A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1867 The first rafter dies first

Guan Haishan and others pulled Lu Fei outside.

Several people surrounded Lu Fei, their expressions more serious than ever.

"If you say something and then fart, how can you behave appropriately?" Lu Fei asked.

"Bapao Fei, let me ask you, how do you know the Taoist secrets?" Guan Haishan asked.


"What's so weird about this?"

"Don't you see it too?" Lu Fei said.

"Not only do you know Yinwen, you also know the Nine-Character Mantra, and you seem to have some Taoist practices."

"By the way, my master said before that you also know Qimen Dunjia." .??.

"The protective plaque you made for your wife used Qimen Dunjia's Hiding Heaven and Crossing the Sea to turn the door of death into the door of life, right?" Guan Haishan asked.

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"What's wrong?"

"How do you know so much at such a young age?"

"This unscientific."

"Tell me the truth, what's going on with you?" Guan Haishan pretended to be eating people.

Lu Fei looked at the old guys like idiots and sneered mockingly.

"What you said is so fresh. Why can't I understand this?"

"What's wrong with being young?"

"Do you deserve to die if you are too young to know how to use Qimen Dunjia?"

"Cai Wenji was proficient in music at the age of four, Li He was able to recite poems and compose poems at the age of six, and Gan Luo became prime minister at the age of twelve. Do these people all deserve to die?"

"I know better because I have talent. Is there anything wrong with that?"

"For example, among the five of you brothers, you can't stand up to the third one, but you can barely be called a grand master."

"What's the explanation for this?"

"I think you are just sick. You don't want others to be better than you, right?"

"A bunch of drunkards."




He didn't find anything wrong with Lu Fei, but was accused and insulted by Lu Fei.

Several people in Haishan were so angry that they vomited blood.

"Baoshaifei, I admit that you have talent."

"But you know too much, right?"

"To put it bluntly, even if you started learning from your mother's womb, how much would you learn?"

"After all, it can't be justified!" Jia Yuan said.

Lu Fei gave Jia Yuan a big eye roll and said.

"Mr. Jia, it's not that I, Lu Fei, am a quick learner, but you are too stupid and pedantic."

"You have to be careful when reading books. If you have nothing to do every day, you will be jealous of others. It would be new if you could learn it."

"Don't tell others, you all know my apprentice Niuniu!"

"The child is only seven and a half years old this year and has already learned the history of Song Dynasty."

"This is talent, you can't accept it."

"By the way, you are half buried in the soil now. It's too late to work harder now."

"In the next limited life, don't always think about intrigues, think more about your master's last wish!"

"I wasted the rest of my life, and didn't achieve anything when I finally got my hair done."

"I want to see how you explain to your master's spirit in heaven."

"I poof!!"

When Lu Fei said this, the old guys' faces turned red with shame and they were completely speechless.

A few old guys were messy in the haze, Lu Fei left in a swagger and returned to the main living room.

"Everyone, please wait a moment. The banquet will begin in twenty minutes."

"How about you guys dining here?" Lu Fei said.

"Xiao Fei, we're free, you can sit down and have a cup of tea!" Pan Xingzhou said.


Lu Fei sat down, Chen Xiang made Lu Fei a cup of fragrant tea and Kong Jiaqi left.

"Xiao Fei, I watched yesterday's auction. A total of nearly 20 billion was raised for charity."

"Among them, you personally donated 10 billion. You are very considerate." Pan Xingzhou said.

"Mr. Pan is too modest."

"I once said at the auction, don't look at the foundation's book capital exceeding 100 billion."

"But compared with our huge archaeological team in China, it is still a drop in the bucket."

"In order to better provide assistance to the archaeological team, more donations are needed."

"As a sponsor, of course I have to set an example by setting an example."

"Also, the auction I held to raise funds is just a formality."

"I hope to awaken the love of wealthy businessmen and high-income groups."

"In China, which is so big, the strength of just a few people and dozens of people is far from enough."

"Only when we unite and work together can we achieve better development."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, several big guys applauded in unison.

"well said!"


"We need a few more wealthy businessmen like you in China, which can solve big problems for the country."

"Mr. Pan, we should use Mr. Lu as a model to launch a propaganda. This may be able to add fuel to the flames!" Zhao Yuanchao said.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"Mr. Zhao, I'll just let it go as a typical example."

“Love and kindness must come from the heart.”

"If businessmen have a charitable heart, they will donate without mentioning anything."

"People without love, even if you assign tasks to them, they will push back and hold back."

“So doing things like charity still requires consciousness and voluntariness.”

"As for typical, I don't think it's necessary at all."

"I prefer to keep a low profile."

"As the ancients said, those who stand out will die first. If you show off too much, you will be jealous of others."

"If someone is jealous and deliberately targets and embarrasses me, Lu Fei, then I would be unjust."


When Lu Fei said these words, the air in the living room condensed instantly.

The peripheral vision of several big bosses all looked at Zhao Yuanchao intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhao Yuanchao's old face suddenly turned red, and he looked embarrassed.

Looking at Lu Fei, Zhao Yuan said with a smile.

"Ha ha!"

"Mr. Lu is joking."

"You have made outstanding contributions to the country, and even the No. 1 leader personally commended your righteous deeds. How can others be jealous?"

"You can rest assured that if someone really targets Mr. Lu, you can come to us."

"We will make the decision for you on matters that are within the scope of rights and do not violate principles."

"Mr. Zhao is right!"

"Xiaofei, you have a loyal heart that can be learned from the sun."

"If someone really makes things difficult for you on purpose, we will definitely not sit idly by and do nothing." Pan Xingzhou said.

Lu Fei stood up and nodded.

"I feel reassured by the words of several leaders."

"Not much else to say. I would like to thank a few leaders here."

"I also want to give you a guarantee. Wherever I can be used, it will be within my capabilities. I, Lu Fei, will do my duty."


"well said!"

"I'm just waiting for your words."

"Drink tea, drink tea!"

As soon as they talked and laughed, the air suddenly relaxed a lot.

Lu Fei stood up to refill the water for the leaders, and was the first to come to Zhao Yuanchao.

"Mr. Zhao, I see that the whites of your eyes are turning yellow, it must be due to excessive work and excessive heat."

"This is the top ice-capped own goal that I beat the Liu family in the treasure hunt in Hong Kong. It was the most frustrating."

"You must have a few more drinks!"

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Lu."

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