A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1894 Find the clue

"Sheng pit" is a slang term in the industry, and it usually refers to something dug out of a grave.

Zhu Dahai has been in the antique industry for decades, so he can certainly understand.

After hearing what Lu Fei said, Zhu Dahai nervously brought two pieces of jewelry to his nose and smelled them, his expression suddenly changed.

"How could this happen?"

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"Are you so scared?"

"Take it to Yanqing to have a look at it. Nothing will happen."

"As long as you don't say anything, your wife will still like it."

Zhu Dahai nodded, and that was all he could do now.

Check again to make sure there is nothing missing in the mezzanine, and tonight's activity ends here.

Lu Fei took away the Mauser gun and military officer's ID card, and left the rest of the aftermath to Zhu Dahai.

Although Chen Xiang got nothing, she was still excited to witness the opening of the mezzanine for the first time.

This is already the biggest gain for Chen Xiang.

After returning to his residence, Chen Xiang went to his room to rest, while Lu Fei came to the living room and took out his officer's ID card.

There is certainly a reason why Lu Fei is so concerned about this worthless military officer's certificate.

And, there is more than one reason.

The officer's certificate says Li Changshan, commander of the Sixth Army Regiment, Twelfth Division, and Fourth Regiment Third Battalion.

This number is not ordinary.

Because the person who served as the commander of the 12th Division at that time was none other than Sun Dianying, the descendant of Dongling robber Sun Da.

That is, the demon king who destroyed the tombs of Empress Dowager Cixi and Emperor Qianlong.

Moreover, when Sun Dianying blew up the Qing Dong Tomb, it was the Fourth Regiment and the Third Battalion that served as the vanguard.

This Li Changshan on the military officer's ID card is the commander of the third battalion, Sun Dianying's vanguard.

Belonging to the first wave of bandits who entered Dongling.

This person must be involved in all robbery operations.

The most noteworthy thing is that the jade bracelet and tourmaline bracelet in the mezzanine are 100% authentic.

It is one of the countless funerary objects snatched by Dongling.

After connecting all these clues, a clear picture emerged in Lu Fei's mind.

Li Changshan led people to blow up the Dongling Tomb and opened the coffin to rob it under the order of Sun Dianying.

After the operation, important treasures such as the Nine Dragon Sword, Jade Cabbage, and Tourmaline Watermelon were taken away by Sun Dianying.

He successively paid tribute to super bosses such as Chiang Kai-shek, Dai Li, and Song Ziwen and Zhang Zuolin.

Although these treasures sound scary, in fact, they are just the tip of the iceberg of burial objects.

According to the "Notes of Aiyuexuan" dictated by Li Lianying, the number of Cixi's burial objects at that time exceeded 1,000.

The total value is hundreds of millions of taels of silver, almost half of the Manchu treasury.

What Sun Dianying took away was only some of the more well-known treasures. Where the remaining thousands of funerary objects went has always been a mystery.

Some said it was divided among the soldiers, some said it was squandered by Sun Dianying, and some said Sun Dazi hid everything.

Wait for the opportunity and use those treasures as capital to do something big.

All kinds of suspicions, some of which are not valid.

That was the era of warlords' melee, and warlords were the gods of soldiers.

Without Sun Dianying's orders, no one would dare to divide up those treasures privately.

As for being squandered, it doesn't hold up.

The year after stealing Dongling, Sun Dianying participated in the Central Plains War and took the initiative to oppose Chiang Kai-shek.

After the failure, he took refuge with Marshal Zhang Xueliang and was appointed as the top leader of the Hebei-Cha Guerrilla Corps.

However, Zhang Xueliang was not at ease with such a capricious villain, and specially arranged two of his own people to monitor his every move.

In the next few years, Sun Dianying remained calm and did not engage in any squandering behavior at all.

Later, the young marshal was placed under house arrest.

The goods once again took refuge in Chiang Kai-shek.

Under the command of Lao Jiang, he would not dare to make mistakes.

Until he was caught with his pigtails in 1947, Sun Dianying's squandering was not discovered.

Therefore, the whereabouts of the Dongling treasures have become a mystery.

But when he saw Li Changshan's military ID card and two Dongling funerary objects at Zhong's house today, Lu Fei was more inclined to think that the treasure had been hidden by Sun Dianying.

The person in charge of hiding the treasure is most likely Li Changshan.

Zhong Zhenfang, the ancestor of the Zhong family, is probably one of Li Changshan's subordinates, and he is the one who is relatively close to him.

And Zhong Zhenfang fled back to his hometown to become a landlord, which may be directly related to the treasure hiding.

Perhaps he was worried about being killed and silenced by Sun Dianying and escaped.

Why is Li Changshan's military officer certificate in Zhong Zhenfang's hands? It is estimated that something happened to Li Changshan.

As for why Li Changshan's military officer ID was hidden in the mezzanine, this is a bit interesting.

If you want to avoid being discovered, destroying your military ID is the best option.

But Zhong Zhenfang did not destroy it, but hid it, which can only explain one problem.

At this time, the military officer's ID card has an extraordinary significance, which means it is quite important.

Lu Fei still doesn't know why it is so important, but he already has a general idea in his mind.

This is why Lu Fei wants to bring back this military ID card.

Lu Fei took his military officer's ID card and looked carefully under the light. There was nothing unusual on the surface.

Since there is no abnormality on the surface, the problem must be inside.

Turning on the flashlight and checking it carefully, Lu Fei's eyes finally fell on the cover of his military ID card.

The cover looks like one piece, but is actually made of two layers glued together.

This little trick couldn't escape Lu Fei's sharp eyes.

He took out a knife and easily peeled off the cover, revealing six pencil characters inside.


Maojia Village, Dragon King Temple.


No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to find anything, and it takes no effort to get there!

If you guessed correctly, these six characters are the final location of the treasure.

With the answer, it makes sense that Zhong Zhenfang hid Li Changshan's military officer ID card.

What is certain is that something happened to Li Changshan at that time.

It is very likely that Sun Dianying will kill him and silence him.

When Zhong Zhenfang took the military officer's ID card, he probably accepted Li Changshan's entrustment to keep this secret or wait for an opportunity to take the treasure away.

After figuring out everything, Lu Fei suddenly became excited.

Each of the Cixi burial objects recorded in "Aiyuexuan Notes" is a priceless treasure.

Although Lu Fei is not short of money, he will regret it for the rest of his life if he does not reach out to save such a large number of treasures.

As for Zhu Dahai, Lu Fei didn't feel too guilty.

Although this was a clue found in the mezzanine of the Zhong family, Lu Fei took it away not only to be unjust, but to help them.

Because of these treasures, Zhu Dahai couldn't stop shouting at all.

It might bring endless trouble to him and his wife.

Rather than that, it would be better not to tell them.

Although clues have been found, the prospects are not optimistic.

At the very least, Lu Fei didn't know where this Maojia Village was.

If God is lucky enough to find this Maojia Village, but after so many years, no one can guarantee whether there will be other changes.

Li Changshan was definitely not the only person responsible for hiding the treasure at that time.

If someone else gets there first, or if Sun Dianying takes it away, everything will be nonsense.

But no matter what, since he found the clue, Lu Fei must take a look.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if those treasures were left to you?

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