A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1906 Touched

The words of the quasi-expert Niuniu completely shocked Shopkeeper Song, and he no longer dared to underestimate the people in front of him.

Good guy!

If a child is so powerful, those adults are the best among masters after all!

In order to get these treasures, Boss Song directly offered a sincere price.

From the previous eight thousand yuan, it jumped to thirty-two thousand yuan.

This price was sincere enough, and Lu Fei nodded with satisfaction.

Shopkeeper Song gave high prices for the next dozen treasures.

It cost a total of 2,300 yuan to collect these treasures from retail investors.

As a result, when Song Ji came out, Song Xiaojiao's account had an extra 320,000 yuan, and the two girls jumped up happily.

"Sister-in-law, how should we divide this money?" Song Xiaojiao asked.

Before Chen Xiang could speak, Lu Fei spoke.

"You two share this money equally, we don't want it anymore."

"Starting from tomorrow, you two will go back to school and study hard, do you hear me?"

When it came to school, the two girls' faces suddenly fell.

"Brother Fei, what are you doing!"

"I was very happy, but what about going to school? How disappointing?"


"Don't do this to me."

"You are students now, so you must put your studies first," Lu Fei said.

"Brother Fei, can we play for a few more days?"


"Just a few days. After you leave, we promise to go to school obediently, okay?"

"is it okay!"

Usually when the two girls act coquettishly, Lu Fei always obeys them.

But it didn't work today.

Lu Fei said displeasedly.

"All right!"

"You are all adults and I have no right to interfere with your freedom."

"I'll move out today. From tomorrow on, don't call me Brother Fei."

"Don't go out to play with me again."

Hearing this, the two girls shuddered in unison and had goosebumps all over their bodies.


"Brother Fei, don't be angry. Let's go to school obediently, okay?"

"Brother Fei, we will be obedient from now on. I swear, we will go to school tomorrow. Can you please just stop ignoring us?"

"Really going to school?"

"Really, we swear."

Lu Fei smiled.

"That's pretty much it."

"You have to study hard and play happily."

"You feel boring, but compared with Niuniu, you are ten thousand times happier than her."

"Niuniu, a child, can calm down and study, why can't you?"

"Life has different missions at different stages. Your mission now is to study hard."

"Otherwise, you will definitely regret it in the future."

"You can call me when you have summer vacation, and I'll let my special plane take you to Jincheng to have a good time, okay?" Lu Fei said.


"Brother Fei, when did I ever lie to you?"



After leaving Xiangguo Temple, everyone returned to Li's house and drove into a car and went straight to the airport.

Wait a moment, pick up Gao Yuan and Xiao Ma, and return to the city.

On the way, I received a call from Song Jinfeng. The backyard of the Zhang family's old house had been cleaned up by Lu Fei and he could move in at any time.

Now that your home is tidied up, there is no need to continue to trouble your friends.

Lu Fei informed Song Jinfeng that he would stay in Zhang Mansion tonight.

In the evening, Lu Fei set up several banquets at Lingquan Villa and invited all his friends from Bianliang.

Li Xi and his wife, Liang Guanxing's family, Song Jinfeng, Zhu Dahai and others.

Finally, Meng Xianguo's two sons were also invited over by Lu Fei.

When the two sides met, Meng Xianguo's eldest son Meng Qinglei was extremely excited.

"Hello, Mr. Lu

. "

"I always hear my father mention you. Today is the first time we meet. What a blessing!"

"We are all our own people, Brother Meng, there is no need to be polite."

Lu Fei introduced the Meng Qinglei brothers to everyone and immediately started serving food.

While he was full of wine, Meng Qinglei handed a small cloth bag to Lu Fei.

"Mr. Lu, this is what my father gave you. Do you understand it correctly?"

Lu Fei took the cloth bag and opened it slowly. Inside were six well-preserved copper coins.

Lu Fei looked at the front and back of each coin and nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, that's it."

"Brother Meng, thank you very much."

"I'll transfer the money to you later!"

Meng Qinglei waved his hands repeatedly.

"Mr. Lu, please don't do this. My father said I won't take any money from you."

"If you give me money, then I will have to take the things back."


Meng Qinglei directly blocked the words, and Lu Fei couldn't say anything else.

As for the reward, it can only be made up from Meng Xianguo in the future.

"All right!"

"In this case, I won't be polite."

Lu Fei said, closing the cloth bag and handing it to Gao Yuan.

Next, everyone exchanged glasses and started drinking lively.

After the banquet, Lu Fei handed Niuniu over to Li Xi.

"Teacher Li, I will leave in half a day, and Niuniu will continue to trouble you."

"If you need anything, please call me anytime."

"Xiao Fei, what you said just goes without saying."

"I said that Niuniu is my greatest pride, and now I can't live without her!"

"However, at the rate this child is learning, I won't have anything to teach him until New Year's Day at most."

"So, you'd better make the next step as soon as possible and don't delay the child." Li Xi said.

"Teacher Li, don't worry, I have already thought about the next step.


"When I get back from you, I plan to send the child to the Shenzhou Restoration Institute."

"Let her learn the restoration of cultural relics from the great masters of the restoration institute. In addition, she can also hone the child's temperament."

Li Xi nodded.

"Yes, your idea is very good, I support you."

Lu Fei touched Niu Niu's little head and said lovingly.

"Study hard with Teacher Li. After a while, master will take you back to see grandpa."


"Niuniu must study hard."

After Niuniu's affairs were arranged, Lu Fei called his old apprentice Liang Guanxing aside.

"Old Liang, you are not young anymore. You should hand it over to the traditional Chinese medicine hospital!"

"A person's energy is limited, it's time to let go."

"Master, I have planned to hand over the hospital to my son."

"Recently, he is getting familiar with the business. In two months at most, I plan to retire." Liang Guanxing said.

"Well, just think about it."

"What are your plans after retirement?" Lu Fei asked.

"I haven't thought about this yet."

"Junior brother Xue Taihe called me a while ago and planned to re-employ me to go to the medical school to engage in drug research."

"I'm thinking about it."

Lu Fei nodded.

"Fuck that's pretty good too!"

"Researching medicines is also your interest. If you have this intention, you should follow your feelings."

"But, I want to be with Master even more."

"You taught me so many skills, but I haven't repaid you yet." Liang Guanxing said seriously.

Hearing what he said, Lu Fei felt moved in his heart.

As for repayment, Lu Fei had no extravagant expectations when he first accepted his disciple.

But if Liang Guanxing has this intention, Lu Fei is very satisfied.

"You don't have to think about it, I don't need your help."

"When I really need help, I will call you."

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