A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1909: Making things old

The people evacuated and the officers and soldiers were stationed.

However, this still did not prevent strange things from happening.

Just when Gai Jinlong was about to go crazy, several Taoist priests came to Xiushui Village.

One of the Quanzhen Taoist priests named Gu Zhenyuan told Gai Jinlong that the murder here should be caused by evil spirits.

Gai Jinlong didn't believe it at first, but the development of things couldn't help but make him disbelief.

He had no choice but to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor and ask Gu Zhenyuan for help.

That night, Gu Zhenyuan set up a legal platform in the village and ordered no one to watch.

When the time comes, the wind and clouds suddenly change, the wind suddenly rises, and the sand and rocks are flying.

Most of the Qing soldiers heard the roaring and killing sounds mixed with the wind.

The strong wind lasted for half an hour and then suddenly stopped.

The little Taoist priest came to Gai Jinlong and informed him that Yaoxie had been killed.

Gai Jinlong was overjoyed and took his lieutenants to watch the ceremony.

When we got closer, everyone was dumbfounded.

Gu Zhenyuan was covered with bruises and was sitting on the ground breathing heavily.

And lying on the ground not far from him was a large catfish weighing a hundred pounds.

There is also a small sword woven with copper coins and gold wire stuck on Catfish's chest.

Logically speaking, copper coins have no edge and cannot penetrate into the belly of a fish.

But now it really penetrated.

The smelly blood gushed out along the copper coin sword.

Looking at the big catfish, it has been dead for a long time.

Gu Zhenyuan told Gai Jinlong.

There were a series of murders in Xiushui Village, and the culprit was this catfish spirit.

This catfish spirit had at least two hundred years of Taoism. Gu Zhenyuan risked his life and finally killed this beast with the Taoist treasure Tiangang Sword.

From then on, Xiushui Village returned to peace.

Whether this happened or not, no one saw it.

However, this story is clearly recorded in the Quanzhen Classics.

And the Tiangang Sword, which can kill two hundred years of Taoist catfish spirits, became famous.

Countless wealthy people planned to spend huge sums of money to buy this Wushang magic weapon, but all of them

Didn't get what I wanted.

Not getting is always the best.

The more this happens, the greater the reputation of Tiangang Sword becomes.

Therefore, it has been passed down through the generations, and the Tiangang Sword has been passed down to an existence comparable to Pangu's Sky-Opening Axe.

Although they couldn't buy it, some powerful people were proud enough to see the Tiangang Sword with their own eyes.

In the Republic of China, warlords were separatist and weapons were everywhere, and the people were in dire straits.

Many warlords began to have the idea of ​​​​Tiangang Sword.

As the saying goes, if you are not afraid of thieves stealing, you are afraid of thieves missing you.

After escaping several disasters in a row, Tiangang Sword did not escape the fate of being robbed in the end.

Fifteen years after the Republic of China, there was no news about the Tiangang Sword.

But there are many pictures about Tiangang Sword that have been passed down.

Not to mention it, there is one in Zhao Yuting's room in Yanqing.

When he went to Yanqing to watch that day, Lu Fei saw it with his own eyes.

Lu Fei himself has researched the Tiangang Sword.

In the Taoist classics, the information about the Tiangang Sword was clearly understood.

The so-called Tiangang refers to the thirty-six Tiangang stars.

To make the Tiangang Sword, the Kaiyuan copper coins of thirty-six emperors were used.

These thirty-six emperors are the eighteenth emperors of the Song Dynasty, the sixteenth emperors of the Ming Dynasty, and the grandsons of Kangxi and Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty.

It is not easy to collect all the Kaiyuan copper coins of these thirty-six emperors.

All else is easy to say, but the Hongwu Tongbao of Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the Ming Dynasty, has only a pitifully small number of copies handed down from generation to generation.

There is also the Jianlong Tongbao of Song Taizu Zhao Kuangyin, which is even rarer.

Gao Yuan tried every means, but in the end there were only six pieces left.

In the end, thanks to Meng Xianguo's help.

When Lao Meng started his business in Xiaonanmen, he mainly dealt with ancient coins.

He himself receives it

Tibetan ancient coins also have special preferences.

It just so happened that Meng Xianguo had the six copper coins that Gao Yuan needed in stock, so he could get them together so quickly.

Chen Xiang didn't understand the reputation of Tiangang Sword, but Gao Yuan knew very well what this treasure meant to the Taoist sect.

"Xiao Fei, what are you going to do with this Tiangang Sword?" Gao Yuan asked.

"Give it away!"

"To whom?"

"Zhao Yuting!"


"Aren't you just joking?"

"You made this Tiangang Sword, it's fake!"

"If someone finds out and turns against you, you will have offended the whole of Quanzhen for no reason!"

"This is no joke."

"Besides, Master Zhao helped you, so it's not appropriate for you to use fakes to fool others, isn't it?" Gao Yuan said.

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Calm down, calm down, okay?"

"You know it's fake because you saw me making it."

"Zhenren Zhao has never seen the Tiangang Sword, how could he recognize it?"


"Can the one I just made be the same as a centuries-old magical weapon?"

"Zhenzhen Zhao is not a fool, how could he not recognize him?"

"Let me tell you, I firmly oppose your doing this this time."

"If someone really exposes you, you will be in big trouble." Gao Yuan yelled.

Lu Fei handed Gao Yuan a cigarette and asked him to sit down calmly.

He put his hand into the basin and fished out the Tiangang Sword made by himself.

Taking out a towel and wiping off the water stains on it, Lu Fei admired it for a moment, then handed it to Gao Yuan with a smile.

Gao Yuan took one look and stood up suddenly, his eyes almost bulging out.

The Tiangang Sword in front of me is similar to half a child

The one I made before was completely different.

When it was first made, the golden threads were dazzling, bright and luxurious.

But taking it out of the water is different.

The surface of the gold wire is coated with a layer of dark brown patina.

Moreover, the patina is very natural and looks like it has been used for hundreds of years.

Gao Yuan rubbed his hand on the gold wire, but couldn't wipe it off at all.

I rubbed it vigorously with a white towel and it didn't fade, which is amazing.

"Brother, your old look is too perfect, isn't it?"

"Can you get away with this?" Gao Yuan asked.

"Of course not, there are still two steps."

Lu Fei said as he prepared two pots of potion again.

One pot is red and one pot is yellow.

First, soak it in the red potion for five minutes, then take it out, look at it, and throw it directly into the yellow basin.

After letting it sit for fifteen minutes, I took out the Tiangang Sword and found that the effect was completely different.

The patina of the copper coins is more rounded and looks full of traces of time.

The color of the gold wire is darker.

"Brother Gao, smell it."

Gao Yuan got closer and smelled it, and there was a faint smell of blood. This was incredible.

"Brother Gao, I have seen the description of the Tiangang Sword in the classics."

"I also saw the picture of Tiangang Sword in Zhenren Zhao's room."

"The Tiangang Sword consists of thirty-six Kaiyuan Emperor copper coins, connected in series with gold wire woven talismans."

"Every step I take is done according to the classics."

"I can guarantee that Zhao Yuting will never be able to tell."

"Not only him, but no one in the Taoist sect can see it."

"Even if I compare it with the real Tiangang Sword, I am absolutely confident." Lu Fei said.

"But, brother, why did you do this?"

"Aren't you lying?"

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