A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1892 Curious Miss

When the wine jar is taken out, it feels quite heavy.

Just based on the feel of his hand, Lu Fei had already figured it out.

After taking a closer look to confirm that there was no danger, Lu Fei looked at Chen Xiang and smiled.

"My dear wife, do you want to try it yourself?"

Chen Xiang pointed to her nose excitedly.


"May I?"

"Of course, I think Lao Zhu will have no objection." .??.

Lu Fei was right, Zhu Dahai definitely had no objection.

Even if he had any objections, he could only scold Lu Fei in his heart.

Chen Xiang was excited with Zhu Dahai's permission.

He took a deep breath and squatted down. After thinking for a while, he reached out and opened the wooden cover.

Opening the jar, Chen Xiang slowly moved his hand away.

At the same time, Lu Fei's flashlight shone in, and suddenly there was a bright golden light.


"This is a gold bar!"

Girls are born with an almost paranoid love for jewelry.

Seeing all the golden yellow croakers inside, Chen Xiang was endlessly surprised.

However, this thing did not arouse any interest in the eyes of Zhu Dahai and Lu Fei.

Gold is indeed valuable.

But there is no comparison with antiques.

Not to mention a jar of small yellow croakers, even if it is filled with gold, it is not as valuable as a decent antique.

Not to mention the collection significance.

Lu Fei had so many gold bars, gold ingots, and gold ingots that he was saddened to see. Chen Xiang was just a little surprised when he first saw them.

After this impulse passed, Chen Xiang immediately calmed down.

"Fei, can I take it out and count it?"



Chen Xiang nodded and took out the small yellow croakers one by one.

A total of twelve small yellow croakers were taken out, and the color below suddenly changed.

Chen Xiang picked up a round coin and looked at it


"Fei, is this a silver dollar?"

Lu Fei took it, looked at it and said.

"Yes, this is the silver dollar, commonly known as Yuan Datou."

"It's a pity that they are all ordinary goods and worthless."

Chen Xiang took out a few silver coins again, which were also ordinary items.

While feeling slightly disappointed, Chen Xiang suddenly thought of something.

"Fei, I saw in the TV series, those people blow on the silver dollar, and the silver dollar will make a sound."

"What's going on in that situation?"

Hearing what Chen Xiang said, Zhu Dahai and both of them laughed.

"Haha, I didn't expect that the eldest lady is quite curious?"

"You are right. This situation does exist. It was the most common method of identifying silver coins during the Republic of China." Zhu Dahai said.

"Is there any basis for using this method of identification?"

Chen Xiang's question stunned Zhu Dahai.

With many years of experience, identifying silver coins is easy for Zhu Dahai.

But if he had to explain it clearly, he really didn't know where to start.

Fortunately, there is a junk flying around.

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"This is actually very simple."

"Not all silver coins are made of silver during the casting process."

"If all were made of silver, the cost of making silver coins would be too high, so silver coins are doped with other metals, such as copper and tin."

"But each metal has its own different structure, so when silver and copper are mixed with tin, there is a certain gap between their original molecular structures."

"Kind of like little honeycomb-like cavities."

"If people blew on a silver dollar, it would circulate the air and create something inside.

The generated flow drives vibrations, thereby producing sound. "

“And the combined effect of the silver dollar’s ​​malleability and elasticity is conducive to vibration.”

"When the silver dollar is blown sideways, it is equivalent to giving a lateral force to the edge of the silver dollar. Various parts of the silver dollar and other radii resonate with each other, and the sound is heard after the resonance propagates through the air."

"The standard posture is to hold the center of the silver dollar with the tips of two fingers, bring it to your mouth, blow hard, and quickly put it to your ear to hear the resonant sound."

"If you blow the silver dollar at a different angle, the sound will be different in size."

"That is to say, the sound size has a lot to do with angle, speed, and intensity."

"But even fake silver coins will blow, but the sound will be dull or high-pitched. Only real silver coins will make a buzzing sound." .??.

"If you want to truly verify the authenticity of a silver dollar, you must not only identify it through the sound, but also carefully observe the appearance, color, weight and texture of the silver dollar."

"So if we see silver coins in our daily lives, we should not just imitate the bragging on TV, but we should carefully observe and appraise them."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, Chen Xiang whispered into his ear.

"Husband, I want to try blowing it, can you?"

"Of course, you don't need to ask for permission on this."

"But, wouldn't it be embarrassing?" Chen Xiang said.

"Why do you think so?"

"Curiosity about new things is a normal reaction for everyone. Being sensitive and eager to learn is not shameful. How can this be embarrassing?"

"Come, feel it."

When Lu Fei said this, Chen Xiang completely let go.

According to Lu Fei's instructions, he held the silver dollar and blew hard, but when he put it to his ear, he heard nothing.

"Is this fake?" Chen Xiang said disappointedly.


"It's not fake, it's because your lung capacity is not enough."

"Also, your speed is too slow.

. "

"In this case, do you think you can listen to me bragging?"


Lu Fei did it himself, blew heavily on the silver dollar, and quickly brought it to Chen Xiang's ear.

This time Chen Xiang finally heard the buzzing sound and was extremely happy.

Some people would say that Miss Chen, who has a big family and a big business, is so excited after experiencing the sound of silver coins. Isn't it too shameless?

This is not the case.

Because, this is life.

No matter who, no matter how.

As long as he can find a bright spot in his long and boring life, he will also be excited.

This is human nature.

After experiencing the sound of silver coins, Chen Xiang poured out all the silver coins in the jar.

After counting, it was exactly three hundred.

During the Republic of China, one small yellow croaker was equal to thirty silver dollars.

There are a total of twelve here, which is 360 yuan.

In addition to the three hundred yuan, the total is six hundred and sixty yuan.

This was quite a fortune at the time.

You know, in the late Republic of China, all this wealth could buy three or four courtyard houses in Tianducheng.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the Zhong family can afford the huanghuali kang table and red sandalwood window frames.

The silver coins and gold bars were all packed, and Lu Fei handed them to Zhu Dahai.

"With this money, it will not be a problem to buy two Huali Villages."

"As of now, that's all."

"So, sometimes hiding things may not be a wise choice." Zhu Dahai sighed.

"Not really."

"In those days, this money was wealth, but it was also a reminder."

"If the thieves take notice of me, my family may be ruined because of this wealth."

"Everything has two sides, it's just that the times are different."

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