A treasure-appraisal maniac

Chapter 1914 Good News

Mao Liqing left, and Lu Fei asked Xiao Ma to drive while he took out his computer and started tinkering.

"Brother Fei, where are we going now?"

"Wait a moment first."

Lu Fei checked for a few minutes and suddenly laughed.

"Drive to Baoding Prefecture, Zhili."


"What are you doing there?"

Lu Fei chuckled.

"Don't you want to see the Sun family's ancestral graves?"

"I grant your wish."

"You mean, the ancestral grave of Sun Dianying's family is in Baoding Mansion?" Xiao Ma asked in disbelief.

"That's right!"

"Sun Dianying is a migrant, and his ancestral home is Baoding Prefecture, Zhili."

Xiao Ma's words before woke up the dreamer.

There is no ancestral grave of the Sun family in Sunzhuang Village. That is because Sun Dianying was not from Zhongzhou at all.

His ancestral home is in Baoding Prefecture, Zhili.

Although Sun Dianying was born as a ruffian, his ancestors were quite remarkable.

In the late Ming Dynasty, there was a famous patriotic general named Sun Chengzong, whose courtesy name was Zhisheng and his nickname was Kaiyang.

Sun Chengzong was once the teacher of Zhu Youxuan, Emperor Xizong of Ming Dynasty.

Later, he replaced Wang Zai as the governor of Jiliao in Jin Dynasty. He built the 200-mile defense line of Ningjin and commanded an army of 110,000 people. He made outstanding achievements and was jealous of Wei Zhongxian, so he resigned and returned to his hometown.

When Huang Taiji surrounded Kyoto, Zhu Youjian urgently summoned Sun Chengzong to strategize and repel the Qing army.

But not long after, Sun Chengzong was impeached by the ministers of the DPRK. Sun Chengzong resigned and returned to his hometown again, where he lived in Gaoyang County for seven years.

Tired officials went to the Ministry of War, Shangshu, Taifu, etc.

In the eleventh year of Chongzhen, the Qing army launched a massive attack. Sun Chengzong led his family to defend Gaoyang, but the city was broken and captured. He hanged himself to death. His five sons, six grandsons, two nephews, and eight grandnephews all died in the battle.

In the first year of Hongguang's reign, he was posthumously awarded the title of Imperial Master by Nanming, with the posthumous title of "Wenzhong".

Qianlong, Emperor Gaozong of the Qing Dynasty, also gave him the posthumous title of "Zhongding".

This is Sun Dianying's ancestor.

This is not Lu Fei's imagination, there are clear records in historical materials.


The family tree is clearly written.

There is no historical record of how the Sun family settled in Zhongzhou.

But the fact that our ancestors had such an awesome boss like Sun Chengzong was the Sun family’s supreme honor.

Since there is such an awesome ancestor, no matter what the descendants are like or where they are, the ancestral graves will definitely not be moved.

This is tradition and rule.

When Xiao Ma mentioned Sun Dianying's ancestral grave, Lu Fei immediately thought of Sun Chengzong.

Lu Fei was overjoyed when he turned on his computer to look for the information sent by Fatty.

In Gaoyang County, Baoding Prefecture, Zhili Province, there was indeed a Maojia Village during the Republic of China.

And now it is also called Maojiacun.

What's more coincidental is that the next door to Maojia Village is called Sunjiadian, which is the ancestral home of Sun Chengzong.

Where is the Wenzhong Temple commemorating Sun Chengzong, and the Sun family's ancestral graves are also there.

What such a coincidence means is tacit.

Lu Fei told what he knew about the situation, and the two Gao Yuan brothers were also very excited.

When we got on the expressway, everyone stopped and the three brothers took turns driving.

At 3:30 in the afternoon, I finally saw the advertising board "Welcome to Maojia Village".

Gaoyang is a plain area. As far as you can see, apart from private houses, there are green wheat fields everywhere.

The three brothers discussed it and instead of going directly to the village, they bypassed Maojiacun and came to Sunjiadian.

The three of them acted as tourists, bought tickets to visit Wenzhong Temple, and bought a lot of souvenirs.

When I returned to the parking lot, I was immediately surrounded by a large group of fellow villagers soliciting guests to stay at the hotel.

"Boss, it's getting late. Can I stay in the hotel?"

"Boss, our house has a private bathroom, 24-hour hot water, and eight major cuisines!"

"Boss, our home is clean and safe."



The billboard in the hands of the fellow villagers, a billboard for a company called Qingyuan B\u0026B, caught Lu Fei's attention.

Because this B\u0026B happens to be in Maojia Village.

The fellow who held the sign saw Lu Fei paying attention to him and immediately came up to greet him.

"Boss, our B\u0026B is newly opened. It's clean and sanitary, and the internet speed is super fast."

"Is there hot water?" Lu Fei asked. ??

"Of course, we build them according to star hotel standards."

“Hardware and software facilities are all available.”

"And, there's free breakfast."

"How much does a room cost?"

"It's not expensive, only three hundred yuan."

"Okay, this is your home."

"Fellow, please get in the car and lead the way!"

After being selected by Lu Fei, the fellow thanked him repeatedly and smiled from ear to ear.

The other fellow villagers only regretted saying goodbye.

The fellow sat in the front and Lu Fei drove the car himself.

"Uncle, is there anything interesting in your village?" Lu Fei asked.

"Yes, I have!"

"There is a reservoir in our village. If you stay at our B\u0026B, you can go fishing in the reservoir for free."

“There is also a go-kart track, which is very lively on weekends.”

"There is also our farm picking garden, which has all kinds of seasonal fruits and vegetables."

When talking about this, the fellow villagers were eloquent.

Lu Fei handed him a cigarette and smiled.

"Man, I heard that there is a Dragon King Temple in your village."

"Is it real?"

When they asked this question, Lu Fei and his three brothers felt their hearts trembling unconsciously, feeling somewhat guilty.

If he heard answers like "No" or "I don't know" again, Lu Fei would really have no choice.

But unexpectedly, the fellow nodded decisively.

"Yes, I have!"


Hearing this affirmative answer, Lu Feibi ate some ginseng

Langshunqi Pill is much more enjoyable.

Not to mention, I feel so energetic all over my body.

Feeling is just one word.


"Really?" Lu Fei asked excitedly.

"Of course, can I lie to you?"


"I'm not saying you lied to me, I was just a little surprised."

"We also heard from our previous tour guide that there is a Dragon King Temple in Maojia Village."

"We have been to other temples, but we have never seen what the Dragon King Temple is like."

"Can you take us to see it later?" Lu Fei asked.

"no problem!"

"The Dragon King Temple is right next to the reservoir. I will arrange a room for you soon and I will take you there myself."

"Thank you, man."

"You are welcome."

"Actually, the Dragon King Temple is not what you think. It is just a small shrine housing the Dragon King's tablet and clay statue."

"Usually, people only go to worship on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar month."

"Also, during the dog days, the village will hold a ceremony to pray for rain, and that's it."

Lu Fei nodded and continued to ask.

"Man, did you build the Dragon King Temple in your village yourself?"

The fellow said, waving his hands.

"That's not true."

"It is said that the Dragon King Temple is hundreds of years old."

"It is the Dragon King Temple that ensures good weather in our villages."

"Speak of evil nature!"

"Five years ago, there were continuous heavy rains in our Gaoyang area, and the riverbeds swelled."

"Crops in more than 30 villages upstream and downstream were flooded, causing heavy losses."

"The floods reached our area and destroyed the dam on the west side. They diverted the dam along the reed pond and bypassed it."

"The five villages near us didn't suffer any damage at all."

"This is all the blessing of the Dragon King!"

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