A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1884 Adopted Son

One person attains the Tao and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven.

The eldest son of the Wen family became the head of the economic and trade department and had many conveniences and resources.

With his help, the Wen family started doing business one after another, and their life changed qualitatively.

The Wen family, who had not enough to eat at first, lived a good life.

But the Zhong family is even worse than before.

Zhong Hui was immediately distraught when he learned about the changes in his family. .??.

After graduating from junior high school, the lazy Zhong Hui began to wander around the society.

Usually when he is short of money, he wanders between Zhong Wen's family.

After another two years, he simply returned to the Wen family.

I usually don't go back to visit my adoptive parents for a year and a half, but when they meet again, they change their names directly.

From the previous parents, they became the second uncle and the second aunt.

This broke the hearts of Wei Shufen and his wife.

Eleven years ago, Wei Shufen's wife died of illness, and the widow made a living by making tofu alone.

Within a few years, something happened to the Wen family.

The eldest son of the Wen family was arrested for serious disciplinary violations, and the entire Wen family was implicated.

Life fell from the clouds to the bottom again.

From that time on, Zhong Hui, who was too lazy to eat and was thinking about the old house of the Zhong family.

Although he is officially an adopted son, there is no such mention in the household registration book.

Zhong Hui has not terminated his relationship with the Zhong family. From a legal definition, this guy does have the right to inherit the Zhong family's property.

Zhong Hui came to the house many times and made trouble, but Wei Shufen still refused to transfer the ownership to him.

Later, this guy shamelessly took Wei Shufen to court.

After the verdict, Zhong Hui was confirmed to have the right to inherit.

But the first heir is Wei Shufen.

After Wei Shufen passes away, the house will belong to him.

Zhong Hui was dissatisfied and sued twice more, but in the end the original verdict was upheld.

Zhong Hui was extremely depressed, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Today this guy heard that Wei Shufen was going to remarry, which was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him.

Early in the morning, he called a few friends to come over and cause trouble, forcing Wei Shufen to transfer the house to him. \u003c


Lu Fei sighed after hearing this.

"If Zhong Hui is so unbearable, why didn't he break off the relationship with him in the first place?"

Wei Shufen shook her head and said.

"The Zhong family has lost its incense here. I feel sorry for my ancestors."

"I always thought Zhong Hui could be down-to-earth and a good person."

"If that's the case, I'll have an explanation for the Zhong family."

"As the saying goes, you look old at the age of three."

"You know best what Zhong Hui is."

"Do you think it's possible for him to change his ways?"

"What's more, he is not your biological child!" Lu Fei said.

"I understand what you are saying, but he does have the right to inherit!"

"He insists on making trouble, what can I do?" Wei Shufen said.

"Sister-in-law, this shabby yard of yours is in disrepair and isn't worth much."

"You are going to marry into the Zhu family. In my opinion, you should just give this shabby yard to that bastard Zhong Hui."

"From now on, draw a clear line with him and completely sever ties with him. Out of sight, out of mind!" the village woman advised.


"My man said before he left that my old house must not be sold."

"Even if the cover is flipped, I still have to keep an eye on it myself."

"He said that as long as I have this house, I can be sure that I will have a worry-free life for the rest of my life."

"As long as I live, I can never give him my house."

"Give it to Zhong Hui, and he will sell it if you change hands."

"If that happens, I won't be able to see my man even after I die!"

The two village women slapped their thighs angrily.

"This won't work, that won't work. Sister-in-law, what do you want to do?"

"It's almost ten o'clock."

"The bride will come over soon,

How do you explain it to Brother Zhu? "

Hearing what the village woman said, Wei Shufen started crying again.

"Aunts, you two go outside to rest first, and I'll have a few words with Aunt Shufen."

"I promise that today's wedding will be held as scheduled."

Lu Fei invited the two village women out and stood in front of Wei Shufen and said.

"Aunt Shufen, please stop crying."

"I know what you are thinking."

"You have been friends with Uncle Dahai for so many years. He must tell you the true value of your old house."

"You are not willing to leave these treasures to that white-eyed wolf, are you?"

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Wei Shufen's crying stopped abruptly.

"You, how do you know?"

"Let me introduce myself."

"My name is Lu Fei, I am Zhu Dahai's good friend and Tianbao's boss."

"Lao Zhu and I are traveling together, so I know your family's wealth well."

"Not talking about the house."

"Just the red sandalwood window frames, the salt shaker in the cupboard, the Kang table in the west room, the wax table and the duster."

"Together, these items are worth more than five million."

"This is all the wealth left to you by the Zhong family. Why are you willing to give it to a white-eyed wolf who is not related by blood?"


"This, you know all this?" Wei Shufen said in surprise.

"Auntie, don't be nervous."

"Don't worry, I have an idea."

"Really?" Wei Shufen asked in surprise.

"I do have a way, but only if you trust me."

"We, my mother-in-law, have not met each other. In this case, I will let Lao Zhu tell you personally."

Lu Fei said, taking out his mobile phone to video chat with Zhu Dahai.

Lu Fei briefly summarized the matters here, and Zhu Dahai and Wei Shufen assured that Lu Fei was one of their own.

Only then did Wei Shufen completely believe it

Lu Fei.

Ten minutes later, Lu Fei came out of the house and saw the two village women.

"Aunts, you can go in."

"I'm going to help Aunt Shufen touch up her makeup. The wedding will go on as normal."


"Is this enough?"


"Do not worry!"

"Aunt Shufen won't cry anymore."

"Young man, you are so awesome."

When we came outside, there were several times more people watching the excitement than before.

Lu Fei came to Zhong Hui and said calmly.

"Your name is Zhong Hui?"

"That's right!"

"How's your discussion going?"

"Should I give you money or a house?" Zhong Hui said.

"Zhong Hui, as an adopted son, you have not fulfilled your obligation to support the elderly, but you miss your ancestral home."

"Have you grown a face?" Lu Fei asked.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"It's not your turn to control what happens to me."

"My household registration is from the Zhong family, and the court has ruled that I have the right to inherit. Who do you think you are?"

"Boy, keep your mouth clean for me."

"If you compete again, I'll slap you with my big mouth." the little puppy said with wide eyes.

Zhong Hui put on a posture like a dead pig that is not afraid of boiling water, and stood up his neck and shouted.


"You dare to kill me?"

"You dare?"

"If you don't dare, just get out of here. It's none of your business here."

"You're wrong, I really have something to do with you here."

Lu Fei took out a piece of paper, waved it in front of Zhong Hui's eyes and said.

"Do you see it?"

"Your adoptive mother Wei Shufen has sold this yard to me for 200,000 yuan."

"From now on, every plant and tree in the yard belongs to me."

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