A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1868 Coincidence

Lu Fei changed the subject, and the air in the living room suddenly became relaxed.

"Xiao Fei!"

"It's not work today, let's just chat."

"Everyone sees your contribution to China's archeology."

"But in fact, the work of the archaeological team remains unchanged." .??.

"In the first few months of the new year, work efficiency has not improved significantly."

"There are also big drawbacks in the protection of local cultural relics."

"Nowadays, construction is accelerating everywhere. Under infrastructure construction, cultural relics and ancient cultural sites are often damaged."

"According to statistics, more than 12,000 cultural relics were damaged last year."

“There are hundreds of ancient ruins and cultural sites that have been destroyed or destroyed.”

"If this situation continues, bringing China's archeology to glory may be nothing more than a slogan."

"There are two reasons for this situation."

“First, we don’t pay enough attention to cultural sites and ancient buildings.”

"The most important thing is that there is no leader in the archaeological field who is as courageous, decisive and far-sighted as Mr. Kong."

"I'm not saying Mr. Guan is not good."

"But relatively speaking, his ability is far from that of Kong Lao. This is an indisputable fact."

"When Mr. Kong was alive, he mentioned to me more than once that he planned to let you take over or assist Mr. Guan."

"He thinks that your ability and courage will definitely inject fresh blood into the archaeological team and will definitely bring surprises to the archaeological team."

"And you are also very concerned about archeology. Instead of doing this, why don't you consider joining the regular army?"

"With your joining, I believe that the Chinese archaeological team will soon have a new look."

After Pan Xingzhou finished speaking, Lan Xiangdong echoed.

"Mr. Pan is right."

"Mr. Kong once talked to me."

"Xiao Fei, given your ability not to join in, it would really be a loss for the archaeological team!"\u003c


"You should seriously think about it."

"This is Mr. Kong's last wish, and it's also your ideal, isn't it?"

The two bosses took the lead, and other leaders also followed suit. Even Zhao Yuanchao expressed his opinions.

In a word, the big guys want to order Lu Fei to join the regular army and change the current situation of the archaeological team.

Lu Fei took out a cigarette and lit one, smiled slightly and said.

"Thank you all leaders for your consideration. Mr. Kong has mentioned to me more than once what you said."

"To be honest, I haven't thought about it seriously, and I don't know much about the current situation of the archaeological team."

"Also, I have so many things going on outside, I really don't have time for the time being."

"How about this!"

"I promise all leaders to give it serious consideration."

"When I think about it carefully, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

"However, now I can express my position to the leaders."

"Whether I join or not, I can assure you that if the archaeological team needs me, I will spare no effort to help."


"With your words, we feel relieved."

"Boy, you really didn't disappoint us."

"Listening to what you say, Mr. Kong's spirit in heaven will also feel gratified."

At this time, Chen Xiang came in and informed Lu Fei that the kitchen was ready and the dinner could be served at any time.

Lu Fei gave the order and the chef immediately took action.

The pots and spoons clinked against each other, making a lively scene.

Two tables were set up in the living room of the inner house, and more than a dozen leaders sat down. Lu Fei and Chen Xiang personally filled the glasses for everyone.

Delicious delicacies were served one after another, and the leaders were full of praise after tasting them.

After Lu Fei toasted with each leader, he handed over the living room to Chen Xiang and Kong Panqing, and went outside to entertain other guests.

As soon as he left the door, he was blocked by Guan Haishan, Jia Yuan and others.


"Why are you always following me?"

"Are you sick?" Lu Fei said angrily.

"Taipaofei, let me take a step to speak." .??.

"Excuse me, this is my home."

"If you have anything to say, just say it here."

"Hey, stop talking nonsense and come with us!"

Without any explanation, several old guys pulled Lu Fei directly to the back of the garden rockery.

"Hey, what are you going to do?"

"I'm warning you, if you want to rob me, you're going to be blind."

"Just a few of you old coffin warriors, together you are no match for me." Lu Fei said.


"Who wants to fight with you turtle?"

"Don't talk about fighting. If you dare to touch me, I will blackmail you for the rest of your life." Zhang Yanhe said.

"It's not a fight, why are you arguing?"

"Baolanfei, we heard what Mr. Pan told you just now."

"I want to know, what do you think?" Guan Haishan asked seriously.

"Holy shit!"

"You guys dare to eavesdrop on the leader's conversation, you are too brave!"

"Don't mess with these useless things. I just want to know what you think?" Guan Haishan asked.

"What do you think?"

"What are you trying to say?" Lu Fei asked.


"You bastard, can you stop pretending?"

"Mr. Pan asked you to join the regular army, what do you think?" Guan Haishan said with wide eyes.

Lu Fei chuckled.


I finally figured it out. "

"It turns out you, Guan Laosan, are worried about me threatening your position!"

"If this is the case, you don't have to be nervous. I don't have that intention."

"Balan Fei, you are so filthy, I, Guan Haishan, am not so shameless."

"Master also talked to me when he was alive."

"At that time, I didn't have any objection to him asking you to take over. Why should I worry about you?"

"To be honest, I know how much I weigh, and I also know your abilities."

"To fulfill my master's last wish, I feel it is too difficult for me to take on the important task."

"You have the ability and courage. If you are willing to join, we welcome you with both hands."

"I called you here just to express my opinion."

"We all want you to join."

"As long as you are willing, I, Guan Haishan, will willingly give up my position to you." Guan Haishan said.


"You are thinking too much at this juncture."

"The leader and I were just chatting a few words. You don't need to take it seriously."

"Even if I really want to join, I won't peep at your position as Guan Laosan."

"Okay, I still have to greet the guests, so I don't have time to talk nonsense with you."


"Wait, don't leave."


"I don't have time to play house with you."



After getting rid of the entanglement of Guan Haishan and others, Lu Fei walked to the front yard while thinking about what Pan Xingzhou and Guan Haishan said.

I had talked about this matter with Chen Xiang in Babao Mountain in the morning.

In order to help Kong Fanlong fulfill his last wish as soon as possible and relieve his guilt and self-blame, Lu Fei did have the idea of ​​joining the regular army.

But Chen Xiang's worries also have some validity.

It seems that this matter needs to be considered in the long run.

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