A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1888 Planning

Zhong Hui was shocked when he saw that it was Lu Fei who had been talking to him.

"It's you?"

"You, what are you going to do?"

Lu Fei chuckled.


"I should ask you this!"

"You stayed up late at night, moved all the stuff out of my house, and even found someone to tear down the window frames in my house."

"What do you want to do?"

"By the way, does your situation count as burglary?"

Hearing what Lu Fei said, Zhong Hui was frightened to death. .??.

"You, don't talk nonsense."

"This, this is my home."

"I took things from my house."


"You are still being stubborn now, Captain Zhou, please seek justice!"

As Lu Fei finished speaking, the lights of a dozen police cars around him suddenly flashed.

More than 20 policemen rushed into the courtyard and took control of the people.

The Bianliang police force brought Zhou Kun to Lu Fei.

"Mr. Lu, everyone has been arrested."

Seeing the police, Zhong Hui's legs became weak and he almost collapsed to the ground.

"Police officer, these are really my family's things."

"It's true!"

Zhou Kun sneered.

"Zhong Hui, we have already seen the real estate transaction contract between Mr. Lu and your adoptive mother, Ms. Wei Shufen."

"And I confirmed to your adoptive mother that this is indeed Mr. Lu's private property."

"According to inheritance law, you have 30% of the house payment, and you have accepted it."

"So, your behavior constitutes burglary."

"take away!"

The police swarmed up and Zhong Hui was so frightened that he almost peed his pants.

"Wait a minute, wait a minute."

"Police officer, this, this is a misunderstanding."

"I didn't understand it before, but now I understand it. Can I give these things back to him?"

"I will compensate you for the damage caused by prying the window frame. Can you please not arrest me?" Zhong Hui begged.

"Zhong Hui, you

It's no use telling me this. Now it's Mr. Lu who wants to sue you. "

"If you want to be exempted from liability, you must ask for Mr. Lu's forgiveness." Zhou Kun said.


After Zhou Kun finished speaking, Zhong Hui knelt directly in front of Lu Fei.

"Mr. Lu, I was wrong."

"It's all my fault."

"Please, Sir, please don't look at the villain. The Prime Minister's belly can support a boat. Can you let me go?"

"I swear, I will pay for all your losses according to the price, and you will never dare to cause trouble again, okay?"


Lu Fei lit a cigarette, and all the smoke hit Zhong Hui in the face.

"Your adoptive parents have raised you for many years, but you have failed to fulfill your obligation to support the elderly and even changed your title to second uncle and second aunt."

"Not only that, you also make things difficult for your adoptive mother in every possible way."

"And he came to cause trouble on someone's wedding day."

"Why should I trust you, a disloyal and unfilial person like you?"

Zhong Hui trembled all over after hearing this.

"Mr. Lu, I was wrong."

"I really know I was wrong."

"I swear, I will change my ways, and I will be filial to my adoptive mother from now on."

"And for your losses, I will compensate you according to the price, please?"



"It's not that I look down on you, can you fucking afford it?"

"Not to mention anything else, the rosewood aniseed in the window frames of three rooms alone is worth more than three million."

"What are you going to pay for?"

"Zhong Hui, I don't care about money, but I despise unfilial people like you the most."

"So, I must teach you an unforgettable lesson today."

"Team Zhou, the market price of these Guangxu blue and white figures is at least 300,000 yuan."

"This huanghuali kang table has a market price of five hundred thousand."

"This Buddhist niche is made of old material of golden nanmu and is worth five hundred thousand."

"This salt jar is an authentic product from Jiajing Longquan Kiln and is worth at least 600,000 yuan."

"There are also rosewood window frames, worth more than three million."

"Please take photos to collect evidence and convict Zhong Hui's gang according to the amount they stole."


Hearing the price quoted by Lu Fei, Zhong Hui's head buzzed, and most of his three souls and seven souls disappeared in an instant.

Zhong Hui only knew that these things were valuable, but he never expected them to be worth so much.

If he had known it was so valuable, he would have thought of a way to do it a few years ago. .??.

But now he was thinking more about himself.

According to Lu Fei's quotation, these things are worth more than five million.

Zhong Hui couldn't even imagine how big a crime it was to break into a house and steal five million.

But what is certain is that he is finished.

And this life is over.

Now that things have happened, Zhong Hui is completely despairing. He really regrets it!

Zhou Kun asked his brothers to bring the people involved in the case into the car, then turned back and said to Lu Fei.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, we will strictly enforce the law."

"It's just that we have to take these stolen items back and go through the procedures."

"The case has been thoroughly investigated, and I will personally return the items to you and return them to their original places."


"Then there's Captain Lao Zhou."

"You're welcome, Mr. Lu, take your leave."

"Walk slowly!"

Zhou Kun gathered his team and left, Zhu Tianbao said, "Smash it."

"Is this the end?"

"Otherwise, what else do you want?" asked the little puppy.

"You have to give him a good beating, right?"

"You can pull him down!"

"Your hands are so heavy, you might cripple someone and cause trouble again."

"My dear brother made a huge effort and solved the worries of your second uncle and second aunt without any effort."

"Once the case is settled, Zhong Hui will be sentenced to at least ten years."

"By the way, brother, how do you know that Zhong Hui will come here tonight to steal something?"

\u003e "If he doesn't come, won't our preparations be in vain?"

The issue of little milk dogs is something that everyone can’t wait to know.

During the day, Lu Fei only told them that there was a good show in the evening, but did not tell them the details.

After dinner, Lu Fei asked Yan Yonghui to call Zhou Kun to make arrangements here in advance.

At around eight o'clock, all the boys were in place.

At that time, everyone was very worried.

The police were invited. It would be too embarrassing if Zhong Hui didn't come.

As a result, everything came true, and the grandson really showed up.

But everyone doesn't know why Lu Fei is so sure.

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"it's actually really easy."

"First, Zhong Hui knows that the Zhong family has good things."

"Secondly, everyone is having a wedding banquet at Zhu's house tonight, so it's a good opportunity to take action."

"If you don't come today, I will take back the house tomorrow, and it will be too late."

"So, tonight he has to do it."

"That's not right, dear brother!"

"How are you sure Zhong Hui knows that the Zhong family has good things?"

"This guy is just a bastard. It's very possible that he doesn't know the ropes, right?"


"You don't know because you overlooked a detail."

"What details?" the little puppy asked puzzledly.

"Do you still remember the conditions proposed by Tian Tian Zhonghui?"


"This guy said he would give me either a house or 1.5 million."

Lu Fei nodded and said.

"That's right!"

"When I said that the old lady sold me this house for 200,000 yuan, Zhong Hui said it was impossible."

"He said the house was worth at least a million."

"According to the market price, the value of this house is between 150,000 and 200,000."

"Why does he say it's worth more than a million?"

"For him to say that, it proves that he must know that this property is valuable."

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