

However, not a single word of Guan Sheng's original work has been found.

An authentic work by the original author, this piece is definitely a national treasure!

What was this damn rag flying thinking?

How could he be willing to put such a valuable work up for auction!

Is this grandson crazy? !

Zhang Yan and Guan Haishan were extremely nervous and communicated with each other with their eyes.

Veins sprouted from the top of Guanhai Mountain, and the temples bulged.

I wanted to rush up and stop Lu Fei several times, but there were roots under my feet and I couldn't move.

Because tonight is a special auction to commemorate the first anniversary of his master's death.

If you stand up on your own, it will undoubtedly be a slap in your face. This kind of thing

My son must never do it.

But if you don’t go, you will be unwilling to do so.

At the moment of dilemma, Lu Fei spoke.

"This poem is called "Wo Nong Ci"."

"The author is Tao Sheng, Zhao Mengfu's wife."

"Guan Sheng is also a talented woman, proficient in all kinds of poetry, lyrics and songs."

"However, none of her calligraphy works have appeared yet."

"But I dare to tell you responsibly that there are no problems with the handwriting, silk material, and Zhao Mengfu's seal and inscription on this piece of "Wo Nong Ci"."

"So I can guarantee that this is the authentic work of Guan Sheng."

"No matter which friend this calligraphy falls into the hands of, I am here to guarantee you." .??.

"If you find evidence that this calligraphy is a fake, I, Lu Fei, will pay ten times the compensation and will never go back on my word."

Before Lu Fei finished speaking, the audience was in chaos.

"Mr. Lu, please stop talking. We believe in your eyes."

"That's right. If you say it's true, then it must be authentic."

"Just tell me the lowest price, we can't wait."

"Boss Lu, let's start bidding."

Facing everyone's enthusiasm, Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"In that case, I won't waste everyone's time."

"Auction of Duan Sheng's authentic "Wo Nong Ci" without reserve price."

"Start bidding now."

"I'll give you 100 million!"


As soon as Lu Fei finished speaking, an old voice in the front row said a direct quotation of 100 million.

In this case, one hundred million is nothing.

But the starting price was only 100 million, which still surprised everyone.

The big guys who were about to start fighting were stunned for a moment and looked at the old man who spoke.

Seeing this old man, Lu Fei also smiled.


"There may be many people bidding on this old man.

do not know. "

"In this case, let me introduce it to you first."

"This old man is Mr. Pan Xingshou, a famous collector in Shanghai. He is also an elder whom I, Lu Fei, respect."

"The old man has always had a gentle temper. Today he just asked for 100 million. He must be in a hurry."


"Don't laugh, everyone, I know what Mr. Pan thinks."

"His old man must think that I, Lu Fei, am a prodigal, so he is angry."

"Old man, am I right?"


Pan Xingshou glared at Lu Fei and turned his head to the side, like an angry child.

At this time, even Wang Zhenbang next to him laughed.

"Old man, please calm down and listen to my explanation."

"Today I gather everyone here in the name of Mr. Kong to hold this charity auction."

"Everyone looks up to Mr. Kong and gives Lu Fei the face to come to the scene in person. I have to show some sincerity no matter what, right?"

"How can I be worthy of everyone if I don't have one or two treasures that I can get my hands on!"

"Don't talk about everyone, even Mr. Kong's spirit in heaven has to accuse me, Lu Fei, of being stingy."

"We can't be unethical, right?"


"Mr. Lu said that very well."

"Mr. Lu's loyalty is quite interesting."

"Don't say anything, I'll pay 110 million."

"I'll give you 150 million!"

"I'll pay 180 million."

Lu Fei's words made the atmosphere in the venue become active again.

In less than two minutes, the price of "Wo Nong Ci" has reached 200 million.

Moreover, if you look around, you can see a large number of number plates dangling around the stage.

The bidding sounds were louder and louder, and it was extremely lively.

Suddenly, a voice like an orchid in the empty valley rang out from the front row.

"I'll give you one billion."

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