A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1910 Headache

The Tiangang Sword is perfectly aged. Gao Yuan looked at it for a long time and couldn't see anything wrong with it.

But no matter what, this thing is a fake made by Lu Fei after all.

Gao Yuan questioned, but Lu Fei laughed.

"Brother Gao, you really don't have to worry."

"This Tiangang Sword is indeed going to be given to Zhao Yuting, but nothing will happen to it."

"This is just a gift. Let him understand whether it is true or false."

"I didn't tell him I did it, and I didn't comment."

"I won't ask him for a penny."

"Even if he sees it's a fake, he won't blame me."

"Do you think this is true?"

Gao Yuan thought for a while, and it seemed that this was really the case!

As long as Lu Fei didn't defraud them of their money under the guise of a genuine Tiangang Sword, there was nothing wrong with him.

After thinking about it clearly, Gao Yuan stopped entangled.

Lu Fei packed up his things. Without the excitement, Chen Xiang couldn't open his eyes.

After saying goodbye to Gao Yuan and the other two, Lu Fei carried his wife back to the backyard to sleep.

After Chen Xiang was settled, Lu Fei was preparing to take a bath when Fatty Wang called.

"Tatters fly!"

"I have given you the information about Maojia Village that you asked for. You can read it yourself."

"So fast?" Lu Fei asked in surprise.


“There is strength in numbers!”

"This is nothing."

"Fat man, thank you!"

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me, just read the information first!"

"After reading it in a while, if you don't scold me, I will be like Amitabha."

"Then let's do this for now, I'm going to sleep!"

With that said, Fatty hung up the phone.

He took out his laptop and went to the outer room, lit a cigarette and opened the information sent by the fat man.

Seeing this, Lu Fei really had the urge to scold his mother.

Good guy!

Before the 32nd year of the Republic of China, a man named Mao

There are 2,331 place names in Jiacun.

The key area in North China circled by Lu Fei turned out to be the hardest-hit area.

There are more than 800 place names called Maojiacun.

This can cost your life.

More than 800 people were investigated one by one, not to mention that the little milk dog would not be able to get married in time.

It is estimated that his son may not be able to make it to his first birthday.

Looking at such scary data, Lu Fei suddenly had the idea of ​​giving up.

However, this thought only passed by for a moment.

The funerary objects stolen by Sun Dianying were priceless.

There are more than a thousand genuine items recorded in "Ai Yuexuan Notes" alone.

This does not include the unrecorded burial objects of Emperor Qianlong.

And there are less than fifty of these treasures circulating outside, so where have the remaining large quantities of treasures gone?

It must have been hidden by Ya.

Sun Dianying has been dead for so many years, but those treasures still haven't appeared.

So Lu Fei is 100% sure that no one will take out those babies.

As for the two pieces of jewelry on the mezzanine of the Zhong family, they should be stolen from Mi Xi when she hid the treasure.

There aren't too many people hiding treasures. Even if each person has two treasures, it's still a drop in the bucket.

The rest are the big fat sheep!

Facing the fat and oily sheep, Lu Fei certainly couldn't give up easily.

Not to mention that the puppy's son would not reach his first birthday, even if it took ten or eight years, Lu Fei would still have to find him.

After glancing at the general data, Lu Fei put on a cigarette and paced in the living room, thinking.

My mind was racing, imagining all the possibilities.

After smoking two cigarettes in a row, my eyes suddenly lit up and I suddenly had an idea in my mind.

Lu Fei put himself in his shoes and thought, if he were Sun Dianying, where would he hide so much ill-gotten wealth?

It must be from

I think it's the safest place.

At that time, the army was roaming around and there was no fixed location at all. It was absolutely unsafe to bury them anywhere.

Compared with other places, the safest thing is your own roots.

People in the old society had feudal ideas. No matter where they were, what they cared about most was their hometown.

What I care about most is my ancestral grave.

Therefore, the ancestral home is the relatively safest place.

After thinking about this clearly, Lu Fei immediately turned on the computer and started searching.

Lu Fei knew that Sun Dianying's ancestral home was in Zhongzhou.

The specific location is Yongcheng County, Guide Prefecture.

But according to the information Fatty gave him, during the Republic of China, there was no place named Maojia Village in Yongde County.

However, there is a place called Maojia Village in neighboring Gu County.

But there is a distance of more than 30 kilometers from Sun Dianying’s ancestral home.

Apart from this, there is no Maojia Village within a hundred miles.

Could it be here?

But is this distance too far?

Can Sun Dianying hide the treasure in Linxian County?

Forget it, don’t think about it now.

Since there is a Maojia Village near his ancestral home, he must go and take a look.

If you get hit by yourself, you'll be very lucky.

After delineating this location, Lu Fei searched for information about this location again.

Fortunately, that village is still called Maojia Village and has not changed its name.

I’ll tell you whether it’s specific or not, I’ll go over there tomorrow and have a look.

Maojia Village in Gu County was delineated, and another name came to Lu Fei's mind, that was the owner of the military officer's certificate, Li Changshan.

The military officer's ID card states that Li Changshan is also from Zhongzhou.

His ancestral home is Shigang County, Fuyang, Zhongzhou.

According to his own judgment, Li Changshan should be the person in charge of the task of burying the treasure.

Moreover, he and Sun Dianying are both from Zhongzhou, so this possibility is even greater.

Since it is Li Changshan

If you are responsible for burying treasures, will you bury the treasures near your home in order to deceive others?

It's not impossible.

Thinking of this, Lu Fei immediately searched for information about Fuyang Shigang County.

After checking this, Lu Fei broke into a cold sweat.

There is only one Maojia Village within a hundred miles of Sun Dianying's hometown.

But there are eleven Maojia villages in Fuyang, Li Changshan's hometown.

There are three within the direct jurisdiction of Shigang County alone.

This is too exaggerated!

All right!

Three is three.

After all, this is a clue. If there are no clues in Gu County, even thirty of them must be investigated here.

After making a cup of fragrant tea, Lu Fei closed his eyes and rested for two minutes.

Drink some water to clear your head, and then analyze the three Maojia villages in Shigang County, Li Changshan's hometown.

Currently, two of the three Maojia villages have changed their names.

One is called Laohegou Village and the other is called Xiaganzi Village.

Each name is more rude than the last, and I don’t know who gave it to me. It feels like it’s not as smooth as Maojia Village.

Lu Fei sorted out the three villages based on his feeling, and then went back to his house to sleep.

After breakfast the next day, Lu Fei asked Chen Xiang for his opinion.

"Honey, we have to go out for business. Should you go to Malaysia first, or stay at Brother Li's house temporarily?"

"I'll go with you." Chen Xiang said firmly.

"This time I have to climb a mountain, which is very hard."

"I'm not afraid. You said you wanted to surprise me."

"But haven't you found a surprise yet?"

"Be obedient and go to Brother Li's house to stay with your sister-in-law for two days. If you find a surprise, I will definitely come back to pick you up."

"Can I let you witness it with your own eyes?" Lu Fei asked.

"How many days are you going out this time?"

"In three days at most, if we can't find it, we will have to go to Malaysia."

"Oh well!"

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