A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1907 Gold Thread

After the meal, Lu Fei drove the two girls back.

Lu Fei was resolute, and the two girls had no choice even if they were reluctant.

"Brother Fei, you have to come pick us up during the summer vacation!"


"If you dare to let us go, I will never pay attention to you again."


"No, we can't trust you, Lagou."

"All right!"

After pulling the hook, the two girls were still worried and asked Chen Xiang for help again. ??

"Sister-in-law, my brother Fei forgot, you have to remind him!"

"Okay, I will remind him, and you should also study hard!"


The two girls left reluctantly, and Lu Fei called Gao Yuan Xiaoma back to Zhang Mansion.

After not seeing each other for a few days, Song Jinfeng had already restored the Zhang family to its original appearance.

When he came to the yard, Lu Fei felt more cordial.

In Bianliang, Lu Fei had no shortage of places to stay.

As long as you want, you can stay at all your friends' houses.

But this is the only place that can give Lu Fei the feeling of being at home.

Arriving in front of the big elm tree in the yard, Lu Fei and Gao Yuan looked at each other and smiled.

"Brother Fei, what are you laughing at?"

"You have to ask Brother Yuan about this."

"This is where we both first met."

"Brother Yuan was behind this elm tree at that time, and he almost killed me!" Lu Fei said.

"Damn it, is there such a thing?"

Gao Yuan also laughed after hearing this.

"I was extremely nervous when I was being chased by my enemies."

"Besides, I didn't know Xiao Fei at that time, so everything was just a misunderstanding."

The two told the story of their meeting as if it were a story, and Xiao Ma and Chen Xiang listened with great interest.

After chatting for a while, Lu Fei arranged for Gao Yuan and the two to live in the front yard, while he and Chen Xiang still lived in the east room in the backyard.

That was a testament to the lifelong love between two people, and it had extraordinary significance.

After a brief tidying up, it was already nine o'clock in the evening. \u003c


"Honey, are you sleepy?"

"It's still early, what do you want to do?" Chen Xiang asked.

"I'm going to make something in the front yard. If you're not sleepy, you can come with me and have a look."

Lu Fei wanted to make something, and Chen Xiang suddenly became excited.

Chen Xiang had seen Lu Fei restore cultural relics. His delicate techniques and ingenious methods simply overturned Chen Xiang's knowledge.

That was one of the reasons why Chen Xiang fell in love with Lu Fei wholeheartedly.

After that, it's been a long time since I saw Lu Fei take action again. Now that Lu Fei is making something again, how can Chen Xiang not be excited!

"Ah. That's great."

"I'm not sleepy, I must go with you."

"Then let's just walk?"


Taking the baggage Meng Qinglei gave him and holding Chen Xiang's hand, the two came to the front yard.

Gao Yuan Xiaoma already knew that Lu Fei was coming and didn't rest.

At this time, the two brothers were drinking tea and chatting.

"Brother Yuan, give me what you brought here."

Gao Yuan took out a small box from his bag and handed it to Lu Fei.

"They're all here."

Chen Xiang was curious and stared at the box intently.

Lu Fei opened the box and found two small cloth bags inside.

A cloth bag contains two pieces of horseshoe gold.

In another cloth bag, there were thirty copper coins.

Lu Fei took out the copper coins and checked them one by one to make sure they were correct, and nodded with satisfaction.

Then he took out the six copper coins sent by Meng Qinglei and added them together, making a total of thirty-six coins.

"Xiao Fei, what do you want so many copper coins for?" Gao Yuan asked.

"Zhenren Zhao from Yanqingguan has helped me a lot. I want to give him a gift."

"what gift?"

"You'll understand in a moment."

I arranged the thirty-six copper coins in order. Lu Fei took out a dozen vials from his bag, poured out some powder and mixed a pot of sky blue potion.

Then he took out a furnace specially designed for smelting gold, threw two pieces of horseshoe gold into it, and added some yellow powder.

I lit the spray gun and started heating. After a while, two pieces of antique horseshoe gold worth more than 400,000 yuan turned into a pool of dazzling gold water.

Extinguish the flames and let the gold water rest naturally.

Lu Fei took out another iron rod from his bag and handed it to Xiao Ma.

"You can hold this for a while, and I'm going to pull gold thread on it."

"Don't worry, I won't burn you. Don't shake!"

Xiao Ma chuckled.

"Brother Fei, am I so timid?"

"Hehe, just don't be afraid."

After handing the iron rod to Xiao Ma, Lu Fei took out a pair of silver chopsticks from his bag, and then quietly watched the color change of the gold water.

As time goes by, the temperature of the gold water slowly drops, and the color becomes darker.

Slowly, the golden color turns to orange, and a layer of oxide skin appears on the surface.

At this time, Lu Fei took action.

Place two chopsticks in each hand and put them into the golden water to stir.

At this time, the gold water is about to condense, and the resistance to stirring is quite large.

But this is also the temperature Lu Fei wants most.

After stirring for a dozen times, Lu Fei smiled at Xiao Ma.

"Brother, go to the corner and hold up the iron rod."

"Brother Yuan, light the blowtorch and get ready."

"Xiang'er, step aside, don't hurt me!"

Everyone was ready. Lu Fei stirred a few more times at a faster speed and suddenly pulled out the chopsticks.

At this time, all the gold water in the stove had adhered to the two chopsticks.

Then, Lu Fei quickly stretched his hands, pulling the golden water into a line, and then intertwined with each other and continued to stretch.

It looks like the candy sold in Guangdong and Guangxi, and also like halal ramen.


The speed is so fast that it is dizzying.

After pulling for half a minute, Lu Fei suddenly rushed to the pony.

The hands were pulled apart again, and the gold water between the two chopsticks turned into a cylinder as thick as a thumb.

His left hand went around the iron rod in Xiao Ma's hand, and then he caught it.

Lu Fei stretched his hands quickly while retreating at a constant speed.

As Lu Fei retreated, the half-condensed golden water as thick as a thumb slowly became thinner and longer.

Getting thinner and longer.

Lu Fei stepped back five meters, and the golden water had completely dimmed and turned solid.

At this time, the original thickness of the thumb has become close to the thickness of a toothpick.

Lu Fei continued to stretch, and the strength of the iron rod in Xiao Ma's hand gradually increased.

"Brother Yuan, heat up Pony's side."


Gao Yuan agreed, and the blowtorch immediately came forward.

"Too close, farther away."

"A little further."

"Okay, that's it."

Lu Fei continued to pull back while commanding.

After stepping back nearly eight meters, the golden threads were almost as thick as hair.

"Fei, it's almost done!"

"If you stretch it any longer, it will break." Chen Xiang said nervously.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"It doesn't matter, I know what's going on."

Lu Fei took another step back and ordered Gao Yuan to turn off the fire.

At this time, the golden thread was much thinner than hair.

"Honey, can you help me wipe the sweat?"



Chen Xiang took out a towel and helped Lu Fei wipe the sweat from his face. Lu Fei smiled at Chen Xiang and started knitting with his hands.

Lu Fei's hand speed was extremely fast, so fast that it was dazzling.

This scene reminded Chen Xiang of the time when Lu Fei weaved a protective plaque for him.

I couldn't help but take out my mobile phone and start taking pictures.

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