A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1896 Gossip

Back at his residence, Lu Fei called Gao Yuan.

"Brother Yuan, help me prepare something."

Lu Fei handed over the list and Gao Yuan recorded it all.

"Xiao Fei, what do you want these things for?" Gao Yuan asked.

"It's nothing, just preparing a small gift."

"Brother Yuan, you need some snacks. These things may seem simple, but it's not that easy to get them all together!"

"If you have any difficulties over there, you can contact Elder Gu of Tiandu."

"After you get it all together, call the pony and come to Bianliang to find me."


"I'll prepare as soon as possible." Gao Yuan replied.

"By the way, is there nothing going on at home?"

"Don't worry, everything is fine."

"Gao Meng and the others went to Malaysia first. The second brother at home has already made arrangements, so there should be no problem."

"Well, there's one more thing."

"How is Xinyi doing lately?" Lu Fei asked.

Having said this, Gao Yuan was stunned for a moment.

"She is also very good. With the second brother taking care of her, there will be no problem."

"Xiao Fei, tell me brother, what is the situation between you and Mr. Wang?"

"Why do I feel that your relationship seems very subtle!" Gao Yuan said.

"This is it"

"I can't explain it clearly in a sentence or two. I'll tell you when you come to Bianliang."

"By the way, why do you suddenly ask about this?"

Gao Yuan sighed.

"It doesn't matter to any of us."

"But don't forget, Mr. Chen still lives at home."

"If the old man is unhappy, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you."

"Brother Gao, don't worry, I know what to do."

"That's good."

"Hang up!"

After ending the call with Gao Yuan, Lu Fei was also depressed for a while.

However, that is not a problem that can be solved in a short while, and there is no point in worrying about it.

Light a cigarette and Lu Fei will come right away

Dial Fatty Wang’s number.

"Fat man, what are you doing?"

"I go!"

"Isn't this our Uncle Lu?"

"Why are you in the mood to call me today? Mr. Wang is really flattered!" Fatty Wang said with a smile.


"Although it's a bit against your will to say this, to be honest, I still like to hear it."


"No Bilian!"

"Okay, let's be serious. What do you want from me?" the fat man asked.

"Hey, what you're saying is that you can't just call and care if nothing happens?"

"We are all foxes of thousands of years, so why don't we just stop playing with each other?"

"If nothing happens, will you call me?"

"Do you believe this yourself?"

"Stop talking nonsense, what exactly do you want me to do?"

"I can tell you in advance that I have been very busy recently, simple things are no problem."

"If it's too much trouble, you might as well find someone else." Fatty Wang said.

Lu Fei smiled and said.

"Can you please stop pretending to me?"

"How can you be busy as a museum boss?"

"Hey, I'm really not pretending to you. I've been really busy lately."

"I'm notifying you from above that at the end of next month, Baodao Gubo will come to Tiandu to hold an exchange conference."

"We have a lot of preparation to do."

"I've been taking inventory of the warehouse and repairing cultural relics these past few days. I'm so busy that I haven't gotten off work yet," said Fatty Wang.


"What's there to communicate with them?"

"Besides, what does holding an exchange meeting have to do with inventorying the warehouse?" Lu Fei asked.

"Wait a minute, don't hang up the phone yet!"

Fat man holding the phone

He returned to the office, closed the door and then said.

"It was inconvenient to speak just now."

"According to rumors, Baodao plans to exchange 300 cultural relics with Tiandu Gubo for display."

"These three hundred pieces are for one issue, and they may need to be exchanged twice a year in the future."

Lu Fei frowned upon hearing this.

"Exchange exhibition?"

"No way!"

"Three hundred cultural relics were put on display abroad. This is no small incident."

"What if there's an accident?"

"The superiors probably won't agree." .??.

"We think so too, but it is said that Baodao has been negotiating with us for more than half a year."

"It seems that the relevant leaders have already agreed." Fatty said.

"Fat man, why does something sound wrong to me?"

"We have been negotiating for more than half a year, and you only recently learned the news."

"Is this normal?"

"Also, exhibiting overseas is obviously an illegal operation."

"How could the superiors agree?" Lu Fei asked.

Fatty Wang lowered his voice and said.

"Guan Laosan, we are thinking the same thing as you, this matter is indeed abnormal."

"Yesterday Mr. Guan went to test Mr. Lan's tone. From what he said, he seemed to have reached a preliminary agreement with Baodao."

"This matter is probably going to be settled."

Lu Fei thought for a while and said.

"Then what's Guan Laosan's attitude?"

"Mr. Guan has been so worried these past two days that he has no idea."

"No idea?"

"If he can't handle this, what does he, the leader of archeology, do for a living?"

"No matter who makes the decision on this matter, in the end it still needs Guan Laosan's signature to take effect."

"He refused to sign and said nothing would help."

"Tell Guan Laosan that cultural relics above the second level cannot leave the country at all."

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