A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1883 Big Landlord

Entering the west room, Lu Fei's eyes lit up with several good things from the Wei family.

These things are not comparable to Lu Fei's collection, but they are still a considerable fortune.

Not to mention anything else, the huanghuali kang table alone is worth at least half a million yuan.

There is also the wind-milled copper wax stand and a pair of dusting bottles, which are both good items. .??.

Seeing this, Lu Fei suddenly laughed.

The old lady of the Wei family may not know how to do it, but Zhu Dahai has a good eye.

Zhu Dahai and Wei Shufen have been dating for many years. Isn't it just for their good things?

Of course, this was just a joke, and Lu Fei knew it was impossible.

I know Lao Zhutou well, he doesn't lack this little money, and he won't be so mean.

Lu Fei smiled and continued to appreciate.

Moving his gaze to the right, Lu Fei frowned when he saw the altar table placed at the foot of the north wall.

There is a solid wood offering table against the north wall.

A red lacquer shrine is placed on the altar table.

The shrine's patent leather peeled off in several places, revealing the underlying material, which turned out to be golden nanmu.

There is a white porcelain Guanyin statue enshrined in the shrine.

There is nothing special about the Guanyin statue, but the smoke spots and patina on the surface are quite even and thick.

Looking at the five incense waxes on the offering table, it is obvious that they are often offered.

However, what surprised Lu Fei was not the golden nanmu shrine, nor the thickly patinated Guanyin statue, but the placement of the shrine and the Buddha statue.

Whether it is a temple or a home, there are rules for the placement of Buddha statues.

The best direction is to sit west and face east, preferably towards the gate.

Moreover, you must avoid toilets, livestock sheds and other filth along the way. This is a sign of respect for the Buddha.

But the Zhong family's shrine is placed inexplicably.

The direction is north to south, facing west.

There happens to be a chicken coop and a toilet right next to the side house, which is simply extraordinary.

Isn’t it nonsense to place a shrine like this and still hope to gain the blessing of Guanyin?

According to Feng Shui, this is a taboo.

Over time, my family will suffer!

Feeling confused, Lu Fei continued to look around.

Soon, Lu Fei discovered something different on the top of the east wall.

The ceiling of Zhong's house is still an old-fashioned paper shed.

Over the years, the shed paper has accumulated several layers, and its color has become old and yellow.

But the color of the small piece of shed paper on the top of the east wall is obviously a little heavier than other places.

Lu Fei jumped up to the cabinet and plucked off a layer of shed paper with his fingers. The color of the layer below was much heavier.

After deducting another layer, the innermost layer is the most common Mao Dao shed paper during the Republic of China.

This layer of shed paper is brown in color and has a strong smell of incense.

There is a certain oiliness when you apply it with your fingers, which is the trace of years of smoke.

Seeing this, Lu Fei finally found the answer.

The earliest place where the Zhong family's shrine was placed was on the east wall.

The location here happens to be facing the main entrance from the east to the west.

There happens to be a well along the way, and right outside the courtyard gate is the Xishan Canyon, which has excellent Feng Shui.

According to this position of worship, everything in the Zhong family must go smoothly without any taboos.

But why was it later changed to the position with the worst feng shui?

Is it because the descendants of the Zhong family don't know how to do it, or is it intentional?

Jumping off the cabinet, Lu Fei came to the shrine again and took a closer look, and suddenly laughed.

Lighting a cigarette, Lu Fei came to the east room.

The east room was tidy, but the furnishings were unremarkable.

Wei Shufen looked particularly festive in her new crimson outfit.

However, the old lady's mood was in sharp contrast to her new clothes.

At this time, Wei Shufen was sitting on the bed with tears streaming down her face.

My eyes were swollen from crying.

Two women from the village sat beside her and gave her good advice.

"Sister, today is your big day, don't cry all the time!"

"How unlucky this is!"

"That's right!"

"You don't have to worry about Zhong Hui."

"Brother Zhong has been gone for so many years, and you have no relationship with the Zhong family for a long time."

"You don't have to worry about him causing trouble. Brother Lao Zhu won't let him bully you."

"Hurry up and wipe your tears away. Brother Zhu will come over soon to welcome the bride."

The two tried to persuade each other, but Wei Shufen not only didn't stop crying, but became even more excited.

"Stop trying to persuade me."

"I'm not getting married anymore," Wei Shufen said.


"Sister, what are you talking about?"

"I'm not talking nonsense, I really don't want to get married anymore."

"Zhong Hui is a bastard, he won't let it go."

"I have completely ruined the Zhu family's face today. I can't hurt Zhu Dahai anymore."

"I am just a broom star, and I am destined to be a widow!" Wei Shufen cried.

"Sister, you must not talk nonsense."

"It's not worth it for Zhong Hui."

"Brother Zhu is ready. If you change your mind because of that bastard Zhong Hui, where will you put Brother Zhu's face?"

"These two aunts are right, you can't compromise your happiness because of others."

"Aunt Wei, don't worry, everything can be solved." Lu Fei said.

Lu Fei spoke, and the three women raised their heads at the same time.

"Who are you?"


"I am Tianbao's friend, and I am in charge of your wedding today."

"Don't worry, I will help you solve all your troubles."

Wei Shufen looked at Lu Fei and shook her head sadly.

"Forget it, things in our family are very messy."

"You, an outsider, can't solve this problem at all."

"Not always."

"I just heard Zhong Hui say outside that he wants this house or 1.5 million in cash."

"I also understand that he is your husband's nephew."

"But I don't understand, why should he, a nephew, ask you for a house or money?" Lu Fei asked.

Lu Fei asked several times before Wei Shufen finally gave the answer.

As Lu Fei expected, the Zhong family is indeed not simple.

In the early days of the Republic of China, the Zhong family had an officer named Zhong Zhenfang.

Later, the warlords fought in a melee. In order to save his life, Zhong Zhenfang fled back to Huali Village with a lot of savings.

Later, he built a house and purchased land in Huali Village and became a famous local landowner.

At its peak, 80% of the land in Huali Village belonged to the Zhong family.

Later, after the Anti-Japanese War, the Zhong family fell into decline.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Zhong family was in dire straits due to composition problems.

But a skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

Although life is not as good as before, it is still much better than that of ordinary poor farmers.

In the 1970s and 1980s, the Zhong family could at least eat one or two meals of refined food every now and then.

But the only fly in the ointment is that Wei Shufen cannot have children.

Later, someone introduced him to adopt the youngest son of Wen Baocai's family in the town. That child was Zhong Hui who was making noise outside.

At that time, Wen Baocai was working as a worker in a shoe heel factory, supporting a family of seven with only one salary. He couldn't survive anymore, so he had no choice but to give his youngest son to the Zhong family.

Unfortunately, God's calculations failed. A few years later, the eldest son of the Wen family became successful in his studies and became the section chief of the county industrial and commercial bureau.

Then he was promoted to the head of the economic and trade department.

With such a leader and relative as a matchmaker, the Wen family's life has undergone a qualitative change.

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