A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1885 Pure Love

Zhong Hui's eyes widened when he heard Lu Fei say that Wei Shufen sold the yard to him.


"Absolutely impossible."

"I do not believe."

Lu Fei shook the paper in his hand and said with a smile.

"Look clearly, this is the house sale contract signed by your adoptive mother, Ms. Wei Shufen, and me."

"Ms. Wei Shufen is willing to sell the Zhong family's old house to me for a price of 200,000 Shenzhou coins."

"The money has been settled and the transfer procedures will be completed tomorrow."

"The writing is clearly written in black and white. It also has the autograph and handprint of your adoptive mother Wei Shufen."

"That's the legal effect."

After seeing the contract clearly, Zhong Hui almost went crazy.

He wanted to snatch the contract, but Lu Fei took it away first.

"Boy, don't be complacent yet."

"I am the legal heir to the Zhong family's old house. The house cannot be sold without my consent."

"It's not easy for Wei Shufen to sign a contract with you," Zhong Hui shouted.

Lu Fei smiled.

"Brother, do you know the law?"

"Your adoptive mother Wei Shufen is the first heir to this old house."

"You are only the second heir."

"As long as Wei Shufen is alive, he has the right to control and handle it."

"There is no need to ask for your opinion on this. If you don't believe it, you can find a lawyer for consultation."

"By the way, your adoptive mother is kind-hearted and only charged me 70% of the rent."

"The remaining 30% is 60,000 yuan. She asked me to transfer it to you, which is also an explanation for you."

"Give me your card number and I can transfer the money to you now."


"You want to buy our house for only 200,000 yuan, you are daydreaming."

"Our old house is worth at least one million, and I don't agree with this contract." Zhong Hui shouted.

"I'll say it again, it won't work if you disagree with it."

"I have signed a contract with your adoptive mother."

"Now I own the house."

"If you want the 60,000 yuan for the house, give me your card number."

"If you don't want to, get out of here."

"If you dare to cause trouble in front of my house, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Lu Fei shouted loudly, and the onlookers also helped to persuade him.

"Zhong Hui, please stop making trouble and let it go as soon as you're ready."

"For so many years, you have been eating and drinking for free without helping the family at all. Now you get 60,000 yuan for free, which is already very good."

"Let a man know that he is content."

"Let me tell you, your adoptive mother is now married to Zhu Dahai."

"You know their Tianbao. If you make him anxious, it will be enough for your kid to drink a pot."

Everyone tried to persuade them, but Zhong Hui didn't appreciate it and kept shouting.

Now that the house belongs to Lu Fei, it is considered a good job to deal with him. Of course, Lu Fei will not be polite to him.

With a look, Dapeng Xiaofei took Zhong Hui away.

Several people who came with him did not dare to come forward at all.

As soon as Zhong Hui leaves, the trouble will be solved immediately.

Ten minutes later, a flying goddess drove to the door of the Wei family, and the groom, Zhu Dahai, came to greet the bride in person.

The suona sounded, and everyone clapped and cheered, completely forgetting the previous unpleasantness.

The little nanny opened the truck compartment, jumped in and shouted loudly.

"Fellow folks, in the car are some happy cigarettes and candies for everyone."

"Everyone applaud and bless the newlyweds. Come to me later to receive benefits."

"No matter men, women, old or young, everyone who sees it has a share!"

"After distributing the welfare, we will all go to Zhu's house. There is a flowing table prepared there. Everyone must eat and drink well!"


As soon as they heard that everyone had a share, the onlookers cheered and applauded, making the scene lively.

Everyone is scrambling

Congratulations to the new couple, and then swarm to the little milk dog to receive the benefits.

At first, I was waiting for the little buddy to hand it out, but then I couldn’t wait any longer and just rushed into the car and started grabbing it.

The little puppy was the first to be squeezed out of the car, and she was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat.

"Mom yeah!"

"These folks are so tough, they scare the baby to death!"

Amid everyone's applause, Zhu Dahai picked up the bride Wei Shufen.

People are in high spirits during happy events. A pair of elderly people over sixty suddenly looked more than ten years younger in such an atmosphere.

Everything is filled with happiness and sweetness.

Got in the wedding car and returned to Zhu's house.

After the sound of firecrackers, witnessed by hundreds of people, the leaders of the Civil Affairs Bureau worked on-site to apply for marriage certificates for the elderly couple.

The audience stood up and cheered again.

The Chinese wedding is over, and the flowing banquet begins immediately.

Taking advantage of the time to change clothes, Lu Fei pulled Zhu Dahai aside and handed him the house sales contract signed with Wei Shufen.

"Balan Fei, thank you for your help this time." Zhu Dahai said.

"Don't be polite to me."

"Hey, let me ask you something, what do you like about Aunt Shufen?" Lu Fei asked with a smile.


"Shufen is a nice person, down-to-earth, and her tofu is famous far and wide. The most important thing is that we are in love." Zhu Dahai said a little shyly.


"It's so disgusting!"

"What, are you telling the truth?"

"I've seen it. There are many good things in the Zhong family's old house."

"According to the current market price, it is worth at least five million."

"Don't you have one?"


"Baolanfei, if you keep talking nonsense, I'm going to get angry with you!"

"No matter how bad I, Zhu Dahai, am, I will never take advantage of the widow's property."

"Ours was pure love

, you kid must not be so heartbroken. "

"Also, I told Shufen a long time ago that those things are valuable. If she wanted to sell them, I would have helped her." Zhu Dahai said angrily.

"Hey, you're just joking, right?"

"As for!"

"This issue is related to my character and the relationship between us. It must not be a joke."

"have to!"

"I'm so heartbroken, can I apologize?"

"But besides those objects, did you find anything else?" Lu Fei asked.

"what else?"

"Didn't you notice that the position of their shrine is wrong?"

Zhu Dahai nodded and said.

"Of course I discovered this."

"I told Shufen several times, and she said that when she got married, it was placed there and she wouldn't be allowed to move it."

"Then have you ever thought about why you can't move?"


This really confused Zhu Dahai.

"Do you know what's going on?"


"I've seen it all. There is a mezzanine on the wall behind the shrine."

"Really?" Zhu Dahai was surprised.

"Can I joke about this?"

"But, after all, it is someone else's thing."

"Tell Aunt Shufen the situation and ask for her opinion on whether to open it or not."

"I'm telling you there's no other reason. I'm just worried that one day I'll give someone else an advantage." Lu Fei said.

Zhu Dahai nodded seriously.

"You did the right thing!"

"I'll talk to Shufen later. If he agrees to open it, I'll make a video call with you then."


"That's what I meant."

"I don't care if the stuff is good or bad, all I want is the excitement."

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