A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1899 It’s too late

Last time, he coaxed Lu Fei into refusing to take it out, but this time he sent it to his door to beg Lu Fei to catch his eye.

Such inconsistency is indeed suspected of being cheap.

However, Lu Fei knew in his heart that this old monk must have another purpose.

"Master Huixian, you don't have to be like this."

"Let's not mention what happened before. I also accept your apology."

"However, I really have no interest in your temple-building treasure."

"I do have important things to do. Please tell me if you have anything."

"If not, then I have to leave!"

When Lu Fei said this, Huixian became even more embarrassed.


"Since Mr. Lu doesn't bother to pay attention, I won't force myself."

"However, the poor monk came to see you this time. He really has something to discuss with you."

"Master, please speak."

When it comes to the key issue, Huixian hesitates.

He knew Lu Fei's temper and was somewhat afraid of this donor Lu.

But at this point, it was no longer enough not to say anything. After hesitating for a while, Huixian finally gathered up the courage.

"Donor Lu, according to the poor monk's understanding, you have returned the Seven Treasures Pure Gold Ashoka Pagoda to the Asan Kingdom Mahabodhi Temple, right?"

"But it wasn't returned. Ashiro bought the pagoda back from me."

"Does this have anything to do with the master?" Lu Fei asked.

"Ah, that's right."

"The poor monk also heard that Donor Lu only sold the pagoda to Master Ashiro."

"The gold coffin, silver coffin, shadow bone relic and induction relic are not traded, are they?"


"I agreed to buy the pagoda, and I will definitely not give it away as a gift."

The Buddhist treasure turned into a business in Lu Fei's mouth. This is disrespectful.

And she still had to conform to Lu Fei, Hui Xian was so worried that she kept thinking about her sins in her heart.

"Donor Lu, this poor monk has an unkind request."

"Our Daxiangguo Temple plans to enshrine an induction relic. I hope Lu Shi

The Lord completes it. Huixian said.

"Worship relics?"

"Are you going to discuss with other temples about enshrining relics?"

"You can't talk to me about this, right?"


"Donor Lu, what the poor monk means is that we want to enshrine a relic of Buddha's induction."

"It is the relic enshrined in the Asoka Pagoda of Seven Treasures Pure Gold."

"Those induction relics are in the hands of Donor Lu. I hope you can fulfill them."

"By the way, we won't let your donation go in vain."

"You can make your terms."

"As long as it is within our capabilities, we will do what we say."

"In addition, our Xiangguo Temple will also hold a grand offering ceremony for the induction relic and push you to the front desk."

"By then, you will be guaranteed to gain both fame and fortune."

"In addition to these, our Daxiangguo Temple can also promise that we owe you a favor."

"If we need help in the future, we will definitely not refuse." Huixian said sincerely.

Lu Fei smiled slightly.

"Master, why didn't you tell me earlier if you had this idea?"

"You should have made it clear to me back in Jinling."

"When Mr. Zhang passed away, you and the monks sincerely helped. Lu Fei is grateful."

"If you had told me earlier, how could I have refused?"

Hearing what Lu Fei said, Huixian felt much more comfortable than taking Betel Nut Shunqi Pills.

He was very hesitant when he came. He knew that Lu Fei was difficult to deal with, and he might even be humiliated by Lu Fei.

But I never expected that Lu Fei would be so polite.

If I had known this, I might as well have spoken to Lu Fei earlier.

If the relics were invited back to worship at the end of the Jinling Treasure Fight, the incense of the treasure temple would now be

, it must be improved to a higher level!


"After all, the induction relic is your private collection. The poor monk is really embarrassed to speak."

"It took me all the courage to come see you today."

"Donor Lu, do you agree?" Huixian asked excitedly.

Lu Fei nodded.

"Of course I agree."

"If you had told me earlier, I would have agreed."

"Very good."

Huixian stood up excitedly and bowed deeply to Lu Fei.

"On behalf of all the monks in Xiangguo Temple, the poor monk would like to express his heartfelt thanks to Donor Lu."

"Do you think you have any other conditions?"

"Don't be embarrassed. If you have any conditions, feel free to ask. As long as we can do it, it'll be fine."

Lu Fei waved his hand and said.

"We are all friends, how dare I put forward conditions."

"In other words, even if you have the conditions, it's too late."


Hearing what Lu Fei said, Huixian's smile suddenly condensed, and she instinctively felt something was not good.

"Donor Lu, what do you mean by this?"


Lu Fei sighed deeply.

"With our relationship, if you had told me I would have donated it to you a long time ago."

"But you're just saying it now, that's really embarrassing."

"The pagoda was sold to Ashiro, and I keep the gold coffin and silver coffin myself."

"The shadow bones and induction relics inside are all fakes. I don't like them and have nowhere to put them, so I gave them all away."

"So, unfortunately, I can't help you."



"Give it away, give it away?"

"Donor Lu, are you kidding?" Huixian said in shock.

"What are you doing?

Well, how can I make a joke in front of the master? "

"I didn't lie to you, I really gave it away."

"All induction relics and shadow bone relics have been given to my partners."

At this time, Huixian was really dumbfounded.


"Donor Lu, that is the most precious treasure of Buddhism. How can you give it away easily?"


"Master, don't be so serious, it's just a fake."

"Even if it is worshiped for a thousand years, it will be a meaningful fake at best."

"Furthermore, if you want the relics to go back to worship, my partners will also go back to worship."

"The properties are exactly the same inside and out. Is there anything inappropriate about this?"


Hearing this, Huixian felt more uncomfortable than eating a fly, but she was speechless.

The old man's face turned red from holding back his emotions, and his expression was wonderful.

After being silent for three minutes, Lu Fei spoke.

"Master, I have already given away the things. It is too late to say anything, so there is no need for you to be disappointed."

"How about this!"

"If I encounter a similar treasure in the future, I will notify you as soon as possible."

"If you're interested, can we sit down and talk in detail?"

"It's getting late, I still have something to do, please come back!"

Lu Fei issued an eviction order, but Huixian refused to leave.

"Donor Lu, I am very grateful to you for your kindness."

"However, the poor monk still wants to say that the induction relic is the most precious treasure of Buddhism and it is not appropriate to give it to individuals for worship."

"If the person being worshiped has an ordinary life, something might happen." Huixian said.

"That won't bother you, Master."

"I understand a little bit of what you're talking about."

"Don't worry, the partners I sent out have very strong fates and there will be absolutely no problems."

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