A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1898 Apology

The door was blocked by Master Huixian, and Lu Fei had a headache.

Dozens of melon-eaters were watching the excitement around them, but no one expected that the person who walked out of it was actually the super internet celebrity Lu Fei.

After taking a closer look, he was sure it was Lu Fei, and the door suddenly became boiling.

"Mr. Lu?"

"It's really Lu Fei!"

"Why is Mr. Lu here?"

"Is this Lu Fei's house?"


"I am so lucky to live in the same community as Lu Fei."


"As far as I know, this is Song Jinfeng's boss Song's villa."

"Lu Fei and Song are always good friends. He should be living here temporarily!"

"Regardless of whether it's temporary or not, I'm lucky enough to be able to see this deity in person."

"Dear, take a photo for me quickly, and be sure to include Lu Fei in it."

"With this photo, I can brag for at least half a year."

"Hey, tell me, if the outside world knows that Lu Fei lives here, will the housing prices in our community skyrocket?"


“Quite possible”

Lu Fei didn't listen to the heated discussion of the melon-eating crowd at all, and stared straight at Huixian's luck.


"Donor Lu, are you okay?" Huixian recited the Dharma chant and bowed.

After receiving a few warnings from Chen Xiang, Lu Fei forced out a smile.

"How is Master Huixian always doing well?"

"Donor Laolu is worried about me. I am very kind to the poor monk."

"Master, in addition to preaching and praising Buddha, does Guibao Temple also have a professional intelligence agency?" Lu Fei asked.


"How do you say this, Donor Lu?"

"I have been in Bianliang for less than a week, and the master can actually find my residence. Your information is really extraordinary!"

"Amitabha, Donor Lu is joking."

"We also learned that you were here by chance, so we came to visit you specially."

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