A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1866 Shortcut

After lighting the tribute incense and inserting it into the Xuande furnace, Lu Fei took out a brocade box and opened it.

Seeing the objects inside, the hairs of the experts present stood up.

"Kowloon Cup!"


"Lu Fei actually took out the Kowloon Cup. This is too generous!"

"What if it breaks?"

After pouring white wine into the Kowloon cup, Lu Fei bowed three times to Mr. Kong without giving in to anyone, then turned around and left silently.

On the first anniversary, it stands to reason that there will be a series of rituals.

Even if all ceremonies are omitted, the first person to salute must be the closest relative of the family.

But Lu Fei ignored the first person to salute and left directly after the ceremony. This was a bit too much.

But just as he turned around, everyone saw two lines of tears falling from Lu Fei's eyes.

Seeing this scene, no one stood up to stop him.

Back in the parking lot, Lu Fei got directly into the back row.

After a while, Chen Xiang came back alone.

When she opened the car door and saw Lu Fei huddled in the corner of the back seat, covering his face with his hands and crying bitterly, Chen Xiang's heart almost broke.

No matter he was injured or wronged, no matter how big the setback was, Lu Fei never cried.

The few times I shed tears were almost always in front of Mr. Kong’s grave.

And every time there is Chen Xiang’s testimony.

Chen Xiang understood that Lu Fei was really heartbroken.

Not only heartache, but also self-blame.

Kong Lao was seriously ill and Lu Fei was unable to protect him.

The direct reason for the old man's illness was that Fatty and others were too excited when they made trouble for Lu Fei.

The most regrettable thing is that Lu Fei didn't even see Mr. Kong for the last time.

This has always been an insurmountable shadow and nightmare in Lu Fei's heart.

Lu Fei had never mentioned this kind of pain to anyone.

But, it does exist.

No matter how strong Lu Fei is, he is still made of flesh and blood, and he still has seven emotions and six desires!

Chen Xiang quietly got into the car, slowly hugged Lu Fei's head and gently put it into his arms.

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