A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1864 There are clues

"Wo Nong Ci" is one of the trophies collected by Jinling Doubao in Yoshida Ohno's warehouse.

This is the only authentic artifact of Guan Sheng in the world. Even if it is exchanged for a gold mountain, Lu Fei will never take action.

The reason why we use this treasure as the finale today is just a gimmick. It was a gimmick that Lu Fei found by donating money to himself.

As for the competition with Chen Xiang, it's just an act.

However, there was never a rehearsal between the two, and even Lu Fei did not tell Chen Xiang.

Achieving such a perfect effect is entirely due to the close and tacit understanding between the two people.

Not only was the coordination perfect, even the tens of billions of nodes were exactly what Lu Fei expected.

This made Lu Fei admire his wife a little.

In front of the audience at the scene and in front of the TV, Lu Fei announced the answer to the mystery.

Not only did he fulfill his wish to donate, but he also announced his relationship with Chen Xiang in public.

However, everyone only knows that Lu Fei and Chen Xiang are lovers.

Knowing that the two are already legally married, only the part with the closest relationship.

Taking Chen Xiang's hand to the auction table, Lu Fei put away "Wo Nong Ci" and read it aloud softly.

"You and me, we have so much love, so much love, so hot as fire."


So romantic and touching!

Mr. Lu is such a perfect and good man!

It's a pity that Mingcao has his owner, otherwise I would pursue him at all costs.

Lu Fei recited this scene, which fascinated countless nymphomaniac beauties, and even made bosses who thought they were successful envious and jealous, and felt ashamed.

After reciting, Lu Fei put away the microphone, handed his hands to Chen Xiang, and the two embraced warmly.

The charity auction, which shocked China and was unprecedented, came to an end in this beautiful atmosphere.

After the guests dispersed, Lu Fei and others came to Awang Wonton House for a late night snack.

Lu Fei and Chen Xiang were all smiles, but the mood of Little Dog and others was not so beautiful.

"Sister-in-law, my brother has gone too far by acting to deceive us. You are also acting for him. This is very hurtful, I tell you."

"That's right."

"Brother Long was so scared that he almost peed his pants. It was so embarrassing."


"You just peed your pants. Can you speak?"

"Okay, okay, you all shut up!"

"You can't tell that you are stupid. You can't blame Chen Xiang and Lu Fei at all." Wang Xueqing said.

Su He nodded and said.

"The third sister is right, Sister Chen Xiang and the others are really romantic!"

"I'm so jealous of you."

"Money surpasses that dead wood. I have never thought of such a romantic idea in my life."


After supper, everyone went home to rest.

Before leaving, Lu Fei specially told him that no one was allowed to play cards tonight, as it would delay the business tomorrow and be careful.

When Chen Xiang returned home and took a shower, Wang Xinyi's message came over.

Back in the study, Lu Fei dialed Xinyi's phone number.

"How about it?"

"Did you find anything?"

"Fei, I don't know if Nina is that person, but what is certain is that that person is no longer special."

"As for whether he was transferred or released, it's still unclear." Wang Xinyi said excitedly.

"Then it shouldn't be wrong."

“With current plastic surgery technology, it is easy to change a person’s appearance.”

"But the eyes cannot be changed no matter what."

"If Nina is really that person, then she will definitely take action."

"I'm not with you, so be careful!" Lu Fei said.

"Do not worry!"

"I'll keep an eye out."

"By the way, I asked someone to get that person's DNA data and I will send it to you soon."

"If it's really her, DNA is enough to prove it."

"If you have the opportunity, you can find a way to get a sample for testing. Whether it is what we guessed, we will know immediately."

"Very good!"

"Thank you for your hard work, Xinyi."

"Good night!"

It was extremely dull in the second half of the night.

At four o'clock in the morning, light rain finally started.

By 5:30 in the morning, the temperature dropped sharply by several degrees.

At six o'clock in the morning, everyone put on black clothes and drove to the courtyard.

When Lu Fei arrived, Guan Haishan, Kong Panqing and others were already waiting.

After having breakfast at home, he told Qian Chaoyue and Wang Hailong to stay behind and hire someone to set up an awning and prepare lunch.

The others got in the car and rushed to Babao Mountain.

As soon as the car drove onto the highway, a dozen more cars followed with double flashes.

These cars come in different brands, ranging from luxury cars costing several million to popular models costing hundreds of thousands.

But no matter the price, the license plate number is awesome.

In a world like Tiandu, the value of a car is not the only characteristic that measures status. A license plate that ordinary people cannot get is the king.

The convoy of more than thirty vehicles drove at a constant speed, and during this period, more vehicles joined it one after another.

When we arrived at the Second Ring Road ramp, the traffic police had already exercised traffic control.

The convoy took the ramp and was joined by about twenty more vehicles.

Cars continued to join along the way, and eventually the convoy stretched for several kilometers and contained more than a hundred cars.

However, not many people pay attention to such a large fleet.

It was due to the weather, but the bigger reason was that there were no reporters to follow and take photos.

It’s not that I don’t want to, it’s that I don’t dare.

Offending any one of these cars will bring disaster to them and their boss.

When we arrived at the cemetery parking lot, there were already more than two hundred people in plain clothes standing in the rain holding umbrellas.


The team arrived and the traffic police helped clear the way, and everything was in order.

Lu Fei and Chen Xiang protected Kong Panqing from the car and greeted the arriving leaders one by one.

"Mr. Lan, you are interested."

"Xiao Qing, you don't have to be polite. I should be there too," Lan Xiangdong said.

"Hello, Mr. Pan."

"Hello, Mr. Su"

After shaking hands with the big guys one by one, Kong Panqing shook hands again when he came to a middle-aged man.

"Mr. Zhao, you are so busy, why did you come here in person?" Kong Panqing asked.

"Sister, don't be too polite. Mr. Kong is the pillar of the country. No matter how busy we are, we must be there." Mr. Zhao said.

Kong Panqing pulled Lu Fei and said.

"Xiao Fei, let me introduce you."

"This is Mr. Zhao from Special Division Zhao Yuanchao."


Their eyes met, and a strange light flashed in Lu Fei's eyes.

"Hello, Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Yuanchao shook Lu Fei's hand and nodded slightly.

"Hello, Mr. Lu!"

"I have admired Mr. Lu for a long time. I hope I can have a good chat with Mr. Lu when I have time."


"As long as Mr. Zhao has time, Lu Fei will be waiting for you at any time."

Next came the military representatives, who were all Lu Fei's old acquaintances from top to bottom.

Everyone briefly said hello, and finally Lu Fei met his father-in-law, Chen Hongyi.

After chatting for a few more words, Guan Haishan came over.

"It's almost time, let's go up!"


"Hey, there's something else I want to tell you."

"what's up?"

Guan Haishan pulled Lu Fei aside and whispered softly, and Lu Fei's eyebrows suddenly stood up.

That sharp look startled Guan Haishan.

"Hey, don't be like this, I told you he's here too."

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