A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1865: Too little understanding

Lu Fei's expression suddenly turned serious because Guan Haishan mentioned a name that Lu Fei least wanted to hear.


The old guy was narrow-minded and extremely vengeful.

At the Hong Kong Treasure Fighting Conference, Gao Feng once wanted to detain his treasure.

In the end, he didn't get what he wanted, but was scolded by Mr. Kong, and he has hated himself ever since.

Later, Zhang Huaizhi was indirectly killed, and Jinling Doubao was always against him.

If it weren't for Kong Lao's face, Lu Fei would never let him go so easily.

Now that he heard this name again, Lu Fei felt sick in his heart. ??

"Baoshaifei, don't do this."

"I just told you that he is here too."

"Actually, since the Jinling Battle for Treasures, I"

"Shut up!"

"I don't want to hear his name."

"Tell him that he wants to pay homage after I leave."

"Don't let me see him." Lu Fei said.


Guan Haishan wanted to say something else, but Lu Fei had already turned around and left.

Lu Fei whispered something to Su Donghai, and the latter came to the leaders and said.

"Leader, everyone is here, let's go up!"

"Okay, let's go."

The son of the family is in front, followed closely by the leaders, relatives and friends.

People from the archaeological field and bigwigs from all walks of life who spontaneously came to pay homage followed one after another.

When they came to the tombstone of Mr. Kong, the two young men took out the offering table, and Tianbao and Feng Zhe carried up a solid wood box.

The box was opened and a set of Ge Kiln plates were taken out and placed on the altar table.

Kong Panqing and Kong Jiaqi, two descendants of the Kong family, wiped the plates clean and placed various tributes on them.

Xuande Lu was invited to come out, but the incense burning turned out to be troublesome.

According to the rules, men must offer a stick of incense on their heads during anniversary worship.

But there are only two women left in the direct line of the Kong family, and it is difficult for them to take on important responsibilities.

Master and apprentice are like father and son, and everyone focused all their attention on Mr. Kong's four apprentices.


The four brothers looked at each other, but no one stood up.

Kong Panqing looked at Lu Fei and whispered.

"Xiao Fei, why don't you come!"

"Yes, let Lu Fei come, he is the most suitable."

"That's right, I agree."

Brother Guan Haishan also agreed with Lu Fei to offer incense, but Lu Fei kept shaking his head.

"This is not allowed, it is against the rules."

"Nothing inappropriate."

"My father and you share the same love as father and son, so it is reasonable for you to hold a stick of incense on your head."

"Xiao Fei, just do it!" Kong Panqing said.


"Don't hesitate. My little sister is right. Everyone knows that you have a deep relationship with my master, so you are here."

Guan Haishan persuaded, and Chen Xiang also winked at Lu Fei.

Lu Fei nodded heavily.


"I come!"

Asking Chen Xiang to hold the umbrella, Lu Fei took out the tribute incense, yellow paper, cinnabar and writing brush from the box.

Seeing Lu Fei take out so many bits and pieces, the people around him were stunned.

Lu Fei ignored everyone's surprise.

Grind the cinnabar with white wine, dip it in the brush, and start writing on the yellow paper.

The people surrounding Lu Fei were all well-informed super bosses, but when everyone saw what Lu Fei wrote, they were completely confused.

Some are like tadpoles, some are like grasshoppers, and some are like goldfish.

Anyway, there are all the images, but none of them look like words.

This can cost your life.

However, there are people who know the ropes.

When the four Guan Haishan brothers saw the words written by Lu Fei, they were completely disappointed.



"Lu Fei still understands this?"

"Mr. Guan, what is Yinwen?" the little nanny asked in a low voice.

"Yinwen is the writing of the underworld."


"Can you please stop scaring me?"


"Then what did my brother write?"

Guan Haishan shook his head slightly. .??.

"Yinwen is a special type of Taoist writing used to communicate with the underworld."

"It can usually be seen on major sacrificial occasions, and only those great masters understand it."

"I don't know what it means specifically."

"Now to worship my master, what I should write is a customs clearance document or something like that."

"The purpose is to get through to the underworld executives and directly contact the soul of my master."


"So profound?" the little puppy asked in surprise.

Guan Haishan nodded.

"That's right!"

"The inscriptions are extremely complex and ever-changing."

"In the archaeological community, apart from my master, only Liu Chuanzhi, who specializes in writing, knows something about it."

"Liu Chuanzhi has been dead for more than ten years. It is estimated that no one in the archaeological community understands the inscriptions."

"I didn't expect Lu Fei to understand. This is not easy!"

As he spoke, dense inscriptions were written.

Then Lu Fei took out a piece of yellow paper again and drew a talisman.

Seeing Lu Fei draw the talisman with his own hands, everyone except Chen Xiang felt as if they had seen a ghost.

The talismans are drawn with inscriptions wrapped in plain wax and burned.

Then light the tribute incense with the flame of the document, and recite some words while lighting it.

The tribute incense was lit, Lu Fei threw away the burning document, and then made a strange gesture with his left hand.


The word "Lin" was shouted out softly, and Lu Fei spread his left hand.

At this moment, everyone around seemed to

I felt some unexplainable experiences.

A strange light flashed in Chen Xiang's beautiful eyes.

Chen Xiang knew this feeling. Lu Fei said that it was called a magnetic field.

When the two first met, Chen Xiang experienced it once when Lu Fei personally knitted the Five Blessings and Bagua amulet for himself.

Now that she felt that mystery again, Chen Xiang was endlessly surprised.

Not only did they feel the mysterious magnetic field, but what was even more incredible was that due to the air pressure, the yellow paper was not fully burned just now.

But when Lu Fei shouted the word "Lin", the yellow paper suddenly burned violently.

Moreover, the curls of green smoke and paper ash actually started to spin on the spot, spinning faster and faster, flying straight into the air.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. The four brothers Guan Haishan widened their eyes with horrified expressions.

"Nine-character mantra!"

"He, how does he know this?"

"Who is Lu Fei?"

"How does he know the Nine-Character Mantra!"

Thinking of this, a scene suddenly appeared in Guan Haishan's mind.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival the year before last, at Chen's house in Jincheng, Master Kong Fanlong publicly studied the protective plaque that Chen Xiang had exchanged with Lu Fei using the Zigang plaque.

At that time, Mr. Kong saw the mystery.

It is said that Lu Fei took advantage of the situation in Qimen Dunjia and used the eight gates to calculate Chen Xiang's horoscope.

Change the door of death on the amulet to the door of life.

That's what everyone heard at the time. Even Kong Fanlong didn't particularly believe that Lu Fei knew Qimen Dunjia.

Later, I became acquainted with Lu Fei and never saw Lu Fei use the mysterious technique of Qi Men Dun Jia again, so everyone forgot about the amulet.

But today, Lu Fei wrote inscriptions by hand, drew talismans himself, and shouted the nine-character mantra. Coupled with the mysterious magnetic field, the four brothers Guan Haishan were shocked and dumbfounded.

At this moment, Guan Haishan had an idea in his mind.

It seems that I still know too little about Lu Fei.

This thing is really not simple.

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