A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1889 Opening the Mezzanine

After Lu Fei explained this, everyone understood.

At the same time, everyone admired Lu Fei's resourcefulness even more.

Hob meat like Zhong Hui is the hardest to deal with.

This kind of person is not afraid of boiling water. If you beat him today, you will be gone tomorrow and he will still be rampant.

When everyone is not in Bianliang, if this guy comes out to cause trouble, it will be really disgusting.

That's different now.

The amount of burglary exceeded five million.

Good guy!

This is enough for the grandson to drink a pot.

This is called once and for all.

Zhong Hui's matter is settled and everyone goes back to rest.

Lu Fei specifically told Tianbao not to tell Wei Shufen about this matter yet.

If she asked about the things at home, she would say that the police were temporarily taking them for evidence and would return them in a few days.

But don't mention that the person who stole it was Zhong Hui.

Wei Shufen is Zhong Hui's adoptive mother after all.

A son is unfilial, but that does not guarantee that his adoptive mother is ruthless.

If the old lady was sad because Zhong Hui, a bastard, was caught, then it wouldn't be a crime.

In the next two days, Lu Fei was controlled by two girls, Song Xiaojiao and Liang Ruyi, most of the time.

In addition to drinking and chatting with everyone, the rest of the time was spent studying medical skills with his old apprentice Liang Guanxing.

The night before Wan Xiaofeng's engagement, everyone was drinking and discussing the details of tomorrow. Lu Fei received a call from Zhu Dahai.

Seeing the caller ID, Lu Fei had an idea.

When I answered the phone, it was exactly what I thought.

Zhu Dahai told Wei Shufen about the suspected mezzanine behind the shrine in the west room of the Zhong family.

The newly promoted Mrs. Zhu agreed to Zhu Dahai's curiosity without saying a word.

Zhu Dahai has been in the antique business for decades and has heard that there are countless mezzanines, but he has never witnessed it with his own eyes.

In the past two days, Lao Zhu's dreams were all about opening the mezzanine.

Now with his wife's consent, the old guy couldn't wait a minute and immediately called Lu Fei.

"Basha Fei, you might as well come over here."

"How about helping me first, and also supervising me?" Zhu Dahai asked.

Lu Fei has driven a mezzanine several times

, after experiencing the excitement, you can’t stop even more.

Discussing the details of Xiaofeng's engagement was a family matter, and there was absolutely no need for her to get involved.

So after thinking about it for a while, Lu Fei immediately agreed to Zhu Dahai and rushed to Huali Village in person.

"Everyone, let's chat!"

"I have something to do and I have to go out, so you don't need to worry about me."

"Xiao Fei, where are you going?" Wan Jiakai asked.

"I'm going to see a friend and will go back in a while. Let's see you tomorrow!"

"Brother Fei, let's go with you." The two girls said coquettishly.

"I'm going to meet my friends, what are you going to do?"

"Brother Fei, you've been drinking, I'll drive for you." Song Xiaojiao said with a smile.


"Brother Fei, just because you smile means you agree?"



"Why?" Song Xiaojiao asked disappointedly.

"Your sister-in-law can help me drive, so I won't bother you."

"You two light bulbs have tormented me so much these past two days, please let me go today, okay?"



Everyone burst into laughter, and the two girls blushed and went back to the house angrily.

After leaving Wanjia, Chen Xiang started the car and asked.

"Who are you going to see?"

"I won't see anyone. I'll take you to find some excitement." Lu Fei said.

When it comes to seeking excitement, Chen Xiang is endlessly surprised.



"What excitement?"

"Can you give me some spoilers?"

"No, spoilers mean there will be no surprises."

"All right!"

"Then where are we going now?"

"Huali Village."

Feeling great

Okay, Chen Xiang's speed increased a bit.

The originally forty-minute drive took less than half an hour to arrive in front of Zhong's house.

The car stopped and Lu Fei let out a sigh of relief.

"Honey, don't drive so fast next time."

"How scary!"


"I'm sure, okay?"


"All those who drown are those who know how to swim."

"Bah, bah, bah!"

"Can you speak properly?" Chen Xiang said resentfully.

"I am telling the truth."

"My wife is very valuable. No matter what she does, she must put safety first."

"This is what I ask of you."

Hearing what Lu Fei said, Chen Xiang felt warm in his heart.

But he still gave Lu Fei a big eye roll.

"So sour!"

"Okay, I get it."

"I'm just a little excited, but actually I'm really sure."

"I have six years of driving experience, but I have zero accidents!"

"Zero accidents?"

"Of course!" Chen Xiang said proudly.

"Dear wife, don't you feel guilty for saying this?"

"What I said is the truth, what's the shame?"

Lu Fei pulled out the Zigang card from his chest, shook it at Chen Xiang and said.

"Ms. Chen Xiang, since you have zero accidents, may I ask how I got this brand?"


Seeing the Zigang card, Chen Xiang's eyes immediately flashed back to the first time the two met on the streets of Bianliang.

Thinking of the way he admired Lu Fei's eyes and all kinds of charms, Chen Xiang suddenly blushed with embarrassment.


"Then, that time was just an accident."


"Good guy, you said it too easily!"

"If it weren't for your husband, I would be extremely agile and alert."


I guess the grass on the grave is about one foot tall, okay? "

"You are not allowed to say any more!"

"All right!"

"That's it, you're awesome."

After making some jokes, the two of them entered the courtyard hand in hand.

Zhong's house was brightly lit, and Zhu Dahai had been waiting for a long time.


"Where's Aunt Shufen?" Lu Fei asked.

"She didn't want to come over, so I came on my own." Zhu Dahai said.

"This is someone else's thing. The owner is not here. Is this appropriate?"

Zhu Dahai said with a smile.

"That's what I said, but my wife said that she belongs to me, and it doesn't matter what I find."


"You can say such sour things, Lao Zhu, you have some meaning!"

"I have to say that you, old man, are so lucky to have married such a considerate and good woman like Aunt Shufen."



"I also think so."

Zhu Dahai closed the doors of the courtyard gate and the three of them came to the west room.

Zhong Hui's case has been clearly heard, and Zhou Kun sent all the items back and restored them to their original positions.

Zhu Dahai opened the bag on the ground, which contained hammers, chisels, axes, crowbars and other tools.

Seeing these things, Chen Xiang was somewhat confused.

"Mr. Zhu, what are we going to do?"

"Why do you still use these things?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Your shabby guy said this room has a leather wall."

"We're going to open the mezzanine tonight."

"Whether it's your Lu Fei who's bragging or he's very discerning, let's speak with the facts."


Chen Xiang once opened Wei Zhongxian's treasury with Lu Fei, and also found the Chang family's treasure house in the Zhang family.

Only by personal experience can you know the fun.

Now that the mezzanine was about to be opened again, Chen Xiang's heart beat wildly with excitement, and she was extremely excited.

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