A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1890 Talkative

Chen Xiang was very excited when she heard that there was a mezzanine.

"Mr. Zhu said there is a mezzanine, is that true?"

“Where’s the mezzanine, where’s the mezzanine?”

Lu Fei shrugged with a smile.


"Even if there is a mezzanine, it belongs to someone else. Are you so excited?"

"I've never seen the mezzanine, why don't you get excited?"

"Tell me quickly, where is the mezzanine?"


"Stop pretending, I have all the tools ready, let's start quickly!" Zhu Dahai said.

"All right!"

"But let's talk first, I'm just doubtful, I can't guarantee whether it's there or not!"

Lu Fei said and moved the shrine away himself.

He picked up a crowbar and knocked on the wall.

"Dang, Dang, Dang!"

There was a muffled sound, and Zhu Dahai's old eyes suddenly flashed with a golden light.


"right here."

"Lu Fei, how did you find out there was a mezzanine here?" Chen Xiang asked.

"It's actually nothing."

"At first I found that the location of the shrine was inappropriate. After finding the auspicious position where it was originally placed, it was obvious that it was placed here to cover up something."

"Behind the shrine is the north wall."

"And the north wall is against the root of the mountain and is more than half a meter thick, which is completely thick enough to be a skinned wall."

"The ancestors of the Zhong family were once big landowners, and the furnishings in their home were very particular. Making a leather wall to hide things is not new at all."

"After the founding of the People's Republic of China, they appeared in the houses of many landlords and wealthy people."

"Then I knocked on the wall and quickly found the answer."

"It's that simple." Lu Fei said.


"It sounds simple, but it's not."

"The shrine is not placed properly. I knew it a few years ago, but I just didn't contact the wall."

"To put it bluntly, you are still careful enough!" Zhu Dahai said.

"Mr. Zhu, let's not talk about that.


"Now that we're sure there's a mezzanine, let's quickly open it and see what's there!"

"I can not wait any more."

Seeing Chen Xiang's anxious look, Lu Fei couldn't help but laugh.

The two moved the offering table and cabinet away, and the entire north wall was cleared.

"Lao Zhu, I'm going to tear down the wallpaper. Are you sure your wife agrees?" Lu Fei asked.

"I'll go, why are you making such ink marks!"

"Can I come without her permission?"

"Who do you think I, Zhu Dahai, am?"


"How about you avoid it and I'll do it myself." Zhu Dahai said.


"As long as your wife authorizes it."

"Your old arms and legs are too slow, so leave this kind of strenuous work to me!"

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he started to move his hands.


The three layers of wallpaper were torn off, revealing the last layer of yellow paper covered with mildew.

"This kind of rough paper was a controlled material in the Republic of China, and the supply in various regions was very limited."

"Those who can buy this kind of paper are definitely not ordinary people."

"In other words, the use of this kind of paper on walls and ceilings is a status symbol in itself."

"How are you sure this is from the Republic of China?" Chen Xiang asked.

"Of course, this kind of paper only existed in the Republic of China."

"Due to the large proportion of waste materials, production has been discontinued in the 31st year of the Republic of China."

"The paper in stock can only be sold for a year at most."

"So, the construction time of this house must have been before the 32nd year of the Republic of China."

"Lu Fei, you know so much." Chen Xiang said with admiration.

Zhu Dahai said with a smile.

"It's nothing. Anyone with some common sense knows that."


"Old Zhutou, are you deliberately causing trouble?"

"We are chatting, what are you saying?"

"Do you hate it?" Lu Fei rolled his eyes and said.

"have to!"

"Don't worry, I'm going to keep talking."

"snort!" .??.

The last layer of paper was stuck to the green bricks, and it was impossible to tear it off all at once. It had to be removed bit by bit with a shovel.

Chen Xiang looked worried and couldn't help but ask.

"Lu Fei, since the mezzanine is here, can't we just smash it open?"

"Is this necessary?"

"Miss, you don't understand this."

"Only by removing this layer of paper can we find the traces and volume of the interlayer."

"Even if you can't find it, you can be more accurate by listening to the voice."

"If you damage the things inside by being reckless, then the gain outweighs the loss."

After Zhu Dahai explained, Chen Xiang finally understood and nodded with satisfaction.

But Lu Fei was a little unhappy.

"Old Zhutou, you talk a lot today!"

"Wouldn't I tell my wife these things?"

"Do you need to be clever?"

"have to!"

"I'm talking too much again. I promise not to interrupt next time, okay?"

"snort!" .??.

"I hope so."

Listening to the two people bickering, Chen Xiang smiled from ear to ear.

For the married Chen Xiang, apart from unlocking Lu Fei's unknown territory, the greatest pleasure is watching him bicker with others.

Especially when Lu Fei was quarreling with Zhu Dahai and a bunch of old guys in Wen Baozhai, he had the charm of Kong Ming's tongue fighting with the Confucian scholars.

That scene was definitely interesting.

After laughing, he lit a cigarette for Lu Fei, and Chen Xiang waited silently.

Half an hour later, an area of ​​1.5 meters high and 1.2 meters wide was completely cleared by Lu Fei.

Turning on the flashlight and taking a closer look, and then tapping for a week to listen to the sound, Lu Fei picked up an iron pick and pointed it at the fifteenth floor of blue bricks and struck it decisively.

Got the guy.

After a clanking sound, this row of green bricks was completely removed.

When the flashlight shined in, there was indeed a dark space inside.

Moreover, the top of this space is exactly parallel to the position where Lu Fei took the bricks.

"Lu Fei, I was looking just now, but I didn't see anything."

"How are you sure that the top must be on this level?" Chen Xiang asked.

Lu Fei nuzzled at Zhu Dahai, who said nothing.

"Hey, do I want you to speak?"

"Didn't you let me interrupt?" Zhu Dahai complained.

"Now let me tell you, tell Xiang'er how I saw it?"

Zhu Dahai nodded and said.

"Actually, actually"

"Hey, let me talk about a hammer."

"I didn't notice it either?"


Chen Xiang laughed so hard that Lu Fei also laughed.

"I knew you couldn't tell, so I asked you to tell me."



Zhu Dahai's angry old face turned red and he gasped.

"Baoshaifei, you kid is so useless."

"I am teasing the old man, are you excited?"


"I think it's quite interesting."



"I admit that my eyesight is not as good as yours, but can you tell me how you saw it?"

Putting away his smile, Lu Fei said seriously.

"This wall is very well made, with consistent gray numbers on the top, bottom, left and right."

"This makes it certain that this was completed in one go when the house was built, and it was definitely not a mezzanine built later."

"So?" Zhu Dahai asked.

"So I didn't see it either."


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