A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1891 Special Care

Lu Fei spoke eloquently, and Zhu Dahai and Chen Xiang's eyes were full of admiration.

He was fully looking forward to the next chapter, but Lu Fei said that he didn't know, which made Zhu Dahai's nose crooked with anger.

"Tatters fly!"

"Can you please order some Bilian?"

"Why are you so embarrassed to pretend in front of your wife?"

"Ai ai, there's Deha in your mouth!"

"What am I pretending to be?"

"Okay, tell me, how do you know that this layer is the top?" Zhu Dahai asked.

"This is simple."

"There's no difference to the naked eye, so of course it's just the sound?"


"I, Zhu Dahai, admit that my eyesight is not as good as yours, but at least I have decades more experience than you."

"Judging from the sound, the top should be around the thirteenth floor of blue bricks."

"Even if there is an error, it is still the fourteenth floor, but how can you be sure it is the fifteenth floor?"

Zhu Dahai challenged him, and Lu Fei smiled.

"Old Zhutou, your so-called experience is nonsense to me and has no scientific basis at all."

"The so-called positioning by listening does not rely on experience, but on feeling."

"In terms of sound alone, the size of the volume, the volume of the internal space, and even the humidity of the object can all change the propagation of sound."

"There's absolutely no way to know for sure."

"However, when tapping, the feel of each part is completely different."

"It's like cracking a watermelon."

"An unripe watermelon will bounce when tapped, while a fully ripe watermelon will feel solid."

"With those old claws of yours, the best thing you can get your hands on is my King Xi's reward money."

"On this point, we have no comparison at all."


Zhu Dahai was so angry that he vomited blood, but Lu Fei still smiled playfully.

"Hey, don't be dissatisfied."

"Otherwise, you can go to Jincheng to stay for a while some other time."

\u003e "Let Lao Meng take you to my museum to get some good objects."

"The more you get used to it, the more you will feel your shortcomings." Lu Fei said.

Lu Fei had been so angry before, but when Lu Fei invited him to the Jincheng Museum, where he could also get his hands on objects, Zhu Dahai suddenly turned cloudy.

"Bashao Fei, you didn't lie to me, did you?"

"You really let me get started?"


"Take Aunt Shufen to Jincheng. There are many rooms at home."

"Call me before you go and I'll arrange it."

"When you have free time, you can go to the museum to find Lao Meng, just in time to take care of him."

"You can get your hands on any of the objects I exhibit."

"If you feel comfortable living in Jincheng, you can settle down there with your aunt."

"How about I give you a job as the deputy director of a museum, with an annual salary of 300,000 yuan?" Lu Fei said.


Zhu Dahai grabbed Lu Fei's shoulders and said excitedly.

"The rags fly, I, I am a person who accepts death."

"If you're joking, you'd better tell me clearly now."

"If you fool me later and don't do anything, I, I will die for you."


"As for no?"

"Who do you think I am?"

"I will assure you right now that everything I just said is absolutely true."

"If you don't believe it, can I call Lao Meng now?"

Lu Fei said this not on a whim, but after careful consideration.

Lu Fei had known Zhu Dahai since he was just starting out and had a certain understanding of this old man.

This person is typically restless and restless.

It doesn't matter if you are busy or tired, I am just afraid of having nothing to do.

If you have a little free time, you might get into trouble.

Otherwise, he would not have mixed up with Wang Bin and his son to develop iron mines.

However, iron ore is just a way of making a living for him and has no use for him at all.

So now I am still very busy.

The museum was far more popular than he expected. Meng Xianguo hit the back of his head with his busy feet every day and complained to himself frequently.

Zhu Dahai's level is about the same as Lao Meng's, and they are both old buddies from Xiaonanmen. There is absolutely no problem in working together.

And the most important point is that Zhu Dahai is Tianbao's second uncle, and he has complete trust in him.

And because of your relationship with Tianbao, you should take extra care of him. ??

Therefore, Lu Fei had already thought about the decision to let him go to the museum.

Even if I don't talk about it today, I still have to talk to him alone before leaving Bianliang.

Seeing Zhu Dahai so excited, Lu Fei knew that what he was thinking was absolutely right.

Lu Fei was about to call Meng Xianguo now, but was stopped by Zhu Dahai.

"Well, there's no need to call that old turtle, I believe you."

"However, it's best to ask your wife to confirm with me."

"Don't worry too much, I just think the eldest lady is more reliable than you."


When Zhu Dahai said this, Lu Fei and Chen Xiang both laughed.


"Don't worry about him, I promise you."

"This is my phone, please put it away."

"Call me before you go to Jincheng, and I'll have someone pick you up at the airport." Chen Xiang said.

"It's done!"

"With the guarantee from the eldest lady, I feel relieved."

"Then let's make an agreement."

"Next week, I, I will really go there, right?" Zhu Dahai asked.

"No problem, you're always welcome."

The thought of going to Jincheng to get hold of Lu Fei's super treasures made Zhu Dahai even happier than investing in iron ore, and he kept rubbing his hands in excitement.

"Hey, this matter is settled, should we get down to business?"

"If we continue chatting like this, it will be dawn soon." Lu Fei said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, hurry up and see what big treasure is inside."

After withdrawing his thoughts, Lu Fei continued to tear down the wall.

Remove the first layer, and the next one will be much simpler.

With a few taps of the hammer, a piece of green brick came alive.

In less than ten minutes, all three layers of blue bricks were removed.

At this time, shine the flashlight in again, and the internal space will be clear at a glance.

The internal mezzanine is about 80 centimeters high, one meter long and 30 centimeters wide. The inner wall is quite damp.

The upper half was empty, except for a canvas military bag specially designed for the Republic of China at the bottom.

In such a humid environment, it is almost impossible to keep a canvas bag intact.

This made Lu Fei somewhat worried.

After looking carefully, in addition to the cloth bag, there was also a small wine jar next to it.

There is nothing left.

"Fei, what's inside?" Chen Xiang asked anxiously.

"A cloth bag and a wine jar."

"Wait a minute, you can see clearly after taking it all apart."

Once you determine the location of the things inside, you will feel more at ease when dismantling them.

Feeling relieved, my hands became faster.

The hammer was swung, and layers of blue bricks were removed.

Twenty minutes later, the canvas bag and wine jar finally appeared in front of Chen Xiang.

Lu Fei did not dare to be careless and observed carefully with a flashlight.

After making sure there was no danger such as booby traps, I took the wine jar out.

This wine jar is not big, just enough to hold ten kilograms of liquor, but it is quite heavy to use.

Just by feeling it, Lu Fei already had a rough idea in his mind.

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