A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1895 Too Popular

The next day was a big day.

Wan Xiaofeng and Wei Lingshan, the CEO of Lingshan Industrial, are getting engaged today.

Lu Fei and others came to Bianliang this time for this day.

The two have only been in official contact for less than half a year. From the outside, this development speed is really rapid.

This is not the case.

As early as when she was in school, Wei Lingshan had already fallen in love with Xiaofeng.

Jinling Doubao gave the two people a chance to get in touch again.

A woman pursues a man, so Xiaofeng naturally falls.

This can be regarded as lovers finally getting married!

Wan Jiakai is considered the leading real estate businessman in Bianliang.

The strength of the Wei family is far greater than that of the Wan family.

If it were announced to the outside world, today's scene would be very spectacular.

But after discussion, the two families decided to keep everything simple.

This is to bring the immediate family members and good friends of the two families together for a meal and confirm the wedding date.

Today, Lingquan Villa is closed to the public, and relatives and friends of these two families gather together.

It stands to reason that the main table is where both parties sit.

But the situation was different today. Both families made a unanimous request and invited Lu Fei and his wife to the main table.

This made Lu Fei feel a little embarrassed.

"Uncle Wan, Mr. Wei, is this inappropriate?"

"Nothing inappropriate."

"You can sit here, and our family will be full of glory!" Wan Jiakai said.


"If you say that, I won't even dare to sit down."

"Today is the day when Xiaofeng and Lingshan get engaged."

"No matter how good our relationship is, we are still outsiders. When discussing marriage, it is up to you two to decide. This is the rule."

"I'd better sit down!"

No matter how humble the two families were, Lu Fei just wouldn't comply.

Wan Jiakai had no choice but to respect Lu Fei's choice.

Wan Jiakai and Wei Dazhong made speeches to thank everyone, and the banquet officially began.

Lu Fei looked at the little puppy and asked.

"When will you return to Malaysia?"


"Of course I want to go back with you?"

"Aren't you sick? You are the one getting married. Why do you have to go back with me?" Lu Fei asked.

"That can't be helped. Who made you my biological brother?"

"Without you and sister-in-law's witness, the wedding cannot take place," said the little girl.

"Depend on!"

"Don't make trouble for me. I can't do the job of witness."

"By the way, didn't your father say before that he would let Mr. Yue witness the marriage?"


"forget it!"

"It always feels weird when an old man stands on the stage."

"It's better if you do it. Please, my dear brother?"


"That's disgusting."

"You are not allowed to mess around with this matter. Everything is subject to your father's arrangements."

"Also, I still have some things to deal with in Bianliang, so you don't have to wait for me."

"I talked to your dad on the phone the day before yesterday. He said that there are many things that need to be arranged at home."

"There are also some important guest lists that you need to confirm personally."

"Let's do this. You can go back to Malaysia tomorrow."

"I'll come over to you after I finish things," Lu Fei said.


"You won't come with us?"

Lu Fei nodded.

"I still have some things to do, and it will probably take me four or five days."

"Don't worry, I will definitely go there before the wedding."

"Ok, deal."

"Brother Fei, can I stay with you?"

"And me, I'll stay too."

"Me too"

Lu Fei said he would stay to do some work, and all the boys stood up and said they would stay with Lu Fei.

This makes the little puppy so fragile

My soul has suffered tons of damage.

"Damn it!"

"You are so unfaithful!"

"This young master is getting married, and you won't come back with me to help, but you have to stay with my brother."

"Are you still human?"

"Hey, you can't blame us."

"If I'm to blame, it's because you're so unpopular."

"Old Bai, your uncle, I and you are at odds with each other."


After laughing, Lu Fei motioned for everyone to sit down.

"I have a little problem, none of you need to stay."

"Xiaolong is very busy over there, you all should come over."

"I've finished my work here and will meet you right away."

Lu Fei said so, so everyone had no choice but to do it.

After Xiaofeng and Wei Lingshan toasted, the main table also discussed the results.

It was decided to marry them in Bianliang on New Year's Day.

Another brother's life-long event was confirmed, and everyone applauded and cheered.

After the engagement party, everyone went back to prepare.

In the afternoon, Lu Fei went to Lingbao Street and chatted with the Zheng brothers for a while.

Before leaving, Wang Hailong happened to come in.

"Brother Fei, I have something to tell you." Hai Long said.

"I know what you're going to say?"

"There is no shortage of people around me. Taking care of my little sister is important."

Hai Long went out with him for more than half a year, and his horizons were broadened.

If he is asked to stay in Bianliang this time, he will definitely not be able to adapt to it for a while.

In the past few days, Lu Fei discovered that this guy had something to say to him, but he just didn't find the right opportunity.

Lu Fei blocked his words before he opened his mouth, making Hai Long extremely depressed.

"Brother Fei, Bianliang is pretty safe here."

"Besides, with Dapeng Xiaofei and the others taking care of her, my little sister will be fine."

"Will you let me stay with you for another year?"

\u003e Hai Long begged, and Zheng Zhihong also followed suit.

"Brother Fei, please!"

"My place is very safe. How about you let Hai Long wander around with you?"

Lu Fei chuckled.

"I'm so weird."

"When someone is dating someone, the woman wants to tie him up with a rope and hold him in her hand at all times."

"It's a good thing for you, just keep pushing it out."

"The colorful world outside is so complicated, aren't you afraid that Hai Long will find a new love?"

Zheng Xiaomei gave Lu Fei a resentful look and said.

"Brother Fei, the kind of person you are talking about is too selfish. I am not that kind of person."

"Besides, I have confidence in Brother Hai Long."

"If he is such a playboy as you said, he will not be peaceful even if he stays in Bianliang."

"Brother Fei, just let him go, okay?"

"Brother Fei, I beg you, just let me follow you, okay?"

The two of them begged each other shamelessly, and Lu Fei had no choice but to agree.


"Then follow me."

"But I'll tell you the ugly things first."

"Little sister, if anything happens in the future, don't cry with me!"

"Don't worry, Brother Fei, I have confidence in Hai Long." Zheng Xiaomei said happily.

In the evening, everyone gathered at Li's house.

After dinner, everyone went back to rest.

The next morning, except Lu Fei and Chen Xiang, the other boys set off for Malaysia at the same time.

Friends from other places also set off at the same time, and we all met in Kuala Lumpur.

After everyone left, Chen Xiang asked.

"Fei, what on earth are we doing here?"

"Doing some personal business."

"what's up?"

"We can't say yet."

"When I confirm it, I will definitely give you a big surprise."

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