A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1863 My Beloved

Chen Xiang bid one billion, and the auction hall instantly went cold.

The finale treasure was shot so smoothly, and Lu Fei always felt that it was not perfect enough.

But after planning for a long time, no one bid.

So, Lu Fei tried his best to personally order the generals, but the effect was still not good.

This roll call attracted more than one billion donations, but no one could compete with Chen Xiang.

The friends laughed, Chen Xiang was proud, and Lu Fei was slightly embarrassed.

Lu Fei looked at his wife meaningfully and said with a smile.

"Ladies and gentlemen, and friends who are paying attention to the off-site hotline, please don't be silent!"

"Are you willing to be challenged by a lady?"

"It's the first time in one billion, is there anything higher?"

"For the second time in a billion, is there any more?"

Lu Fei continued to encourage, but all the bosses in the room just smiled and no one raised a sign.

It's not their fault.

I didn’t raise my sign at the beginning because I didn’t understand the situation.

Then Lu Fei personally ordered the generals, and even his own people stayed away. Even fools knew there was something going on.

The people present are all smart and capable bosses, and their worldliness is much better than that of ordinary people.

After seeing that something is going on inside, no one is willing to stand up and wade into the muddy waters.

"All right!"

"People don't want to compete, and I don't want to be left in the cold."

"In that case, I will participate on my own behalf."

"Mr. Chen offered one billion, and I, Lu Fei, offered two billion."


The organizer, host, and treasure holder personally participated in the bidding. This unheard of situation completely shocked everyone in the audience.

In response, the audience stood up and applauded.


"Mr. Lu is domineering."

"Well done Mr. Lu"

The guys who were hiding in the corner backstage were stunned on the spot.

"I'll go, what's going on here?"

"Why did my brother get into a fight with my sister-in-law?"

"Is something going to happen?" the little puppy said to himself.


"Brother Fei is absolutely crazy."

"Hey, did Fei brother and sister-in-law have a fight before coming here?"

"Otherwise, why would you openly challenge me in public?"

"Do you think there will be a fight soon?" Wang Xinlei said.

"Stop guessing, Lu Fei loves his sister-in-law so much, he will never quarrel."

"Even if the two of them are at odds, they can't fight with money, right?" Su He said.

No matter what you say to me, you can't guess what kind of plane the father and mother are planning to make.

But just when everyone was confused, Chen Xiang also stood up.

Xiang Lufei smiled sweetly.

"I'll pay three billion, Mr. Lu, do you want to increase the price?"


Chen Xiang increased the price by one billion again, and the venue was completely boiling.

The whole crowd cheered.

The businessmen at the scene, the big bosses in the collection industry, the archeology industry, and all the staff all focused their attention on Lu Fei and Chen Xiang.

The reporters were very busy, and the audience in front of the TV was extremely excited.

There are countless wonderful things happening in this world every day.

But people who saw this scene must firmly believe that the challenge between Lu Fei and Chen Xiang was the most exciting.

Gods fight and spend money to put on a show.

Looking around the world, the scenery here is unique! !

"Mr. Lu!"

"Mr. Lu!"

"Mr. Lu!"

Chen Xiang once again increased the price by one billion and threw Lei to Lu Fei again.

The entire audience chanted Lu Fei's name and booed.

Studio No. 1 of the China Grand Theater was completely boiling at this moment.

Looking around the audience, Lu Fei also smiled.

"I'm honored that Mr. Chen thinks so highly of me. As a man, we can't give in, right?"

"Mr. Chen asked for three billion, so I'll add a little more. I'll pay four billion."


"Mr. Lu is mighty!"

"Mr. Lu is domineering

! "

"Come on, Mr. Chen!"

"Come on Mr. Chen!!"

At this time, Miss etiquette wisely handed the microphone to Chen Xiang.

Chen Xiang fiddled with her glass emperor green bracelet, took two steps towards Lu Fei and smiled.

"In order not to disappoint everyone, I will add another billion."

"I'll pay five billion!"


five billion!

Five billion!

There are many wealthy big bosses present.

But those who can spend 5 billion at once are definitely rare.

There are very few people who can spend 5 billion and dare to use 5 billion to buy a calligraphy work.

What's more, by this time, no one paid attention to the precious painting "Wo Nong Ci".

In addition to making noises, the common doubt in everyone's mind is what on earth these two people are going to do.

As everyone cheered, Lu Fei also took two steps forward.

"I'll pay six billion!"



Really crazy!

This is six billion, not six hundred thousand, okay?

That’s real gold and silver!

One truck can’t hold six billion!

Oh my God, this is so crazy!

Chen Xiang took a few steps forward and said.

"I'll pay seven billion."


Chen Xiang asked for seven billion, and his glasses and dentures fell all over the place.

Lu Fei took a few steps forward and was only one step away from Chen Xiang.

Staring into his lover's beautiful eyes, Lu Fei showed the happiest smile.

"I'll pay eight billion!"


The price reaches 8 billion, let’s look at the scene again.

More than 30% of the people opened their mouths in shock.

Another 30% had dull eyes and foamed at the mouth.

The other 30% were pale and trembling like chaff.

The remaining 10% sat down tremblingly, clutching his chest, trembling in search of the Suxiao Jiuxin Pill.

Not only were the audience dumbfounded, but

Even the reporters present had their hands and feet stiffened, their minds were muddled, and they even forgot about their work.

At this time, Chen Xiang had already arrived in front of Lu Fei, stretched out his slender hands, helped Lu Fei straighten his tie, and then said with a confident smile.

"Mr. Lu, I offer 9 billion, do you still want to follow me?"



Oh my god! ! !

Can't live anymore!

I really can't live anymore.

Buddha, Taoist and Avalokitesvara!

Can anyone tell me if I'm hallucinating?

Could it be said that this is a return to the light?

Everything in front of me must not be real.

Definitely Not!

Oh my God!

Please make it clear whether they are sick or I am sick!

If this continues, I will really go crazy! !

Lu Fei turned a deaf ear to the confusion, speculation and shock of the audience.

He gently held Chen Xiang's hand and said with a smile.

"Of course I want to follow."

"No matter how much it takes, I will never give up."

"Because, I had no intention of giving up from the beginning."

"I'll give you 10 billion!"


Lu Fei shouted out 10 billion, and several people fell down at the corner. The little puppy was trembling all over and almost suffered from epilepsy.

At this time, the cheers stopped, and even the air condensed for an instant.

Holding Chen Xiang's hand, Lu Fei turned around and said to everyone.

"This painting "Wo Nong Ci" means a lot to me."

"This is the gift I plan to give to Mr. Chen."

"So, this grand finale is just a gimmick to keep everyone entertained."

"Don't say 10 billion, even if it's 100 billion, I won't take action."

"However, the price I just quoted is definitely not groundless."

"Later, I will donate 10 billion Shenzhou coins to the foundation through my personal account."

"As for this inscription, don't worry about it."

"Now, I will give it to Ms. Chen Xiang, my beloved!!"

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